Page 6 - Good News February 2012 paper
P. 6
was conscious as Dr. Chou But nothing she said reduced my mother,” I replied. These words I
Taohsiang operated on my eye. anger and disappointment. I did would never say before.
II could hear the sound of the not want to share a room with that Yung and I climbed into a taxi. She
operating instruments and Dr. ugly wife, and I did not speak to was strangely silent all the way
Chou speaking. her. I stayed at school. When the home. As I walked into the house,
My right eye had been in a bad summer vacation came, I refused my wife was coming from the
condition for more than three to go home until my father sent an kitchen with a plate of food.
years. I was almost blind. About a uncle of mine to fetch me. “You're back,” she said very
year later, I learned that only the My wife was cooking supper when softly, without raising her head.
transplantation of a cornea could I arrived, and she raised her head “Thank you for letting me see,” I
get my sight back to normal. in a smile when she saw me. I said.
When I told my wife she said walked right past her. After She walked past me and put the
nothing, but showed me her supper, my mother persuaded me food on the table, her head still
savings book. She was illiterate, to have a talk with her privately. bent down. Standing against the
but from the book I knew with “Son, you are being cruel to her,” wall with her back towards me, “Let this same attitude and
surprise that she had managed to she began. she began to weep. “It is enough purpose and [humble] mind be in
save about 500 Taiwan dollars “Her face is unattractive, that's to hear you say this,” she said you which was in Christ Jesus:
after several years of hard work. true, but she does not have an between sobs. [Let Him be your example in
“If this is not enough, we'll try to ugly heart.” Yung came into the room in tears. humility:] Who, although being
get more,” she said. “You are not “No, it must be beautiful,” I said “Tell him, Mother!” she cried. “Let essentially one with God and in
like me. An illiterate person is angrily. “I wonder how you and Father know that you gave the the form of God [possessing the
blind though he can see. A man father could have made me marry cornea for his eye!” She shook fullness of the attributes which
who can read needs both eyes.” her.” her mother. “Tell him!” make God God], did not think this
I informed Dr. Chou that I was My mother's face grew pale. “She “I only did what I should do,” my equality with God was a thing to
ready to have a corneal operation. is an extremely good girl, under- wife remarked. be eagerly grasped or retained,
A month later, he phoned me and standing and patient,” she I grabbed her by the shoulders, but stripped Himself [of all privi-
told me that there was a man who continued. “She has been in this and looked closely at her face. leges and rightful dignity], so as
had just died. Before he died, the house more than six months now, Her left eye was covered with a to assume the guise of a servant
doctor said, the man had told his and she works from morning to light-brown patch! (slave), in that He became like
family that he would allow any night in the kitchen and on the “Why… why did you do it?” I men and was born a human being.
part of his body to be transplanted farm. She has not said a word of cried, shaking her hard. And after He had appeared in
to anyone who needed it. complaint about the way you have “Because you are my husband,” human form, He abased and
The following day I entered the treated her. I have not seen her she answered. I held her tight. humbled Himself [still further]
hospital. I was extremely lucky. shed a tear. But she has a heart. Then I got down and knelt at her and carried His obedience to the
People waited for years before a “Do you want her to live like a feet. extreme of death, even the death
cornea became available, and I widow although she has a - Native Missionary of the cross!” (Philippians 2:5-8).
told my wife how thankful I was to husband? Imagine what you
her for making the operation would feel if you were she!”
possible. Nothing changed the way I felt.
After the operation, as I was She always kept her face down
wheeled out of the operating and spoke softly. When I dis-
room, my daughter, Yung, put her agreed with her, she would raise
lips close to my ear and said, her head to show me that she was
“Everything went well. Mother sorry and to try to give me a smile
wanted to come, but she was of obedience; then she would hen John Wesley was six years old, his father’s house
afraid.” quickly lower her head again. was burned with all its contents. All the children were
“Tell her not to come,” I said, “But In the thirty years of marriage that Wtaken to safety, except John, and he was forgotten until
tell her I'm all right. She need not followed, I seldom smiled at my the roof was almost ready to cave in. Then he was heard crying.
worry.” wife and we never went out His father ran to the stairs, but they were so nearly consumed,
* * * together. In fact, I sometimes they would not bear his weight. So utterly in despair, he fell on his
I was 19 years old when I married wished her dead. knees and asked God for help. In the meantime, little John had
by my parents' orders. In those Yet my wife proved to have more climbed up on a chest. The neighbours saw him. With no time to
days it was still customary that patience and love than anyone I get a ladder, one man was hoisted on the shoulders of another,
marriages were arranged merely knew. My income was hardly and he was rescued.
by the parents; the children had to enough for our daily life. The baby A moment later, the roof fell in. Then the father cried out: “Come,
obey their orders absolutely. My was often ill. When my wife was neighbours, let us kneel down, let us give thanks to God! He has
father and my wife's father were not looking after the household, given me all my eight children. Let the house go, I am rich
close friends and had promised she worked with some rich family enough!”
that if their wives gave birth to a or helped drag fishing nets with This incident was so indelibly impressed on John Wesley’s mind
boy and a girl, the children would some fishermen to earn a little
be married. extra money. that under one of his portraits, he wrote, “Is not this a brand
I had never seen the girl who was * * * plucked out of the burning? God always cares for His own.”
to be my wife until the very day After the operation, my daughter, - Sunday School Times
she was brought to our house. Yung, brought me a transistor
She came with her face covered radio to occupy the long hours
by a veil. After bowing to heaven my right eye. But I had plenty of Only Way Out is UpOnly Way Out is Up
while the bandage remained on
and earth, we were led to the
bridal bedroom. When at last I time to think, and my thoughts
lifted the red brocade of her bridal kept returning to my wife. I didn't
n a grey morning during World War I, the Prime Minister of
veil, I received a great shock. Her want the people in the hospital to n a grey morning during World War I, the Prime Minister of
face was much uglier than I had know that I had an ugly wife. O Brittain, David Loyd George, stood grim-visaged before the
Brittain, David Loyd George, stood grim-visaged before the
imagined. My dream broke to Dr. Chou removed the bandage
members of the British Cabinet. The seriousness of the situation
pieces. She looked like an old from my eye. I was afraid to open Omembers of the British Cabinet. The seriousness of the situation
was evident upon the faces of all. Said David Loyd George, “Gentlemen, we
woman of 40, although she was it. The physician said that the was evident upon the faces of all. Said David Loyd George, “Gentlemen, we
still 18 years of age. corneal operation was a success. are fighting with our backs to the wall. The only way out is up; our only
are fighting with our backs to the wall. The only way out is up; our only
I fled to my mother's room and “Mother is making your favourite
hope is God. Let us pray!”
cried all night. My mother told me dishes to welcome you home,” hope is God. Let us pray!”
When nations thus turn to God in their trouble, deliverance is not distant.
that I must accept my fate. She Yung said when she came to fetch When nations thus turn to God in their trouble, deliverance is not distant.
praised my new wife as a me. - Knight’s Master Book of New Illustrations, 1956.
- Knight’s Master Book of New Illustrations, 1956.
kindhearted, hard-working girl. “She is a good wife and a good