Page 2 - Good News Okt2007 paper
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n 1848 London was stricken  sin  can  plunge  us  into  the  prevent evil thoughts, but we are
            with  a  devastating  cholera  depression  of  guilt.  A  frantic  under  no  obligation  to  nurture
          Iepidemic.  No  one  knew  the  busyness  or  the  laziness  of  them.
          cause of the disease. Panic was  leisure  can  dull  the  heart  with  We  must  test  our  thoughts  by
          widespread.                          apathy toward God.                    God's  Word.  If  we  let  seeds  of
          Dr.  John  Snow,  studying  the  We have all met people whose  unbelief,  lust,  or  sin  linger  to
          deaths of 89 people in one week  spiritual  lives  have  been  side-       germinate,  we  reap  their  grim
          in  a  certain  district  of  the  city,  tracked  and  crippled  by  failing  harvest of an enfeebled faith.
          discovered  that  all  but  two  of  to guard their hearts diligently. It  Finally, we must fellowship with
          these  drank  from  the  Broad  could easily happen to us.                 God's  people  in  order  to  keep
          Street Well.                         How  then  are  we  to  guard  our  our  well  sweet.  There  is  a
          When  asked  his  advice  in  an  hearts?  Several  principles  are  cleansing, renewing effect from
          emergency  meeting  of  con-         essential.                            the  encouragement  and  lifting
          cerned  leaders,  Snow  sugges-      First, we must confess sin just  faith  of  other  Christians
          ted,  "Take  the  handle  off  the  as  soon  as  the  Holy  Spirit  (Hebrews 10:24-25).
          Broad Street pump." It was done  convicts us. We cannot afford to  Is Christ in your heart? Are you
          and the epidemic in that quarter  allow it to filter into our hearts.  forcing Him to live among filth?
          of the city ceased.                  We can receive God's cleansing  If we allow Him, He will cleanse
          But removing the pump handle  immediately (1 John 1:9).                    our hearts. As we love Him, we
          didn't  solve  the  fundamental  Second,  we  must  refuse  to  will  guard  our  hearts  with  all
          problem.  Sewage  was  seeping  harbour  a  grudge.  Jesus  diligence from anything that will
          into  the  well,  poisoning  it.  The  teaches that immediate forgive-     prevent them from being places
          Well  had  to  be  protected  from  ness  and  reconciliation  are  fit for the King.    -    Dr. Ralph F.
          contamination to secure a safe  mandatory  for  His  disciples  Wilson
          water supply for the future.         (Matthew  5:23-24;  Mark  11:25).
          The Bible pictures the heart as a  To  delay  is  to  invite  bitterness  maturity/pump.htm
          spring  or  well.  Proverbs  4:23  within.
          exhorts  us,  "Keep  your  heart  Third,  we  must  be  quick  to
         with all vigilance, for from it flow  humble  ourselves.  Humility
         the  springs  of  life"  (RSV).  never hurts relationships; pride
         Sewage in the heart poisons the  always  does.  Pride  barricades
         whole life.                           the heart against God's voice.
         We must be continually on our  Fourth,  we  must  turn  away
         guard  against  the  subtle  wrong  thoughts  at  the  door.
         spiritual  sewage  that  would  Martin  Luther  once  said,  "You
         trickle in and pollute. A hurt, an  cannot  stop  a  bird  from  flying
         offense,  can  fill  us  with  over your head, but you can stop
         bitterness. A hint of gossip can  it  from  making  a  nest  in  your
         finish  a  friendship.  A  repeated  hair."  We  may  not  be  able  to

           Dutch Astrologer Finds Jesus

                 well-known Dutch astrologer turned to Christ     weekly  follow-up  talks.  "When  I  met  him,  he  was
                several  months  before  he  died.  This  is      exhausted, and asked our help to find peace," Leen
          Areported by evangelist Leen van Slooten in             said.  "There  were  many  people  who  hated  him,
          the  Dutch  edition  of  Joel  News.  Simon  Suiker,  a   because it turned out that he had taped a number of
          former  barber's  assistant  and  practising  clair-    his telephone consultations with powerful people,
          voyant, was consulted by top politicians, business      and was accused of having sold these tapes to a
          people, lawyers and soccer players. The astrologer,     journalist. He was crying when he asked forgiveness
          who was on drugs, led a homosexual lifestyle, and       and  mentioned  all  the  names  of  the  people  with
          was  diagnosed  HIV-positive,  was  in  hospital  for   whom he had a troubled relationship to God."
          surgery, and heard from a good friend that her sister,   "He read a lot in the Bible, and during our visits we
          Joyce Bootsma, had found Jesus.                         shared  the  Lord's  Supper,"  said  team  member
          Suiker was desperate. "I'm searching for God, and       Mauritz Dijkgraaf. "Simon told us:
          sometimes pray through the night. I really need to      'God  has  warned  me  several
          talk to your sister," he said. At first Joyce was hesi-  times  to  get  out  of  the  occult
          tant to visit the astrologer, but she felt God wanted   because it would ruin me, and it's
          her to go to the hospital and pray with him. At his bed   His grace that I finally got out.'"
         she led him to Jesus. "He was convinced that he had      Source:  Leen  van  Slooten  and
         to break with his occult activities," Joyce said.        team, Joel News International, JNI
         Leen  van  Slooten  and  his  team  visited  Suiker  for   605

          We are just days away from a powerful  of Jerusalem, and minister peace to all of
          moment, when Christians in every nation  her inhabitants, Jew and Arab alike.
          across  the  planet  will  join  in  faith  and  Sunday  7  October  2007  has  been
          unity to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.     designated as the Global Day of Prayer
          This massive prayer initiative, one of the  for the Peace of Jerusalem by well over
          largest in Church history, has now been  1 000 global Christian leaders.
          reported by major news outlets around  Although  there  will  be  a  Jerusalem
          the world. The Jerusalem Celebration of  Celebration  of  this  day  carried  live  on
          the  Day  of  Prayer  for  the  Peace  of  GOD TV around the world, the real thrust
          Jerusalem  will  be  carried  live  into  192  of  the  initiative  is  on  the  local  church
          nations on God TV.                            level.
          Literally,  in  every  corner  of  the  planet,  Please  BE  SURE  that  your  church  is
          churches  are  preparing  to  stand  in  participating! There are resources such
          agreement with Psalm 122, and with one  as  posters  and  prayer  cards  for  your
          another  in  hope,  and  pray  for  God's  local  church  available  on  the  web  at
          presence and peace to flood the streets
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