On various occasions God spoke to us about the publication of a Christian newspaper. The saying "One drop of ink makes thousands, perhaps, millions think", kept repeating itself in our hearts and we realised that the written word is able to touch the lives of thousands of people. Even those who may not always be reached by ministers or spiritual leaders in the comfort of their own homes. The written word, if worthwhile, does not generally make an appeal on a person's attention for only a fleeting second but may be read over and over again if interesting or gripping enough.
After seventeen years in full-time ministry we both suffered from "burn-out". Not one of us were able to cope with a full-time vocation and we tried in various ways to "keep the kettle boiling!" Thus we never thought it possible to start such a project ? also due to the fact that we had no "nest egg" of any kind.
On November 7, 1996 the Lord challenged us to "walk on the water" (Matthew 14:28-32). We prayed and fasted and even shared our vision with other believers, but nothing seemed to happen. On March 7, 1998 however, we experienced a breakthrough! A dear child of God heard God's voice and bought us the necessary computer equipment to the value of R12 000!
Soon after, two other persons gave us R5 000 in obedience to the call of God, and we were able to buy some more soft ware. Yet another R4 000 enabled us to give birth to the very first edition of Goeie Nuus/Good News during April 1998!
It became our full-time endeavour and ministry to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. We started by printing and distributing 10 000 copies free of charge in Potchefstroom, North West (from home-to-home). We earnestly prayed that God would use the articles and testimonies to His glory and to the upliftment of His children and that unsaved people might come to Him through the good news we shared!
A year later our circulation increased to 22 000 when the Lord incited us to also include Klerksdorp in our outreach endeavour. Stilfontein and Hartbeesfontein followed suit and we distributed 27 000 copies monthly since May 2000. On June 5, 2001 we also included Orkney on our list of towns being reached with the good news. Since then we have been distributing 31 000 papers monthly from home-to-home free of charge.
Further expansion followed: Parys (2004), Ottosdal, Tosca and Ventersdorp (2005), the Molopo Region (2006), Delareyville (2007), and Fochville (January 2009).
"Small beginnings" grew from 1 town (10 000 papers p.m.) during 1998 to 12 towns (40 000 papers p.m.) in 2009. To date nearly 7 000 000 free copies have been distributed. What is most important, however, is that during the past 12 years so many people's lives have been changed forever!
Goeie Nuus/Good News is a non-profitable, independent Family Ministry not being funded or overseen by any specific Church Denomination or Assembly. We endeavour to serve all true believers irrespective of Church affiliation and we try to reach people of all walks of life who has not already accepted Jesus Christ as personal Saviour with the Gospel.
We are able to print and distribute this paper free of charge because we enjoy the support of our advertisers and cheerful givers who heed the Voice of God. We truly believe that He will bless them in abundance because they enable us to promote His Word to approximately 160 000 readers!
It still often happens that we have to "walk on the water" but we rejoice in the Lord Who is faithful and carries us through time and time again! We can testify of His goodness and mercy and thank Him that we have been able to distribute 4 369 200 papers since April 1998 up to April 2010! Those people who know us well enough, will really agree with us wholeheartedly in saying:
Truly, no man could have done this without the grace and help of GOD!
"Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song. For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker."
(Psalm 95:1-3,6 NIV).
- Publishers