Page 6 - Good News March 2020 paper
P. 6
s 2019 gradually fades in the U.S. and Iran, Iran's state- apocalypse fears." The author of has steadily worsened. Officially,
our memories, the impact ments or threat that it might leave the story then accuses Christians the illness caused by this new
Aof global distemper cannot the Nuclear Non-Proliferation of "outrageous claims" for saying strain of virus has been given a
be understated. According to a Treaty, and North Korea's that Jesus could return soon. Yet, name by the World Health Organi-
recently published report, 47 abandonment of talks with the the description that Jesus gave zation. Those who are infected are
countries around the world were United States," said Washington us of the end times in Matthew 24 said to be suffering from COVID-
disturbed by protests and civil University professor Sharon sounds very much like a descrip- 19, which is short for "corona-
unrest last year. "The pent-up Squassoni. tion of modern-day headlines. virus disease 2019." There have
rage that has boiled over into been more than 100 000 infections
street protests over the past year Without question, the planet we In Matthew 24, Jesus describes a in mainland China. Numerous
has caught most governments by occupy at this time is facing an planet filled with trouble that other countries have reported
surprise," declared a report by astonishing wave of turmoil as grows increasingly worse over COVID-19 infections, including
risk analysis firm Verisk Maple- throngs of humanity move from time. Verses 6-8 declare, "And ye 108 cases in Hong Kong, 461 in
croft. one crisis to the next. In a speech shall hear of wars and rumours of Japan, 138 in Singapore, 50 in
given in February 2020, United wars: see that ye be not troubled: Thailand, 7 041 in South Korea,
The problem is only expected to Nations Secretary-General for all these things must come to and 335 in the United States. More
get worse. "With protests con- Antonio Guterres bemoaned the pass, but the end is not yet. For than 3 500 people have died.
tinuing to rage across the globe, world's condition. "I have spoken nation shall rise against nation,
we expect both the intensity of recently about winds of hope. But and kingdom against kingdom: The current flu season in the U.S.
civil unrest, as well as the total today a wind of madness is and there shall be famines, and has been especially bad so far,
number of countries experiencing sweeping the globe! From Libya pestilences, and earthquakes, in and now at a point when the
disruption, to rise over the to Syria and beyond - escalation is diverse places. All these are the experts say it should be winding
coming twelve months," the back. Arms are flowing and beginning of sorrows." down, a second wave is striking
report continues. The authors of offensives are increasing," America. It is highly unusual for
the assessment expect to see Guterres informed. "All situations Such events have been hap- two strains of flu to spread in a
turmoil in Venezuela, Iran, Libya, are different but there is a feeling pening for quite some time, but in single flu season although it did
China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, of growing instability and hair- recent years they have greatly happen last year. "We may well
Russia, Thailand, Guinea, Nigeria, trigger tensions, which make intensified. How close are we to have, for the second year in a row
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Chile, the everything far more unpre- the end? While I do not know - unprecedented - a double-
Palestinian region, and Ethiopia. dictable and uncontrollable, with exactly when the Lord Jesus barreled influenza season," said
a heightened risk of mis- Christ will return, I do know that Dr. William Schaffner of Van-
How are the present global affairs calculation." He later went on to with each tick of the clock, we are derbilt University in Nashville,
described by prominent figures? say, "As we can see, problems one moment closer to that great Tennessee. According to a report
Former Prime Minister of Finland, feed each other." day. Thus, through all of the published by Live Science on 14
Alexander Stubb, has warned that turmoil, we still look up in February 2020, there have been
this planet is contending with a Interestingly enough, 2020 is the anticipation of our King's appea- 26 million cases of the flu during
"New World Disorder." Financial 75th anniversary of the founding rance. the current season, which
markets forecaster Gerald Celen- of the United Nations. This resulted in 250 000 hospitali-
te used this same phrase in organization was set up to unite THE EARTH zations and 14 000 deaths.
December 2019 when he said, the world and establish lasting RAVAGED BY DISEASE Looking back to China, in addition
"People are up in arms, the world peace, but this elusive peace will It seems there is always a disease to the coronavirus, the Asian
is on fire, and what's it all about, never be found because the of some sort making headlines country is also contending with
mostly? Income inequality, cor- United Nations rejects the Prince these days. Sometimes there are H5N1 bird flu in the Hunan
ruption, violence. I've never seen of Peace who is Jesus Christ! more than one. In recent years we province. As of 1 February 2020,
anything like this before. It's the have heard a lot about Ebola and Chinese authorities have been
New World Disorder." The Apostle Paul warned in I the disastrous effect this deadly forced to exterminate 17 828
Thessalonians 5:3, "For when disease has caused on the poultry.
The organization known as the they shall say, Peace and safety; African continent. The latest
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists then sudden destruction cometh outbreak, which began in August A CATASTROPHE IN AFRICA
is not feeling particularly optimis- upon them, as travail upon a 2018, is finally winding down and On a recent February day, 160
tic about the world's future either. woman with child; and they shall is believed to be nearly over. troops from the Ugandan army
This group, which is headed by 13 not escape." Conversely, we learn Throughout the duration of this assembled in their African
Nobel laureates, moved its from Psalm 4:8 (NIV) that genuine time, 3 500 people were infected country to fight off an invasion.
metaphorical "Doomsday Clock" peace and safety comes only and 2 250 have died. While the Their foes were not other soldiers.
forward by twenty seconds in from our God. The verse declares, people of Africa are likely relieved Instead, they fought against
January 2020. The group claims "In peace I will lie down and sleep, to see Ebola go once again, recent millions upon millions of locusts
we are now less than two minutes for you alone, Lord, make me history suggests that there will be that have been terrorizing East
from midnight, figuratively dwell in safety." more outbreaks in the future. As Africa. They worked tirelessly to
speaking, with midnight repre- has been the trend, however, this impede the voracious swarm,
senting the end of the world! Nevertheless, Guterres and his crisis has given way to a new one. spraying the invaders with
officials at the UN are obviously chemicals, but the hungry insects
"The Doomsday Clock is a troubled that despite their efforts A brand new strain of coronavirus would not be stymied.
globally recognized indicator of and despite the fact that the UN has been wreaking havoc in
the vulnerability of our existence. boasts a membership of 193 China. Over the course of the Other countries in Africa can
It's a striking metaphor for the countries around the world, they previous few weeks, the situation Continued on p. 7
Continued on p. 7
precarious state of the world, but have been unable to complete
most frighteningly, it is a their objectives. On the contrary,
metaphor backed by rigorous the world is under siege as
scientific scrutiny," said the disease, disaster, and war con-
former President of Ireland, Mary tinuously take their toll.
Robinson. Remarkably, the
decision to move the clock As we watch the events of our day
forward was made in November unfold, Christians around the
2019, but according to the group's world are beginning to wonder if
members, the world's condition we are approaching or are now in
has continuously deteriorated in the end times. This development
just that short time. was noted in a story published by
a British newspaper which
"I have to admit that we set the declared in its headline, "End of
clock in November. This was the world: Coronavirus panic and
before recent military actions by African locust plague spark Bible