Page 4 - Good News July 2017 paper
P. 4

"She is a normal, simple woman, who did something sensible and
                                                                                     realistic. But that's exactly what Jesus can use to plant a church for a
                                                                                     whole village with 450 inhabitants in one single day," reports Danie
                                                                                     Vermeulen, Dawn Co-ordinator for Southern Africa.

                                                                                     "Kerry  was  a  normal  member  of  a  church  in  Richards  Bay,  South
                                                                                     Africa. She had volunteered to organize water and food for the women
                                                                                     with babies waiting for the doctor in Kwambonambi. One day, a lot of
                                                                                     food was left over, and she sensed God prompting her to go to the
                                                                                     neighbouring  Slovo  Camp  to  see  if  anyone  was  hungry.  She
                                                                                     discovered 450 people living in extreme poverty.

                                                                                     Touched, she decided to take food there every day. On the third day,
                                                                                     three men addressed her; it turned out that they were the leaders of the

                                                                                     "We want to talk with you. Why do you do that? Why do you give the
                                                                                     people food?" they asked. "Jesus told me to do it," she said.
                                                                                     "So which Company does this Jesus work for?" one of them asked.
                                                                                      "He doesn't work for a Company," she said. "He is God."
                                                                                     "Can we meet this Jesus, your God? If He notices this group of 450
                                                                                     poor slum-dwellers in this huge universe, he must be the true God. If
                                                                                     we can meet Him, the whole Community will serve Him," one of the
                                                                                     men said.
                                                                                     Kerry told them that she would introduce them to Jesus the following
                                                                                     Saturday. Back in her church, she asked for the Jesus Film and 1 000
                                                                                     meals for the following Saturday, so that everyone could have enough
                                                                                     to eat, and see that God is not miserly, but has more than enough to
                                                                                     provide for all.

                                                                                     That Saturday, everyone ate as much as they wanted; it was the best
                                                                                     meal which many of them had ever eaten. Several children ate meat for
                                                                                     the first time in their lives.

                                                                                     In  the  evening,  they  watched  the  Jesus  Film.  At  the  end,  all  450
                                                                                     accepted Jesus as their Lord. A church was planted, known as the
                                                                                     Slovo  Camp  Church  -  through  a  woman  who  just  made  herself
                                                                                     available to Jesus!" says Vermeulen.
                                                                                     - Friday Fax

                                                                                      And now just as you trusted Christ to save you, trust Him too, for
                                                                                      each day's problems; live in vital union with Him. Let your roots grow
                                                                                      down into Him and draw up nourishment from Him. See that you go
                                                                                      on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth
                                                                                      you were taught. Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving
                                                                                      for all He has done.
                                                                                      Don't let others spoil your faith and joy with their philosophies, their
                                                                                      wrong  and  shallow  answers  built  on  men's  thoughts  and  ideas,
                                                                                      instead of on what Christ has said. For in Christ there is all of God in a
                                                                                      human body; so you have everything when you have Christ, and you
                                                                                      are filled with God through your union with Christ. He is the highest
                                                                                      Ruler, with authority over every other power.
                                                                                      (Colossians 2:6-10 Life Application Bible)
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