Page 1 - Good News June 2010 paper
P. 1


           Testimony of a Boy Who Found Jesus Christ When He Became a Man

             t was a sunny day, the same as any other day in      they were seeking. The hammer of     abuser.  Our  life
             Port Elizabeth. It was 1965, and I was sitting on    the  judge  came  crashing  down,    w a s   o n e   o f
          Ithe steps of the courthouse, a mere 5 years old.       and my life was changed in that      suspicion,  fear,
          Inside  the  courthouse  a  judge  was  deciding        instant.  The  next  day  a  large   poverty,  abuse
          whether to grant my father and mother the divorce       photo was in the newspaper, with     and  loneliness.
                                                                  me  sitting  on  the  courthouse     My  grandfather,
                                                                  steps,  alone  in  the  sun,  with  a   who was an alco-
                                                                  letter that said I was looking for a   holic,  brought
                                                                  new father, a new mother, and a      about  a  host  of
                                                                  new home.                            family  trouble,
                                                                  My testimony is much like many       drunkenness,
                                                                  other  lives  in  the  world.  My    and  heartache.
                                                                  mother at that moment became a       But  in  a  way  he
                                                                  single parent. She worked hard to    was  a  dear,  lost   Pastor Graeme Weber, 083 777 0448
                                                                  give us (I also had a little sister, 3                 Continued on p. 6
                                                                                                                         Continued on p. 6
                                                                  years old) a life. She would wake
                                                                  up  at  03:00  every  morning  and
                                                                  walk to the train station in Uiten-
                                                                  hage,  nearly  5  kilometres  from
                                                                  where we lived, travelled to Port
                                                                  Elizabeth,  walked  a  further
                                                                  3  kilometres  to  work,  and  back
                                                                  again in the nights, summer and
                                                                  She  lived  with  a  man  her  whole
                                                                  life. He died after 25 years of living
                                                                  with  us.  In  some  ways,  he  pro-
                                                                  vided for us, but he was also an
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