Page 11 - Good News March 2016 paper
P. 11
Continued from p. 10
Continued from p. 10 foundation of His Word. He is the process, it has jumped into bed drawn to Jesus and their hearts
one: "I believe we have passed One Who has blessed it so with the world. The Bible pro- will be penetrated by the Gospel.
the point of no return." (Again, abundantly. He is the One Who phesies in many places that the
that was 1974). worked through us to spread the end times will be characterized by The message of the Holy Spirit for
Gospel all over the world. But the major apostasy - and we are up to believers in these end times is
I underlined that statement in red Word of God says: "to those to our ears in it right now. twofold: "Commit your lives to
and put a question mark after it. whom much is given, much is holiness and share the Gospel
That's because I was not ready to expected" (Luke 12:48). Our It all began in the 1920s when our with as many people as you can,
say that in 1974. I am now! The nation is in full-blown rebellion seminaries were captivated by as quickly as you can."
Bible clearly teaches that there is against God, and God is not going the German School of Higher
a "point of no return" when a to tolerate it much longer. Criticism which argued that the The message of the Spirit for
nation is in rebellion against God. Bible is not God's revealed Word, unbelievers is that "Jesus is
It is the tipping point where God In Romans 1:24 we are told how but, instead, it is Man's search for coming soon. He is returning to
decides to deliver the nation from God deals with a rebellious God and is thus filled with myths, pour out the wrath of God on
remedial judgments to complete nation. He steps back and lowers legends, superstitions and errors. those who have rejected the
destruction. In the Bible it is the hedge of protection around This produced the liberal Social grace, mercy and love of God.
referred to as "when the wound the nation and allows sin to Gospel that soon came to charac- Reach out now and receive Him in
becomes incurable." For exam- multiply in the form of a sexual terize the mainline denominations faith as your Lord and Saviour
ple, God told Jeremiah to tell the revolution: "Therefore God gave as they focused on social and before it is too late!"
people of Judah that their nation them [those in rebellion] over in political action rather than the
was going to be destroyed the lusts of their hearts to preaching of the Gospel. This I must add that there is an ironic
because "Your wound is incura- impurity, so that their bodies spiritual virus has since spread to way in which there is good news
ble and your injury is serious… would be dishonoured among the Evangelical sector of Ameri- that can be derived from the
because your iniquity is great and them." can Christianity in the form of the collapse of civilization all around
your sins are numerous" (Jere- Emergent Church Movement. us. It can be found in the
miah 30:12-15). This is exactly what happened to statement of Jesus in Matthew
our nation since the 1960s when Sixty years ago, in the 1950s, to 24:37-38 where He said His return
The Lord directed Nahum to say we experienced the Sexual be an Evangelical meant that the would occur at a time when
the same thing to Nineveh: "There Revolution. If this action proves Bible was your source of autho- society has gone full circle back
is no relief for your breakdown, insufficient to produce repen- rity for all beliefs and actions. to the immorality and violence
Your wound is incurable…" tance, then Romans 1 says that Today, the term 'Evangelical' has that characterized the days of
(Nahum 3:19). To emphasize His God will take a second step back lost its meaning because there Noah.
declaration, God even told Jere- and lower the hedge of protection are professing Evangelicals who
miah to stop praying for Judah: even further: "For this reason believe that the Scriptures con- In 1996 a federal judge named
"Do not pray for this people, and God gave them over to degrading tain errors and contradictions; Robert Bork published a book
do not lift up a cry or prayer for passions; for their women that there is no Hell; that there are about the moral drift of our nation
them and do not intercede with exchanged the natural function many roads to God; that homo- that was titled, Slouching
Me; for I do not hear you" (Jere- for that which is unnatural, and in sexuality is a valid lifestyle; that Towards Gomorrah. Well, my
miah 7:16). the same way also the men evolution is the true explanation friends, we are no longer
abandoned the natural function of of life and that the ultimate slouching. We have arrived. And
Ezekiel was told the same thing the woman and burned in their purpose of the Church is not the that terrible fact points to the
when he tried to pray for Judah, desire toward one another, men salvation of souls but the saving good news that Jesus is returning
but in even stronger terms. He with men committing indecent of our planet! It is no wonder that soon!
