Page 8 - Good News October 2010 paper
P. 8

hile a student at Yale University, Eugene
                                                          F. Suter, Jr.'s father died, leaving him an
                                                 Westate  of  $400  000.  When  Eugene
                  issionaries  are  ordinary
                  people.  Yet,  with  God's     refused  the  inheritance,  the  trustees  of  the
          Mpower  working  through               estate insisted that he take it, and even took him
          them,  they  can  perform  extra-      to court to force him to accept the money.
          ordinary miracles.                     In an unprecedented case held in New York City,
          Barsha  was a member of a church       Judge William T. Collins reluctantly ruled that the
          in a South Asian village. She had      young  man  had  a  legal  right  to  reject  the
          cancer  for  12  years  and  became    $400 000. The order legally cut off the 22-year-old
          very  discouraged.  When  the          student  from  all  future  interest  in  the  family
          doctors told her there was nothing     fortune, leaving him without an income.
          they could do to save her life, she    There are a lot of people in this world who are
          lost  all  hope.  The  Women's         refusing a far greater inheritance than Suter did.
          Fellowship  Team  in  her  church      God has offered us the opportunity to be joint-
          heard  about  Barsha's  disease.       heirs with Christ and heirs of eternal life, and so
          They started fervently praying for     many are refusing to profess belief in Christ and
          her, and Barsha was healed from        to be born again. Like Suter, they will be cut off
          her  cancer. As  a  result,  Barsha's   from all future benefits from their Father's estate.
          faith in God was strengthened.         Will your inheritance go unclaimed?
          Chahel  was paralyzed. And to add      "Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and
          to  his  suffering,  his  whole  body   you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Yes,
          was covered with boils. One day he     come,  buy  wine  and  milk  without  money  and
          met  Taj,  who  was  a  missionary.
          After praying for Chahel, Taj gave     without price. Why do you spend money for what
          him oil and instructed him to apply    is not bread, and your wages for what does not
          it on his body daily while praying to   satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is
          God. After four days of praying and    good,  and  let  your  soul  delight  itself  in  abun-
          applying  the  oil,  Chahel's  boils   dance" (Isaiah 55:1-2 NKJV).
          completely disappeared. When Taj
          came over, he was amazed by the
          results. Taj shared the Gospel with
          Chahel  and  his  family.  From  that
          day on, the entire family decided to
          follow  Jesus  Christ  as  their
          In another case of paralysis, Lata
          was  unable  to  walk  for  a  whole
          year.  Despite  treatment  at  a  hos-
          pital,  she  was  not  getting  better.
          Rajan, a believer who lived in the
          same village met with missionary
          Nageeve Chakma and took him to
          Lata's  home.  While  Nageeve  was
          earnestly  praying,  Dakshata,   one
          of  the  family  members,  began
          showing signs of demon posses-
          sion. After Nageeve finished pray-
          ing,  Lata  was  completely  healed
          and could walk again. In addition,
          Dakshata  was  no  longer  in  bon-
          dage by demons. [Gospel for Asia,
          JNI 747, September 2010].
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