Page 1 - Good News March 2017 paper
P. 1

n  chess,  the  King  is  the  most   This  painting  depicts  two  chess
              important  piece.  When  he  is   players:  one  is  Satan  who  appears
          Itrapped, his whole army loses. The   arrogantly  confident,  and  the  other
          King  can  move  one  square  in  any   player is a man who looks forlorn. If
          direction.                           Satan wins, he gains this man's soul!
          The main goal of chess is to checkmate
          your opponent's King. The King is not   According to legend, an international
          actually  captured  and  removed  from   chess master Paul Morphy visited the
          the board like other pieces. But if the   Museum once and after studying the
          King  is  attacked  ('checked')  and   painting,  noticed  that  the  arrange-
          threatened with capture, it must get out   ment  of  the  chess  pieces  were
          of check immediately.                incorrect. According to him, the devil
          If there is no way to get out of check,   who thought he was winning, was in
          the position is a 'checkmate,' and the   fact  not  winning!  The  man,  who
          side that is checkmated loses. Check-  thought he was losing, could actually
          mate  thus  signifies  a  final  defeat  or   still win the game! His King could still
          deadlock.                            move out of danger. Later on, he could
                                               checkmate  his  opponent,  which
          There  used  to  be  a  painting  in  the   would  make  him  the  winner  of  the
          Louvre Art Museum in Paris, France,   game!
          called "Checkmate". It was painted
          by Friedrich Moritz August Retzsch.   He  called  the  curator  and  they
          It is now in private hands after being   determined that the title didn't fit the
          sold at Christie's in 1999.          scene,  because  the  forlorn-looking
                                                                                     player  actually  had  the  ability  to   Once in a while, we feel like we are
                                                                                     defeat  his  opponent,  though  he   backed  into  a  corner  and  ready  to
                                                                                     obviously  didn't  realize  it.  Morphy   give up. But when those times come,
                                                                                     exclaimed, "The painting is a lie. His   we need to remember that we always
                                                                                     King can still make another move!"   have  one  more  move.  But  the  only
                                                                                     [I heard this story and after doing some   way to discover that move is to accept
                                                                                     investigation, I found that the original   the help of the “Master”. He is the
                                                                                     story  was  published  in  a  chess   One Who knows us even better than
                                                                                     magazine in 1898/99. Various sermons   we know ourselves. He knows who we
                                                                                     were  based  on  it  afterwards.  See   are,  how  we  feel,  and  what  we  are
                                                                            ]              capable of. He knows our strengths
                                                                                and our weaknesses. When we turn it
                                                                                     2011/07/checkmate.html               over to Him and let Him show us how
                                                                             to win, we will always be victorious!
                                                                                     ng-chess-with-the-devil/             Even in our darkest hour, when there
                                                                                seems  to  be  no  hope  in  sight,  the
                                                                                                                          Master can come and show us a path
                                                                                           The Lesson to be Learnt        to  victory.  There  is  always  another
                                                                                     Every day we are in a battle for our   move for us!
                                                                                     souls.  The  devil  makes  a  move,  we
                                                                                     make a move. Back and forth we go.   - A little boy with two fishes and a few
                                                                                     Sometimes we seem to be winning and
                                                                                                                                   Continued on p. 2
                                                                                     sometimes we feel like we are losing.         Continued on p. 2
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