Page 5 - Good News January 2011 paper
P. 5
ne of the greatest, most encouraging ministries of the Holy
Spirit within our lives is that of a Comforter. During my ministry,
OI have observed that there are five main hurts which people
experience in life. The first is the hurt of rejection. Can the Holy Spirit
comfort us when we feel rejected? He most certainly can. Sooner or
later in this mixed-up world, everyone feels rejected. Indeed, some go
through so much rejection, they cease to expect anything else.
Rejection often happens in child-
hood: the child may have been
unwanted by his/her parents, or may
have been the wrong sex, or for
some reason doesn’t please his/her
parents. These feelings of rejection
are recorded in our system on a kind
of “tape recorder”, and later in life,
whenever we feel rejected, we not
only experience the present rejec-
tion, but in some strange way it
triggers the “tape recorder” inside
us, and we play back all the feelings
of rejection we felt in earlier years.
Past feelings of rejection that have
never been healed may put a weight
on the personality that is too heavy
to bear, and this is why, as we say, a
person breaks down. People rarely
break down because of one event; it
is usually the one event that
becomes the last straw.
Do you have deep feelings of
rejection within you that you are
carrying from the past? Or have you
been rejected in recent days or
weeks? Then draw near to God. The
Spirit is with you to heal your hurts -
right now! [Every Day with Jesus,
Selwyn Hughes, 1997-2000].