Page 8 - Good News September 2010 paper
P. 8
ears ago I attended an evangelistic asked for it. The nurse said, “I will bring it
meeting and heard an illustration to you!” She brought the itemized bill.
Ywhich has deeply impressed me With a heavy heart, the patient began to
through the years. This illustration is used read the different items from the top
again by Walter B Knight in the Gospel downward. She sighed. But as her eyes
Herald. lowered, she saw the following notation at
He wrote, “Dr. Howard A Kelly was a the bottom of the large bill: 'Paid in full
renowned physician and surgeon, and, with one glass of milk!' It was signed:
withal, a devout practicing Christian. Howard A Kelly, M.D."
During the summer holidays when in The greatest debt that anyone can owe is
medical school, Dr. Kelly sold books to the debt of sin. When we look at the sins
help with expenses. Becoming thirsty, he which we have committed through the
stopped one day at a farmhouse for a years it is natural to ask, "How can I have
glass of water. A girl came to the door. the debt of my sins cancelled?" Then we
When he asked for a glass of water, she stop and remember the death of Jesus
kindly said, “I will give you a glass of milk Christ on the Cross of Calvary and we are
if you wish!” He drank the cool, refresh- reminded that He paid our sin debt there
ing milk heartily. and all that we have to do is accept what
“The years passed, Dr. Kelly graduated Christ has done on our behalf and we will
from medical shool, and became the chief have the debt of sin removed.
surgeon in the John Hopkins Hospital. Jesus paid it all,
One day, a patient was admitted to the All to Him I owe;
great hospital. She was from the rural area Sin had left a crimson stain,
and was seriously ill. She was given He washed it white as snow.
special care, being placed in a private Would you like to receive the Lord Jesus
room with a private nurse. The skilled Christ as your personal Saviour now?
chief surgeon spared no effort to make the Confess your sins, and ask Him to come
patient well. After undergoing surgery, into your heart.
she convalesced rapidly. "But as many as received Him, to them
“One day, she was told by the head nurse, gave He power to become the sons of God,
'Tomorrow you will go home!' Though her even to them that believe on His Name"
joy was great, it was somewhat lessened (John 1:12).
by the thought of the large bill she must [From: 52 Soul-stirring Illustrations, Billy
owe the hospital and the surgeon. She Apostolon, Baker Book House,1974].