Page 7 - Good News June 2012 paper
P. 7
hen I was a little boy, my are You doing?”
mother used to embroi- He answered, “I am embroi-
Wder a great deal. I would dering your life.”
sit at her knee and look up from I would say, “But it looks like a
the floor and ask what she was mess to me. It seems so
doing. She informed me that she jumbled. The threads seem so
was embroidering. dark. Why can't they all be
As I watched her work from the bright?”
floor, working within the boun- The Father seemed to tell me, Anoniem van Ottosdal skryf:
daries of the little round hoop “My child, you go about your Deur die Here aan my geopen- blokkies. Die laaste twee blokkies
that she held in her hand, I business of doing My Busi- baar: verdof.
complained to her that it looked ness, and one day I will bring 29 Jan. 2011: Lees in 'n boek van Daarna sien ek 'n regop, bruin
messy from where I sat. you to Heaven and put you on profete-seun dat daar in 2012 iets voorwerp wat effens dunner word
She would smile at me, look My Knee and you will see the gaan gebeur wat die wêreld sal na bo. Amper soos 'n houtstomp
down and gently say, “My son, plan from My side.” laat wakker skrik, want alles gaan of toring, of ‘n regop tipe berg,
you go about your playing for [Author Unknown]. verander. In 'n ander boek staan dieselfde dikte as die ronde
awhile, and when I am finished dat die Maja-stam se siklus-telling voorwerp.
with my embroidering, I will put "The LORD is like a father to in 2012 eindig. Ek vra vir die Here Moontlike uitleg: Grond wat
you on my knee and let you see it His children, tender and wat gaan in 2012 gebeur. iewers oprys weens botsing. Nie
from my side.” compassionate to those who seker watter land deur die ronde
Some time would pass and then I fear Him. For He understands 30 Jan 2011: Ek sien 'n plat voorwerp getref gaan word nie.
would hear Mother's voice say, how weak we are; He knows aardbol, met blou en wit kleure,
“Son, come and sit on my knee.” we are only dust." ongeveer 175 mm in deursnee. 22 Mei 2011: Ek lê Sondagmiddag
This I did only to be surprised - Psalm 103:13, 14 NLT Die volgende oomblik kom uit die op my bed en sien die landskap
and thrilled to see a beautiful Suide, effens skuins, 'n groot van Asië. Dit is spierwit met 'n
flower and sunset. I could not "When I pray, You answer me; ronde voorwerp, en bots met die swart randjie. Die regterkant se
believe it, because from under- You encourage me by giving aarde. Maar dit skiet weer weg Oostepunt is afwaarts na die
neath it looked so messy. me the strength I need." deur die wolke. Die gat wat Suide afgebuig. Moontlike uitleg:
Then Mother would say to me, - Psalm 138:3, NLT agtergelaat word in die grond op Massiewe ronde voorwerp swaai
“My Son, from underneath it did die land, se diepte is die helfte van aardbol Noordwaarts. Daarom
look messy and jumbled, but you "Though I walk in the midst of die voorwerp se deursnee. swaai die Oostepunt na die Suide
did not realize that there was a trouble, You will revive me; Direk daarna vorm baie naby voor (afwaarts).
pre-drawn plan on the top. It was You will stretch forth Your my gesig, 'n silwer syfer 2. Toe is
a design. I was only following it.” hand against the wrath of my dit weg. Daarna verskyn die syfer Ek peins en bid nog oor die
Many times through the years I enemies, and Your right hand 1. Dit verdwyn ook. Daarna sien ek betekenis van hierdie gesigte,
have looked up to my Heavenly will save me." skuins regs vier blokkies, met 'n 1 want volgens Amos 3:7 moet ek
Father and said, “Father, what - Psalm 138:7, Amplified Bible en dan ‘n 2 in die eerste twee alles bekend maak.