Page 6 - Good News April 2013 paper
P. 6
HE ONE STORY that Saviour. I gave him my Bible,
lives in my heart until which I still have today with
Ttoday unfolded before all that he wrote in it while
my eyes when I was called to studying it during his last
the death cells in 1976. There days. He started serving God
was a man who was con- and testified to all around
demned to death after he had him.
committed three murders. The morning we took him out
He had chased away two of his cell to be executed, I
different ministers, throwing prayed for him and he took
their Bibles and literature out hold of my arm as we walked
of his cell. I was asked to try up the steps towards the
and minister to him. gallows. At the gallows I
On my first visit, he said that wanted to pray once more for
he was agnostic, believed in him but he refused. He said
evolution, and wanted that he wanted to pray for me
nothing to do with God. We that God will never let me tire
talked for about an hour, but of working for Him in the
he did not move 1 mm from prisons. His next words then
what he believed. sent a pain through my heart.
Eventually I took out two He said: “Pastor, if I had only
pictures of our youngest met you three years earlier, I
daughter. One was taken in would not have died as a
hospital, when she was given murderer on the gallows.”
a one percent chance to live. Those words have stuck in
The other was when she was my heart until today. Was
about three years old, after there no one near that man in
being healed by God. She those dark days that could
was a perfect little girl with all have told him about Jesus?
her faculties working. How many people are
I told him about her healing missing Heaven because
and showed him the pictures. children of God do not talk
Without saying a word, he about Him enough?
went on his knees and he - Philip Kruger, NOW, October
accepted Jesus Christ as his 2010.