was told that the prayers of the acts and receiving in their own our nation is wallowing in
three most righteous men who persons the due penalty of their spiritual darkness and rebellion In conclusion, let me say we live in
had ever lived would not avail for error" (Romans 1:26-27). against God. And how can anyone the midst of an increasingly
the nation - specifically, Job, truly believe there is any hope for secular and evil society - a society
Noah, and Daniel (Ezekiel 14:12- We have been in this second our nation in the midst of such that calls good evil and evil good.
21). phase ever since the Supreme gross spiritual apostasy? As we look around the world
Court struck down all the state today, we can see that evil is
Today, 42 years after the publica- laws against sodomy in 2003. But there IS good news in the multiplying. It is as if the whole
tion of The Vision, God is raising Romans 1 continues by revealing midst of the growing spiritual world is falling to pieces. But the
up new prophetic voices all over what God will do if the rebellious darkness and the consequent truth is that from a biblical
our nation to warn us of our nation sets its jaw and continues decay of our society. There is perspective, the pieces are all
impending destruction. Unfor- to rebel against God and His individual hope for those of us falling into place for Jesus to
tunately, there are Christians in Word. God will step back a third who know Jesus as our Lord and return!
our nation who refuse to believe time and lower the hedge of Saviour. God has promised
that God will ever touch us - that protection again, and according repeatedly in His Word that He will Here's how Adrian Rogers once
He will ever allow us to be to Romans 1:28, He will deliver the never forsake us. For example, in put it: "The world is getting
destroyed. They tend to think that nation over to a "depraved mind," Isaiah 43 He has promised to walk gloriously dark." As we wait for
God sits on His throne draped in at which point the nation will with us through the fire and high His return, we need to stand for
an American flag. But, my friends, either destroy itself or be water, comforting us in our righteousness and speak out in
God cannot be deceived. He will destroyed by an outside force. I sufferings and providing our behalf of it. Jesus commanded us
not tolerate unrepented sin! believe we have reached that needs (Isaiah 43:23). And to do so when He exhorted us to
point! consider this promise in Deutero- be light and salt (Matthew 5:13-
The Jews of ancient Judah nomy 31:8 - "The LORD is the 14). But in doing so, we need to
thought the same thing about Is there still any hope for One who goes ahead of you; He realize that all of us have been
their nation. When Jeremiah America? My answer is: How can will be with you. He will not fail desensitized to some degree by
warned them of imminent there be? We have turned our you or forsake you. Do not fear or the sin that is abounding around
destruction, they cried out, "The backs on God and rejected the be dismayed." We also have the us and to our participation in it.
Temple, the Temple" (Jeremiah very One who gave us all our incredible hope of the Rapture of
7:4), meaning they did not believe blessings. And we need to be the Church when true believers Thus, before we go forth to
that God would ever allow anyone clear as to why that happened. It will be taken out of this world in confront the evil in society, we
to destroy His Temple. But He did! was not due to the attacks of the the blinking of an eye to be with need to face up to it in our own
Secularists, the Humanists, the Jesus forever. lives and respond in repentance.
God is gracious. He is long- Atheists or the Sexual Liber- Revival must begin in our hearts
suffering. He warns and warns tarians. No, it has been due to the There is also hope for those who before we can take it to society!
before He pours out judgment and failure of the Church to preach the do not know Jesus. As the And as we confront society, we
ultimate destruction, but, again, Gospel, call people to repentance, darkness deepens, the light of should expect increasing hostility
He will not tolerate unrepented and stand for righteousness. In Jesus will shine more brightly like and persecution. Let us, there-
sin! God loves our nation. He was short, the Church has sought a diamond on a black cloth, and fore, keep our eyes focused on
Continued on p. 12
the One Who raised it up on the popular approval, and in the more and more people will be Continued on p. 12