Page 8 - Good News May 2011 paper
P. 8

hen  Minister  Joe  Wright  was              profanity  and  pornography  and
                   asked to open the new session of             called it freedom of expression.
          Wthe  Kansas  Senate,  everyone                       We  have  ridiculed  the  time-
          was expecting the usual generalities, but             honoured values of our forefathers
          this is what they heard:                              and called it enlightenment.
          “Heavenly  Father,  we  come  before  You     “Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts
          today to ask Your forgiveness and to seek     today; cleanse us from every sin and set us
          Your  direction  and  guidance.  We  know     free.  Amen!”
          Your Word says, ‘Woe to those who call        The response was immediate. A number of
          evil good’, but that is exactly what we have   legislators walked out during the prayer in
          done.  We  have  lost  our  spiritual  equili-  protest.
          brium and reversed our values.                In 6 short weeks, Central Christian Church,
                 We  have  exploited  the  poor  and    where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more
                 called it the lottery.                 than 5 000 phone calls with only 47 of those
                 We  have  rewarded  laziness  and      calls responding negatively.
                 called it welfare.                     The church is now receiving international
                 We  have  killed  our  unborn  and     requests  for  copies  of  this  prayer  from
                 called it choice.                      India, Africa and Korea.
                 We have shot anti-abortionists and     Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer
                 called it justifiable.                 on  his  radio  program,  “The  Rest  of  the
                 We  have  neglected  to  discipline    Story,” and received a larger response to
                 our children and called it building    this program than any other he has ever
                 self-esteem.                           aired. With the Lord’s help, may this prayer
                 We have abused power and called        sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly
                 it politics.                           become our desire so that we again can be
                 We have coveted our neighbour’s        called “one nation under God.”
                 possessions and called it ambition.    http://
                 We  have  polluted  the  air  with     prayer.html

          Nathan  Hale,  a  great  American  patriot     How important is prayer to you? Is it a habit
          during  the  Revolutionary  War,  was          worth dying for? Or, would someone need
          captured  and  hung  by  British  soldiers.    to pass a law demanding daily prayer or a
          His now famous final words were, “I only       trip  to  the  lions’  den  to  get  you  into  the
          regret that I have but one life to lose for my   habit of prayer? People are willing to die for
          country.”  He  was  willing  to  die  for  his   that which is of great importance to them.
          nation and its freedom.                        Prayer should be that important to us! It is
          During the final days of World War II, it      our  link  to  God.  Without  the  lifeline  of
          was  apparent  that  the  Japanese  were       prayer,  we  grow  spiritually  weak.  Do  not
          fighting a losing battle. Yet many of their    neglect the privilege that God has given to
          pilots, dubbed “kamikaze,” willingly flew      us as His children to pray!  (e-sword)
          suicide missions. There was great honour
          in  dying  for  a  cause.  The  pilots  were
          willing to die for glory.
          Not  long  ago,  a  mother  in  Philadelphia
          went  back  into  a  burning  building  to
          rescue  her  children  who  were  trapped
          inside. After saving two, she died in the
          flames trying to save the other two. The
          mother was willing to die for her children.
          In the ancient empire of Persia, a law was
          passed making it a crime punishable by
          death to pray to anyone but the emperor.
          One aged government official refused to
          obey  the  edict.  It  was  his  habit  to  pray
          three times daily to the one true God. As a
          result,  he  was  cast  into  a  den  of  lions.
          Even  though  God  saved  Daniel,  Daniel
          was still willing to die rather than give up
          his habit of prayer (Daniel 6:3-11).
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