THE WORLD IS HEARING THE MESSAGE - Christianity Is Spreading Globally
  The news media thrives on bad news. The picture we get is that God is losing out and the bad guys are winning. But the reality is that all over the world there are great victories and huge gains in the fight for men’s souls.

Every day another 74 000 people come to faith in Christ. That’s 3 083 new fellow believers every hour of every day! An average of 3 500 new churches are opening every week worldwide.
Thousands of ministries you’ve probably never heard of are diligently multiplying fellowships of new believers.

God is using electronic media: Today there are 1 050 national or international broadcasting agencies producing Christian programming on more than 4 000 Christian Radio and TV stations. More than three billion people have viewed Christian films such as the Jesus film - which has been shown in 228 countries, with no less than 197 298 327 viewers indicating a commitment to Christ.
We are so used to bad news that the good news sounds unbelievable.
But the facts are that globally there are 3 450 000 churches representing 33 800 denominations with 4 000 mission agencies who field 419 500 missionaries.
There are 23 000 para-church organisations and 220 000 Christian schools and 35 500 Christian medical centres and hospitals.
Wow! Look at what God is doing!
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