Page 5 - Good News January 2005 paper
P. 5

with  sublimity  of  words  or  of  wisdom.  For  I
              believe that every person
             on earth has some or other        resolved to know nothing while I was with you
          Idesire  that  he/she  would         except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.”
          like  to  see  come  to  fruition    He  redirects  their  focus  from  their  own
          during  the  year  2005,  be  it     achievements  and  capabilities  to  the  Person,
          better  family  relationships,       Jesus  Christ.  Jesus  Christ  was  the  All-
          better  health,  more  wealth,       encompassing and the fulfilment of the desires
          effective  ministry,  etc.           of the heart for Paul; He was both the Power and
          Pastors  dream  of  larger           the Wisdom of God in his life (1 Cor. 1:24). His
          congregations,  increased            highest achievement was to know Christ and to
          i n c o m e ,   n e w   c h u r c h    be found in Him having the righteousness which
          buildings,  new  impetus  in         is from God: “[For my determined purpose is]
          ministry,  etc.  All  these          that I may know Him [that I may progressively
          desires/dreams  most  times          become more deeply and intimately acquainted
          lead to dismay and a feeling         with  Him,  perceiving  and  recognizing  and
          of  worthlessness  when  year        understanding the wonders of His Person more
          end arrives and nothing has          strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that
          transpired.  Why  do  we  so         same way come to know the power outflowing
          often find ourselves in such a       from  His  resurrection  [which  it  exerts  over
          position?  The  answer  is           believers],  and  that  I  may  so  share  His
          simple: We have lost focus!          sufferings as to be continually transformed [in
                                               spirit  into  His  likeness  even]  to  His  death.”
          When gazing at a far-off image
                                               (Philippians 3:10, Amplified Bible).
          through a pair of binoculars,        As you ponder on the possibilities for the year
          one has to set the lenses until  2005, redirect your focus on Him who has called
          good focus on the image has          you from darkness into His glorious light and
                                               allow Him to guide you each step of the way in
          been  achieved.  The  apostle
                                               the  fulfilment  of  your  calling  and  ministry  in
          Paul understood the essence
          of true focus in his life and his    May  the  year  2005  bring  you  into  a  closer
          ministry when he proclaimed  relationship and walk with God than ever before,
          the  following  to  the  Corin-      so that you may fulfil your life-calling in Him.
                                               Peter De Witt
                                                Pentecostal Messenger
          1 Cor. 2:1-2: “When I came to
          you, brothers, proclaiming the
          mystery of God, I did not come

              will, like Paul, forget  those  host, proclaim    the message of
             things which are behind and  peace  on  earth  and  goodwill
          Ipress forward; like David lift  toward all men; and like my Lord
          up  mine  eyes  unto  God  from  Himself,  overcome         all  earthly
          from  Whom  comes  my  help;  allurements  by  refusing  to
          like Abraham, trust   implicitly in  succumb to their enticements.
          my  God;  like  Enoch,  walk    in  Realizing that I cannot hope to
          daily  fellowship  with  my  achieve these objectives by my
          heavenly Father; like Jehosha-       own  strength,  I  will  rely   upon
          phat, prepare   my heart to seek  Christ,  for  “I  can  do  all  things
          God; like Moses, choose     rather  through  Christ  Who  strength-
          to  suffer  than  to  enjoy  the  eneth me.”
          pleasures of sin for a season;  - Knight’s Master Book of New
          like Daniel, commune     with my  Illustrations
          God  at  all  times;  like  Job,  be
          patient    under  all  circum-
          stances; like Caleb and Joshua,
          refuse    to  be  discouraged
          because of superior numbers;
          like Joseph, turn  my back to all
          seductive  advances;  like
          Gideon,  advance    even  though
          my  friends  be  few;  like Aaron
          and  Hur,  uphold   the  hands  of
          my spiritual leaders; like Isaiah,

          consecrate   myself to do God’s
          work; like Andrew, strive  to lead
          my  brother  into  a  closer  walk
          with  Christ;  like  John,  lean
          upon the bosom of the Master
          and  imbibe    of  His  Spirit;  like
          Stephen,  manifest    a  forgiving
          spirit  toward  all  who  seek  my
          life;  like  Timothy,  study   the
          Word of God; like the heavenly
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