Page 9 - Good News December2006 paper
P. 9

                 DIE  HERE  het  GOEIE
          DNUUS/GOOD  NEWS  in
          agt en 'n half jaar vermeerder
          tot  35  000  kopieë  wat  maan-
          deliks GRATIS versprei word.
          Tans  bedien  ons  Potchef-
          stroom,  Klerksdorp,  Orkney,
          Stilfontein,  Hartbeesfontein
          (Potch-KOSH)  asook  Parys,
          Tosca,  Ventersdorp,  Ottosdal
          en Molopo (ongeveer 140 000
          maandelikse lesers).
            Met hierdie uitgawe nader
           ons die 3 miljoen-kerf (gratis
              koerante wat van huis
                tot huis verprei is)!
             Prys die Here daarvoor!
          Die  finansies  hiervoor  word
          gevind deur middel van adver-
          tensies  asook  enkele  borge
          wat  ons  getrou  hierin  onder-
               Baie dankie aan ons
             adverteerders en borge!
          Daar is oproepe dat ons verder
          moet uitbrei na ander dorpe en
          stede.  Ons  ontvang  gereeld
          baie  positiewe  terugvoer  van
          lesers  wat  aangeraak,  opge-
         bou en bemoedig is. Sommige
         het selfs die Here gevind deur
         die lewensveranderende lees-
         stof. Daar is selfs gevalle van
         persone wat deur die lees van  te verwesenlik deur 'n geringe  wonderlike  Bediening.  Baie
         GOEIE  NUUS  weerhou  is  bedraggie van R20, R30, R50,  dankie!  Net  die  ewigheid  sal
         daarvan  om  hul  eie  lewe  te  of  wat  u  graag  wil  gee,  kan getuig van wat met hierdie
         neem  of  ander  skade  te  maandeliks  te  bewillig,  WAT  Bediening  bereik  word.  Ons
         berokken.                             UITSLUITLIK  VIR  UITBREI-            bid u die Here se seën toe vir u
         Sal  u  ons  nie  help  om  ons  DING  AANGEWEND  SAL  gewilligheid om hierin behulp-
         leserstal gedurende 2007 op te  WORD.  (Sien  debietorder  saam te wees. Mag Hy in al u
         skuif na 200 000 en meer per  hierbo).                                      persoonlike  behoeftes  voor-
         maand nie?                            Ons  wil  ons  lesers  vriendelik  sien!
         U kan 'n deelgenoot word van  vra  om  dit  'n  gebedsaak  te  Mag  die  wonder  van  God  se
         hierdie  pragtige  Bedienings-        maak,  en  ons  hande  te  sterk  liefde u harte hierdie Kersgety
         veld. Help ons om hierdie doel  om  voort  te  gaan  met  hierdie  vul! - Redaksie

               wo boys who were working their way       into  Poland  for  distribution.  After  the
               through  Leland  Stanford  University    starving  people  were  fed,  Paderewski
          Tfound  themselves  almost  without           journeyed to Paris to thank Herbert Hoover
          funds. One of them conceived the idea of      for the relief sent to them.
          engaging  the  great  Polish  pianist,  "That's quite all right, Mr Paderewski," was
          Paderewski,  for  a  piano  recital,  and  Mr  Hoover's  reply.  "Besides,  you  don't
          devoting  the  profits  to  their  board  and   remember how you once helped me when I
          tuition. The pianist's manager asked for a    was  a  student  working  my  way  through
          guarantee of $2 000. The boys proceeded       Leland Stanford, and I was in a hole.”
          to  stage  the  concert,  but  the  proceeds   Remember the words of the Master, "With
          totalled only $1 600. The boys sought the     what  measure  ye  mete,  it  shall  be
         great  artist  and  told  him  of  their  efforts.   measured to you again" (Matt.7:2).
         They  gave  him  the  entire  $1  600  and  a
         promissory  note  for  the  $400,  explaining
         that they would earn the balance and pay it
         as soon as possible.
         "No, boys, that won't do," said Paderewski.
         Then, tearing up the note, he returned the
         money to them, saying, "Now take out of
         the $1 600 all of your expenses, and keep
         ten percent of the balance for each of you
         for your work, and let me have the rest."
         The  years  rolled  by.  The  war  came,  and
         Paderewski  was  striving  with  might  and
         main to feed the starving thousands in his
         beloved Poland. There was only one man in
         the  world  who  would  help  Paderewski.
         Thousands of tons of food began to come
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