Page 3 - Good News April 2019 paper
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Christian Consensus in SA -

                                         Christians, Arise!

         Economist,  author  and  public       points  below.  WhatsApp  is          7.  Sanctity  of  life  (respect  all   is  ready  for  change.  These
         speaker Dr Arno van Niekerk has       preferable.                           forms of life; no abortion; quality   leaders are listening to the voice
         launched an innovative campaign                 medical care).                       of God's people expressed by the
         to give South African Christians                                            8.  Inclusive  &  productive  Christian Consensus           and they are
         an  opportunity  to  speak  with  a      Christian Consensus in SA:         economy  (job  creation;  ending     responding  with  commitments.
         united voice about what they want     1.   Zero  tolerance  for  crime   (no   poverty  &  inequality;  resource   The good news on all fronts is that
         for the country.                      corruption,  no  rape  and  no        stewardship & agriculture a major    a  great  awakening  of  God's
                                               discrimination;  end  all  murders;   priority  to  all;  support  entrepre-  people  is  taking  place  in  South
         In an initiative which he says was    severe & fair legal action).          neurship;  eco-friendly  and  -      Africa. Support for the Christian
         inspired by God “out of the blue”,    2. Government fully accountable       efficiency; reduced debt levels).    Consensus  are  now  almost  a
         he  asked  about  200  Christian      to  the  people   (proper  service    9.  High-quality  education  to  all   million  people  standing  up  for
         leaders  around  SA  to  list  10     delivery;  clean,  transparent  &     (parent control, good discipline &   righteousness!!!  Christians  are
         principles  /  focus  points  that    inclusive  governance;  effective     learning  environments;  basic  the majority. South Africa's future
         would be their highest priority if a   system).                             skills;  uproot  liberal  agenda;  is in our hands!
         Christian Government took office.     3.  Peace,  not  war   (healing  the   empower  &  create  opportunities
         “The correlation was great. Most      nation (love); true reconciliation &   for the youth; become tech-wise).   We  need  to  change  the  whole
         of the leaders identified the very    restitution;  ethical  nation-        10.  Religious  freedom  (religious   atmosphere in the nation with an
         same values,” he said.                building;  taking  care  of  the      rights  &  private  ownership;  awareness  of  God's  Presence,
                                               vulnerable;  protect  cultural        church's voice to be heard more;     destiny  and  purposes  so  that
         Now  he  has  launched  a  social     identities).                          freedom of speech).                  drastic change will come on and
         media  campaign  in  which  SA        4.  Leadership  that  honours  God                                         after  8  May  2019.  We  need  a
         Christians are asked to respond       (servant  leaders  unashamed  of           A  GREAT AWAKENING              STRATEGY. Here it is:
         with a YES if they agree with the     faith; skilled, integrity, humility &        IN SOUTH AFRICA!              Step 1:  On 30 March there will be a
         leaders’  10  points  of  consensus   inspired vision; self-disciplined).   We  are  all  concerned  about  our   national  #PrayerActivation  kick-
         which are listed below.               5. Laws that glorify God  (laws that   country. But we are also hopeful    started by Dr Arthur Frost.                  don't contradict the Bible; Consti-   that a  divine intervention will take   Step  2:   On  6 April  top  Christian
                                               tution  that  pays  due  respect  to   place! The truth is God wants to    leaders are uniting in Pretoria to
         We need every Christian in South      Almighty  God;  judicial  indepen-    use  you  and  me  to  bring  true   sign  a  Declaration  to  officially
         Africa to rise up and make their      dence;  strong  police,  army  &      change.  He  wants  us  to  be  make  South  Africa  a  Kingdom
         voice heard. It is now or never! Let   immigration control).                instruments  of  His  divine  inter-  Nation.
         us  share  this  message  far  and    6.  Biblical  family  values   (hus-  vention (Isaiah 59:14-20).           Step 3:  On 20 April an important
         wide,  and  let  us  speak  in  unity.   band,  wife  &  children;  staying                                      Prayer Meeting will take place in
         Send  "YES"  to  082  608  5711   to   faithful; sexual purity; centrality &   From my meetings with political   JHB  where  political  leaders  and
         indicate your agreement with the      unity of households in society).      leaders I can tell you South Africa   other  leaders  will  intercede
                                                                                                                          strongly  for  South  Africa.  No
              KUTLWANELO YA BAKERESETE                                                                                    politics that day; only prayer.
                                                                                                                          Step 4:
                                                                                                                                   Saturday 27 April 2019 is
                                                                                                                          the  Big  Day  when  all  Christians
                              MO AFORIKABORWA:                                                                            wear white and take to the streets
                                                                                                                          for #JesusMarches all over South
                                                                                                                          Africa - big or small. We're calling
                         BAKERESETE TSOGANG!                                                                              it True Freedom Day as we bring a
                                                                                                                          massive shift in the nation. Also
                                                                                                                          on that day, a #MassMeeting wil
          Borre le bomme ba etsho, go na le    Lekwalo  go  tswa  go  Dr  Arno  van   6.  Dingwaelo  tsa  malapa  tse  di   take  place  at  Mount  Zion
          ntwa ya semowa ya go gapa pelo le    Niekerk  wa  Moeteledipele  wa        tsamaisanang le Beibele (rre, mme
          mowa  wa  Aforikaborwa  gone         Kutlwanelo ya Bakeresete.             le  bana;  go  dula  ka  boikanyego,   (Germiston). Everyone welcome!
