Page 10 - Good News July 2012 paper
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hen his wife died, he didn't   1.  He Was a Righteous Man          Lord,  ‘From  roaming  through
                  know at first how he would   “In the land of Uz there lived a man   the earth and going back and
          Wsurvive.                            whose name was Job. This man was      forth in it’” (verses 6-7).
          Although he was a minister and had   blameless  and  upright;  he  feared   This  passage  answers  a
          helped many others through times of   God and shunned evil” (Job 1:1). You   prevailing  misconception
          crisis, he now faced his own personal   could talk for hours about those four   about  Satan.  If  you  ask  the
          moment  of  truth.  How  would  he   phrases: blameless, upright, fearing   average  Christian,  “Where  is
          reconcile  his  own  loss  with  the   God, shunning evil. But suffice it to   Satan  today?”  most  will  say
          Christian faith he claimed to believe?   say that Job was as good a man as   that  Satan  is  in  hell.  But  the
          What  would  he  say  to  his  own   you will find in all the Bible.       Bible  does  not  teach  that.  If
          grieving congregation?                                                     Satan  were  in  hell  today,  we
          The  year  was  1927.  The  place,   2.  He Was a Rich Man                 would have no problems at all.
          Aberdeen, Scotland. The man, Arthur   “He  had  seven  sons  and  three    As  Hal  Lindsey  put  it  a  few
          John  Gossip,  pastor  of  the  Beech-  daughters,  and  he  owned  seven   years ago, “Satan is alive and
          grove Church, fifty-four years old and   thousand  sheep,  three  thousand   well  on  planet  earth.”  In  this
          in the prime of his life.            camels,  five  hundred  yoke  of  oxen   age  the  earth  is  under  his
         Historians tell us that he was humble   and five hundred donkeys, and had a   power and domination.  Thank
         and sincere, possessing a keen wit    large number of servants. He was the   God, the  day  will come  when
         and deeply devoted to his family and   greatest man among all the people of   Satan and all his hordes will be cast   have a worry in the world. Of course
         friends. He was beloved as a pastor   the East” (verses 2-3).               into the lake of fire forever (Matthew   he’s Your best man. He’s also Your
         and  preacher.  In  fact,  he  is  remem-  It is hard to know how to translate this   25:41;  Revelation  20:10).  But  that   richest man. You do take care of Your
         bered as a preacher primarily for one   sentence  into  today's  terms.  By   won’t happen until Jesus returns to   own, don’t You?”
         particular  sermon  he  preached  in   spelling  out  the  details  about  the   the  earth.  Between  now  and  then,   Behind  it  all  is  a  not-so-subtle
         1927. Widely regarded as one of the   sheep  and  camels  and  oxen  and    Satan roams about on the earth like a   message.  You’ve  bribed  him  with
         greatest  ever  preached,  it  was  the   donkeys, our text is telling us that if a   roaring lion, seeking men and women   prosperity.
         first  sermon  he  delivered  after  the   list of the world's richest people had   he can devour (1 Peter 5:8).  This is the Old Testament version of
         sudden death of his wife. He titled his   been  printed  four  thousand  years   The  Bible  teaches  that  there  is  a   what  today  is  called  Prosperity
         message   But When Life Tumbles In,   ago, Job would have been at the top.  personal  being  called  Satan  who   Theology.   Note  that  it  comes  from
          What  Then?  In  it,  he  struggled  to                                    once was an angel of God but who     Satan,  not  from  God.  Satan  is
         reconcile his Christian faith with the   3.  He Was a Religious Man         rebelled  and  fell  from  heaven  to   attacking  Job’s  motive  and  God’s
         loss  of  a  loved  one.  These  are  his   “His sons used to take turns holding   earth. In that rebellion he led many of   integrity. Here is the real question of
         words:                                feasts in their homes, and they would   the  angels  with  him.  Those  fallen   the book of Job: Will anyone serve
             “I do not understand this life of   invite  their  three  sisters  to  eat  and   angels became the demons. From the   God without any personal gain?
