Page 8 - Good News Okt2007 paper
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           'Lord, there are cars behind me.'" There  could've  been  me  on  that  bridge.  Then
          were about 100 people in the line of traffic  people  came  up  to  me  and  said,  'Thank
          behind  Matthew,  and  many  had  begun  you.' I got out and looked from the side [at
          honking their horns at him. "But God said,  the  collapse]...  it  was  traumatic  seeing
          'That's  okay,  you  need  to  stop.'  So  I  what had happened. Then the police told
          stopped. And then the Lord said, 'Look.'"     me  to  get  back  into  my  car  and  turn
          "People were going around me - about 20  around." Matthew said this incident made
          feet away from the bridge. That's when it  him  more  aware  of  God  awakening  His
          snapped, broke down and crashed. I saw  people,  and  calling  us  to  really  listen  to
          two  cars  go  off  the  bridge,  and  I  was  Him, and be obedient.
          like...'wow!' At first I was sitting in the car  Source: Aimee Herd, BCN Exclusive, Joel
          waiting,  thanking  the  Lord,  because  it  News International 607.

                 t  the  4th  Annual  World  Christian   Please  raise  him
                 Doctor's  Network  Conference  from  the  dead  right
          A(          held in Miami this   n o w   i n   J e s u s '
          Summer, dr. Chauncey W. Crandall IV of        Name."
          the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in       Within  minutes  the
          Palm  Beach  Gardens,  Florida,  told  120    man's heart began to
          medical  doctors  their  patients  could  be   beat perfectly and he    Dr. CW Crandall IV
          miraculously  healed,  even  revived  from    started  moving  his
          death, if they would pray, reported Assist    fingers  and  toes  and  then  he  started  to
          News Service (ANS).                           speak, ANS reported. The man awoke with
          As  Crandall  regaled  the  doctors  with     a story of his journey to hell and of crying
          stories of God miraculously healing past      out for Christ to save him.
          patients, he told the story of a 53-year-old   Crandall  encouraged  doctors  at  the
          mechanic  whose  heart  stopped  beating      Conference  to  integrate  prayer  into  their
          after  he  had  suffered  a  massive  heart   everyday tasks. "I would just like to say to
          attack.                                       my  colleagues  and  physicians  out  there,
          Crandall said that as the man's body was      that the Lord is real," he said. "We've seen
          being  prepared  to  go  to  the  morgue  he   many miracles and we pray for our patients
          sensed the Holy Spirit tell him to pray for   daily. There is not one week that goes by
          the man. "There was no life in the man. His   that we don't see a mighty miracle in our
          face and feet and arms were completely        office. The people need this, they need the
          black with death and I sat next to his body   power of Christ in their life, and they need
          and prayed," Crandall said. "Father, God, I   the power of Christ for healing."
          cry out for the soul of this man if he does   Source: Dr. Chauncey W. Crandall IV, ANS,
          not  know  You  as  his  Lord  and  Saviour.   JNI 605
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