          jaanong. Ke bana ba Modimo fela                                            boitshepo  jwa  thobalano;  boleng   Step 5:  On 8 May, Christians will
          ba  ba  itseng  go  lwa  ntwa  e  e      BAKERESETE A RE EMELE             le go nna seoposengwe sa malapa      be  #StormingTheElections
          botlhokwa  le  go  fenya  ntwa.         DINTLHA TSE DI LATELANG            mo morafeng).                        prayerfully  &  peacefully  -  again
          Bosula  bo  ka  ntshiwa  fa  re  ema              MMOGO:                   7.  Bo-boitshepo  ba  botshelo       wearing white. Seeing each other
          mmogo  re  le  NNGWE!  Ke  nako      1.  Kamogelano  epe  ya  tshenyo  le   (tlotla  mefuta  yotlhe  ya  bophelo;   in  the  rows  to  vote,  we'll  pray
          gore  lesedi  le  kobe  lefifi  mo   bogodu (Tshenyetso-setšhaba epe,      go ntsha mpa gope, tlhokomelo ya     together. A new nation is birthed
          Aforikaborwa! Ditlhabololo di teng   petelelo epe, kgethololo epe, emisa   boleng jwa kalafo).                  (Isaiah 66:8).
          ka  gore  Bakeresete  ba  simolotse   dipolao tsotlhe, tiragatso ya molao   8.  Ikonomi  e  e  akaretsang  e  e   For more details see
          go ema mme ba simolotse go bua       ka maatla le ka tshiamo).             umang (go tlhola ditiro; kemiso ya
          ka  maatla  le  ka  semmuso!  Re     2. Mmuso o tshwanetse go arabela      bohumanegi  le  tekatekano;          Share    this  message  widely  to
          diketekete le dimilione; lentswe la   gotlhelele  mo  baaging  (go  fana   tlhokomelo  ya  metswedi  le         inspire  people  to  unite  for
          dimilione  le  ka  se  tlhole  le    sentle  ka  ditirelo;  mmuso  o  o    temothuo tse di leng setlapele se    change!!
          didimatswa!                          phepha,  o  o  bonatsang,  o  o       segolo  mo  go  tsotlhe;  kemo-      A  huge  Prayer  Movement  is
          Bana  ba  Modimo  ba  a  bua  mme    akaretsang;  dithulaganyo  tse  di    nokeng ya go simolola sešwa ga       forming and the Lord is using my
          baeteledipele  ba  tlaa  reetsa.     nonofileng).                          dikgwebo;  tlhokomelo  le  tsama-    brother in Christ, Dr Arthur Frost
          KOPANO ke yone tsela e le nngwe      3. Kagiso, e seng ntwa (Phodiso ya    iso e e siameng ya tlholego; go isa   (082  659  2224),    to  improve
          fela  ya  tswelelopele  go  diragatsa   setšhaba  (lerato)  puseletso  le   kwa tlase ga maemo a dikoloto).     people's  prayer  skills.  He  works
          paakanyo ya Aforika-borwa.           kagisanyo ya nnete; kagose-tšhaba     9. Thuto ya maemo a a kwa godimo     with  many  prayer  networks  for
          Dintlha  tse  di  lesome  tse  ke  go   e e maitseo a mantle; tlhokomelo ya   go  botlhe  (taolo  ya  batsadi,   Godly  change  in  South  Africa.
          kopantsha  Bakeresete  le  go        ba ba tlhokang; tshireletso ya ditso   ditikologo tsa thuto le boikwatlhao   Please join in! Let's ALL usher in
          tlhomelwa go fetola Aforika-borwa.   tse di farologaneng).                 tse di siameng; bokgoni jwa theo;
          Ke  nako  jaanong  gore  bana  ba    4.  Baeteledipele  ba  ba  tlotlang   tloso  ya  lenanetema  la  go  batla   God's  divine  destiny  for  South
          Modimo  ba  bue  mme  ba  eme  ka    Modimo  (baeteledipele  ba  ba  sa    gotlhe  mahala,  bulela  bašwa       Africa. Change is coming and God
          dinao mmogo go tlisa phetogo ya      tlhabisweng ke ditlhong ka tumelo;    ditšhono  le  maatla;  nnang         is leading the way!
          nnete!  Rapela  ka  maatla  go  tlisa   ba na le bokgoni, tshiamo, pelontle,   baitseanape jwa thekenoloji).    Now  let's  declare  together:
          phenyo mme a re direng ka maatla     boikokobetso  le  ponelopele  jwa     10.  Kgololosego  ya  Bodumedi  le   "Open your gates, South Africa,
          go diragatsa dintlha tse di lesome   semowa; boitaolo).                    Bokomonisi  bope  (ditshwanelo       for the King of Glory is coming in.
          tse  di  latelang.    Mokeresete     5.  Melao  e  e  galaletsang  Modimo  tsa bodumedi le bongwa sengwe        Who is this King of glory? It is the
          mongwe  le  mongwe  o  na  le        (melao  e  e  sa  ganetsaneng  le     jwa poraefete; lentswe la kereke le   Lord strong and mighty in battle!
          tshwanelo  le  tšhono  ya  go  ka    Beibele;  Molaotheo  o  o  fang       le utlwiwang go feta; kgolo-losego   It is the King of kings and Lord of
          emela phetogo!                       Modimo tlotlo; boipuso jwa molao;     ya go ka bua).                       lords, Jesus Christ!" AMEN.
          Emang  ka  maoto  batho  ba  sepodisi se se maatla, masole a a                                                  - Dr Arno van Niekerk
          Modimo!  Emela  kgalalelo  ya        maatla  le  taolo  e  e  maatla  ya   - Johan Zerwick                      Facebook:
          Modimo!  Rapelela  dintlha  tse!     khudugelo go feta melelwane).         Sêlê ke 083 458 3837        
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