             ours. But still less can I compre-  drink  with  them.  When  a  period  of   day  of  his  fall  until  now,  Satan  has   Satan says the answer is no. Job will
             hend how people in trouble and    feasting  had  run  its  course,  Job   had  but  one  purpose:  to  frustrate   worship  God  only  when  things  are
             loss  and  bereavement  can  fling   would send and have them purified.   God’s plan by seeking to destroy men   going his way. Thus he says in verse
             away  peevishly  from  the        Early  in  the  morning  he  would    and  women  on  the  earth.  After  all   11: “But stretch out Your hand and
             Christian  faith.  In  God's  Name,   sacrifice a burnt offering for each of   these  thousands  of  years,  Satan  is   strike everything he has, and he will
             fling to what? Have we not lost   them, thinking, ‘Perhaps my children   still at it.                        surely curse You to Your face.”
             enough without losing that too?”  have sinned and cursed God in their   Satan was behind all that happened   Satan’s  question  is  the  supreme
         How right he was.  “So many people's   hearts.’  This  was  Job’s  regular   to Job. God allows us to peek behind   question of life.  You served  God in
          religion is a fair-weather affair,” as he   custom”  (verses  4-5).  Here  is  that   the  heavenly  curtain  to  see  the   the sunshine; will you now serve Him
         put it.  “A little rain, and it runs and   rarest  of  all  rare  creatures:   A  truly   unfolding drama.       in the shadows?  You believed Him in
          crumbles;  a  touch  of  strain,  and  it   wealthy  man  who  loves  God  more                                 the light of day; will you still believe
          snaps.” But if we turn from faith in the   than  he  loves  his  money.  Not  only   SATAN IS NOT THE ISSUE     Him  at  midnight?  You  sang  His
         time of trouble, what shall we turn to?   that, but a father who takes respon-  That  brings  us  to  the  key  passage.   praises when all was going well; will
         Have  we  not  lost  enough  without   sibility for the spiritual welfare of his   Notice in verse 8 that it is God who   you still sing through your tears? You
         losing that too?                      own family.                           brings  Job’s  name  up.  “Have  you   came to church and declared, “The
         Let us begin our journey together by   The point of these first few verses is   considered my servant Job? There is   Lord  is  my  Shepherd.  I  shall  not
         spending some time in the book of     very clear: By the world’s standards,   no one on earth like him.” That’s the   want.” Is He still your Shepherd in the
         Job, chapter 1. That is not the only   Job was successful; by God’s stan-   other side of the coin. It’s not Satan   valley of the shadow of death?
         place  we  could  begin,  but  it  makes   dards,  he  was  righteous.   Here  is  a   who mentions Job. It is God. Satan   He was good enough for you when
         sense  to  start  there,  because  Job   man  who  truly  had  it  all.  He  was   was behind Job’s trials, but God was   you  had  money  in  the  bank.  Is  He
         deals  with  timeless  questions  of   wealthy and godly and popular. You   behind Satan.                        good enough for you when you have
         suffering and loss.  Even though the   couldn’t find a person who would say   It is as if God were saying, “All right,   no  money  at  all?  He  was  good
          story  is  four  thousand  years  old,  it   a bad word about Job. I repeat what I   Satan, you’re looking for a good man.   enough for you when you had your
          could  have  been  written  yesterday.   said earlier - He is as good a man as   Let me tell you about Job. He’s the   health. Is He good enough when the
         Most of the book of Job is poetry, and   you will find in all the Bible.    best man I’ve got. I don’t think you   doctor says, “You have six months to
         the book has been properly called the                                       can break him down.”                 live”? He was good enough when you
         greatest poem in all human history.   That  fact  is  absolutely  crucial  to   What an insight this is!         were  married.  Is  He  good  enough
         One  writer  noted  that  “it  bears  the   understanding his story. Let me say it   Behind  the  suffering  is  Satan,  and   when the one you love walks out on
         stamp of uncommon genius.”            carefully.   What  happened  to  him   behind Satan is God. That is why, as   you? He was good enough when your
         The  book  abounds  with  mysteries:   happened  because  he  was  a  good   you read the book of Job, you find   family  was  all  together.  Is  He  good
         Who wrote it? When? Where? Why?       man!  Nothing  in  the  book  of  Job   that  Job  is  complaining  bitterly   enough  when  you  stand  around  an
          But the greatest mystery is found in   makes sense unless that is true.  Job   against  God.  He  never  brings  up   open grave?
