Page 11 - Good News April 2013 paper
P. 11

Continued from p. 10           Every  time  we  sense  we  should    Laodicean  church  was  in  actual   there is any offensive way in me,
          hearts,  but  they  were  so  busy   turn to God, it is Jesus knocking     fact a very poor church in God's     and  lead  me  in  the  way  ever-
          enjoying  worldly  pleasures  that   on  the  door  of  our  hearts.  He   estimation! No virtues are recor-    lasting" (Ps. 139:23, 24 NIV).
          they  didn't  even  notice  that  He   wants to have fellowship with us,   ded,  only  sins  and  weaknesses
          was trying to enter!                 and  He  wants  us  to  open  up  to   (lukewarmness, spiritual conceit,
          The  pleasures  of  this  world  -   Him. He is patient and persistent     no  conscious  need  of  God,
          money,  security,  material  in trying to get through to us - not          spiritual  poverty,  and  spiritual
          possessions -  can be dangerous,     breaking  and  entering,  but  blindness).  The  church  of  Lao-
          because  their  temporary  satis-    knocking. He allows us to decide      dicea  typifies  the  last  days'
          faction  makes  us  indifferent  to   whether or not to open our lives to   churches - popular, self-satisfied,
          God's offer of lasting satisfaction.   Him.  Do  you  intentionally  keep   worldly churches!
          If you find yourself feeling indif-  His  life-changing  Presence  and     [The Thompson Chain-Reference
          ferent to church, to God, or to the   power  on  the  other  side  of  the   Bible,  NIV].  "Search  me,  O  God,
          Bible,  you  have  begun  to  shut   door? [Life Application Bible].       and know my heart; test me and
          God out of your life!                Although  very  wealthy,  this  rich   know my anxious thoughts. See if       Lukewarm water of Laodicea
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