Page 1 - Good News October 2013 paper
P. 1

y almost every standard known to modern          tongue  almost  in  his  face,  and  then  without  any
                 Missionary  Boards,  David  Brainerd  would      apparent  reason,  glided  swiftly  away  into  the
          Bhave  been  rejected  as  a  missionary  brushwood. 'The Great Spirit is with the paleface!'
          candidate. He was tubercular - died of that disease     the  Indians  said;  and  thus  they  accorded  him  a
          at twenty-nine - and from his youth was frail and       prophet's welcome."
          sickly.  He  never  finished  college,  being  unfairly
          expelled from Yale for criticizing a professor and for   That incident in Brainerd's ministry illustrates the
          his interest and attendance in meetings of the "New     many Divine interventions of God in his life - it also
          Lights," a religious organization. He was prone to      illustrates the importance and intensity of prayer in
          be melancholy and despondent.                           Brainerd's life. Believe it - Brainerd prayed!  Read the
                                                                  Life  and  Diary  of  David  Brainerd  by  Jonathan
          Yet  this  young  man,  who  would  have  been          Edwards.  On  page  after  page  one  reads  such
          considered a real risk by any present-day Mission       sentences as:
          Board, became a missionary to the American Red          Wednesday, April  21.  ...and  God
          Indians and, in the most real sense, "the pioneer of    again  enabled  me  to  wrestle  for
          modern  missionary  work."  Brainerd  began  his        numbers of souls, and had much
          ministry  with  the  Indians  in  April,  1743,  at     fervency  in  the  sweet  duty  of
          Kannameek,  New  York,  then  ministered  in  intercession...
          Crossweeksung and Cranberry (near Newark), New          Lord's Day, April 25. This morning
          Jersey.  These  were  the  areas  of  his  greatest     I spent about two hours in secret
          successes.                                              duties and was enabled more than
                                                                  ordinarily to agonize for immortal
          Brainerd's first journey to the Forks of the Delaware   souls. Though it was early in the
          to reach that ferocious tribe resulted in a miracle of          Continued on p. 5
                                                                          Continued on p. 5
          God that preserved his life and revered him among
          the Indians as a "Prophet of God." Encamped at the
          outskirts of the Indian settlement, Brainerd planned
          to enter the Indian community the next morning to
          preach to them the Gospel of Christ. Unknown to
          him, his every move was being watched by warriors
          who had been sent out to kill him. F.W. Boreham
          recorded the incident:

          "But  when  the  braves  drew  closer  to  Brainerd's
          tent, they saw the paleface on his knees. And as he
          prayed, suddenly a rattlesnake slipped to his side,
          lifted up its ugly head to strike, flicked its forked
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