          the subject matter itself - the mystery   is a case study in the suffering of the   Satan. Satan is not the issue; God is.  It’s not hard to believe in God when
          of undeserved suffering. Why do bad   righteous.  As  hard  as  it  may  be  to   Even though Satan was the one who   everything is going your way. Anyone
         things happen to good people?   For   understand, it was his righteousness   caused the calamity, he did so with   can do that. But when life tumbles in,
         centuries  thoughtful  people  have   and  his  prosperity  that  brought  on   God’s  permission.  If  God  had  not   what then?
         pondered  that  question.  Why  do    his enormous suffering. And yet the   given  his  permission,  Satan  could
         babies die? Why are innocent people   suffering  was  undeserved  in  the   not  have  touched  a  hair  of  Job’s      FOUR MESSENGERS
         held hostage by madmen? Why are       truest sense of the word.             head.                                         OF MISFORTUNE
         the righteous passed over for promo-                                                                             Now the scene shifts from heaven to
         tion  while  the  wicked  cheat  and  lie       ENTER SATAN                         DOES JOB SERVE               earth.  Satan  has  received  God’s
         their way to the top?                 While you ponder that, consider what         GOD FOR NOTHING?              permission  to  put  Job  to  the  test.
         The  book  does  not  answer  these   happens  next.  The  story  suddenly   In  verse  9  we  come  to  the  key   Notice that it happens on a “day when
         questions  with  a  theory.   It  answers   shifts  to  Job’s  first  test.  The  scene   question of the book: “Does Job fear   Job’s  sons  and  daughters  were
          them with a story. We are invited to   changes  from  earth  to  heaven.   Job   God for nothing?”  Satan is accusing   feasting  and  drinking  wine  at  the
         examine one man whose life tumbled    apparently  never  knew  about  this   God of bribing Job into worshipping   oldest brother’s house” (verse 13). In
         in around him. Why did that happen    part of the story. While he was on the   Him. After all, Job has it all: a huge,   a  moment  of  great  happiness,  at  a
         and what did he do about it?          earth  tending  to  his  vast  holdings,   loving  family,  enormous  wealth,  a   family reunion, when you would least
                                               Satan  was  having  a  conversation   great reputation - everything in this   expect it, Satan strikes.
              THE MAN WHO HAD IT ALL           with God:                             world a man could want. No wonder    First,  the  Sabeans  steal  Job’s
         The book of Job has a terse, direct,   “One  day  the  angels  [the  Hebrew   he worships God. Who wouldn’t?     livestock and kill his servants (verses
         simple  beginning.  It  unfolds  like  a   calls them “the sons of God”] came   That’s  what  Satan  means  when  he   14-15).
         film  running  at  hyperspeed.  The   to  present  themselves  before  the   says in verse 10, “Have you not put a   Second, a “fire of God” destroys his
         frames zip by one after the other as   Lord,  and  Satan  [the  name  means   hedge  around  him?”  He  means    sheep  and  kills  his  servants  (verse
         an  entire  life  is  squeezed  into  a   ‘accuser,’ and Satan will now live up   something  like  this:  “You  gave  him   16).
         handful of sentences.                 to  his  name]  also  came  with  them.   so  much  and  then You  protect  him   Third, the Chaldeans steal his camels
         The  first  five  verses  tell  us  three   The Lord said to Satan, ‘Where have   from anything that could harm him.   and kill his servants (verse17).
         things about Job.                     you come from?’ Satan answered the    He’s living on easy street; he doesn’t       Continued on p. 11Continued on p. 11
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