Page 8 - Good News March 2020 paper
P. 8

hane  Taylor  was  con-        Alpha  Course  training  session.     Sam, who had also had a tough
                sidered  one  of  the  most    During  the  Course  he  prayed,      life  and  had  been  involved  with
          Sdangerous  men  in  the  UK         "Jesus Christ, I know you died on     drugs  and  criminal  activity.  She
          Prison  System.  Originally  jailed   a cross for me. I hate who I am;     also came to faith in Jesus. Now,
          for attempted murder, he had his     who I've become. Please forgive       they  are  married  and  have  five
          sentence extended by four years      me and come into my life." At that    children.
          when he attacked a prison officer    moment  he  was  filled  with  the
          with a broken glass, setting off a   Holy Spirit. He went running out      Talking to Shane now, it is hard to
          riot.                                onto the wing, telling everyone he    imagine  that  he  is  the  same
                                               could find, "Jesus is real!"          person  who  terrified  so  many
          He was put in a segregation unit                                           people  in  the  past.  He  has
          inside  a  maximum-security  His  behaviour  changed  so  experienced  "the  wonder  of                                    Shane Taylor
          prison.  He  was  given  his  food   radically that he went from living    [God's] great love" (Psalm 17:7).    Anglican priest and author. He is
          through a hatch. His door was not    in  total  segregation  to  getting  a                                     known  as  the  developer  of  the
          opened  unless  there  were  six     trusted  job  in  the  prison  chap-  He  says,  "Jesus  has  shown  me    Alpha  Course,  a  basic  intro-
          officers  armed  with  riot  shields   laincy.  He  prayed  for  the  prison   how to love and how to forgive. He   duction to Christianity supported
          waiting outside.                     officers and for his enemies, and     has saved me. He has forgiven me     by  churches  of  many  Christian
                                               when he came out of prison, he        for  what  I  have  done.  He  has   traditions.  Since  2005,  he  has
          Later, he was transferred to Long    got involved in a church.             turned my life around!"              been Vicar of Holy Trinity Bromp-
          Lartin  Maximum-security  Prison                                                                                ton  in  the  Diocese  of  London,
          where he was invited to attend an    He  met  a  young  woman  called      -  Nicky  Gumbel  (an  English  Church of England).


                   hen you and I make our      my spirit of independence, and He     God was teaching me what He is       [The Everyday Life Bible, Notes
                   own  plans,  or  run  to    was  bringing  me  to  the  point     teaching all of us today; He is the   and  Commentary  by  Joyce
          Wother people instead of             where I knew I could do nothing       answer to all of our problems!       Meyer, Faith Words, 2006].
          trusting in the Lord, we leave a     apart from Him.
          weak  spot  in  our  wall  of  divine
          protection.  At  a  time  when  we   I  remember  one  night  as  I  was
          least  expect  it,  the  enemy  will   getting  ready  to  go  to  sleep,  I
          break  through  that  weak  spot.    picked up a little book and started
          When  that  happens,  we  will  reading  it.  Suddenly  I  had  a            Wholeness and brokenness
          indeed  be  like  the  "broken  visitation  from  God.  For  about           can be strangely misleading.
          section of a high wall" mentioned    forty-five  minutes  I  sat  there  on
          in Isaiah 30:13.                     the edge of my bed and wept.            We wear our “wholeness” like a badge of honour,
                                                                                       seldom recognizing that it is a shield;
          God  does  not  want  us  to  have   Finally, the Lord spoke to me and       our prized invulnerability a mask
          weak spots in our lives. He wants    said, "Anything good you do has
          us to rely on Him and be obedient    nothing to do with you. I am the        deflecting gazes which we fear
          to Him so our "walls" will remain    One  Who is good. When you see          may linger too long and see what is within.
          strong and thick and our lives will   yourself doing anything good, it is
          be blessed and full.                 only because I have wrestled with
                                               you  to  get  your  flesh  under        Yet, if we could but own our brokenness,
          The more we depend on God, the       subjection long enough to allow         find it held by fellow-pilgrims as a sacrament;
          more He can do through us. But       My glory to shine through it."          we may yet discover that in our fragile, broken selves
          sometimes  we  go  through
          brokenness before we enter His       Sometimes  before  God  can             we are more whole than ever we were
          blessings.                           promote us, He has to remind us         hiding behind our strength;
                                               of our place. In my own case, my        and where we see only fracture
          Once, for about a year and a half, I   ministry was just about to expe-
          thought I might be going mad. All    rience  a  sudden  growth  spurt.       God sees instead
          day long I walked around in my       God was preparing me in advance         a window
          house, praying, "Help me, Lord!"     by  telling  me,  "I'm  going  to  do   through which
          I did not even know what kind of     something marvellous in your life
          help I needed, or why I needed it.   and ministry, and when it happens       His light and life
          Now  as  I  look  back  on  that     you must remember that it is I and      may flow!
          experience,  I  know  what  was      not  you  Who  is  bringing  it  to     - Jeannie Kendall
          happening. God was breaking off      pass."
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