Page 2 - Good News August 2012 paper
P. 2

ie  Pinkster  Protestante  Sept. 1972 word die kerk ingewy.
                Kerk,  Sentraal  Gemeente,     Dit was 'n dag van groot vreugde
          DPotchefstroom  vier  op  en dankbaarheid teenoor God vir
          Sondag 2 Sept. die kerk se 40ste     al  Sy  goedheid,  voorsiening  en
          verjaarsdag. Dit is 'n wonderlike    troue sorg.
          en groot mylpaal en ons wil getuig   Op 9 Maart 1974 is Pastoor Hennie
          van die groot weldade van God!       &  mev.  Pop  du  Preez  as  eerste
          Pastoor  Freddie  Lubbe  van  voltydse  herderspaar  bevestig.
          Worcester  sal  ons  gasspreker      Na 38 jaar is hulle steeds getrou
          wees en daar sal mooi sang- en       op hul pos as herderspaar.
          musiek-items  gelewer  word.  'n     Deur  die  groot  genade  van  die
          Reünie van lidmate wat deur die      Here  is  daar  geen  skuld  op  die   Dit is alles te danke aan God se
          jare  hier  aanbid  het,  sal  gehou   kerk  en  pastorie  nie.  Die  onmeetlike genade en daarom wil
          word  asook  'n  kransleggings-      gemeente  kan  getuig  van  groot     ons  Hom  loof  vir  al  Sy  wonder-
          plegtigheid vir diegene wat reeds    seëninge deur die jare.               dade!
          ontslaap het.                        Baie  mense  noem  hierdie  kerk      Pastoor  Hennie  &  Pop  du  Preez
          Hierdie  gemeente  is  op  8  Nov.   “Huis  van  Genade”omdat  hon-        (018 294 5587).
          1969 in die huis van wyle mnr. &     derde  kosbare  mense  wat  deur
         mev.  Hennie  Boshoff  gestig.  die  gevoellose  wêreld  neergevel
         Daarna is begin om die kerkgebou      is,  hulp  en  genade  hier  ontvang
         op te rig in Rivierstraat, en op 2    het.

            magine  trying  to  explain  the   wounds.
            good  news  of  Jesus  without     When  Helen  returned,  he  was
          Iusing the word 'love'!   It is not   calling on the spirits to discover
          possible, is it?                     which  one  had  to  be  appeased.
          For several years, Helen and Ray     Helen,  convinced  that  the  two
          Elliot had been living with the Ixil   sorts of prayer and the two sorts
          people  of  Nabaj,  Guatemala,  of  medicine  would  not  mix,
          learning their language, but they    challenged the parents to choose.
          had  been  unable  to  find  an  Ixil   The healer was furious, but he had
          word  for  love…until  tragedy  to leave as the parents decided to
          struck!                              try Helen's way.
          Fireworks,  stored  for  a  carnival,   She prayed and patiently tended
          were  accidentally  set  off  and  in   the  boy's  wounds,  treating  both
          the  explosion  two  boys  were      with equal care, although the local
          badly  burned.  One  boy  was  people expected her to favour the
          Indian,  and  the  other  a  Spanish   Spanish boy.
          Guatemalan.                          On  the  twentieth  day  Helen
          Helen was called, and arrived to     arrived to find an old Indian lady
         find that the parents had applied     watching  them.  This  particular
         motor  oil  and  wood  ash  to  the   day  she  treated  the  Indian  boy
         burns.  She  had  no  medical  first. The old woman was deeply
         training, but she prayed. Then she    touched and said, “See how she
         rushed  off  to  town  and  bought    treats him, such shon. ”
         penicillin  and  morphine.  She  Shon?        What was that? As Helen
         cleaned the wounds and applied        began  to  realize  the  meaning  of
         bandages.                             the word she wept - 'a love that
         Soon after she had left, the local    gives without expecting.' Here at
         traditional healer arrived. He was    last  was  a  way  to  tell  the  Ixil
         angry that someone had usurped        people  that  God  loved  them  all,
         his  role,  and  he  tore  off  the   equally, totally and undeservedly!
         bandages,  breaking  open  the  [Wycliffe News, June 1999].
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