Page 12 - Good News August 2008 paper
P. 12

Songs Out

                                                                  of Sorrow

                                                                  A       piece  of  wood  once
                                                                          bitterly  complained
                                                                          because  it  was  being
                                                                  cut and filled with rifts and
                                                                  holes.  But  he  who  held  the
                                                                  wood  and  whose  knife  was
                                                                  cutting  into  it  so  remorse-
                                                                  lessly,  did  not  listen  to  the
                                                                  sore  complaining.  He  was
                                                                  making  a  flute  out  of  the
                                                                  wood  he  held,  and  was  too
                                                                  wise  to  desist  for  such  an
                                                                  Instead,  the  flute  carver
                                                                  said, "Oh, thou foolish piece
                                                                  of wood, without these rifts
                                                                  and  holes  thou  wouldst  be
                                                                  only a mere stick forever - a
                                                                  bit of hard black ebony with
                                                                  no power to make music or
                                                                  to be of any use.
                                                                  These rifts that I am making
                                                                  will change thee into a flute,
                                                                  and  thy  sweet  music  then
                                                                  shall  charm  the  souls  of
                                                                  men.  My  cutting  is  the
                                                                  making  of  thee,  for  then
                                                                  thou  shalt  be  precious  and
                                                                  valuable  and  a  blessing  to
                                                                  the world."
                                                                  David could never have sung
                                                                  his sweetest songs (psalms)
                                                                  had he not been sorely afflic-
                                                                  ted. His afflictions made his
                                                                  life an instrument on which
                                                                  God could breathe the music
                                                                  of  His  love  to  charm  and
                                                                  soothe the hearts of men by
                                                                  such an entreaty through the
                                                                  ages.  -   Selected
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