Page 3 - Good News August 2015 paper
P. 3
Be kind to one another… so much to make me happy!”
Ephesians 4:32(a) RSV Stories like these make me feel
Love is patient and kind… good inside. So does reading
1 Corinthians 13:4 RSV about David's kindness to
An elderly man fought back tears Jonathan's handicapped son,
as he told me about the kindness Mephibosheth. But I'm afraid we
of Christian friends during his often forget the importance of
recent stay in hospital. Someone being kind to one another. We
had brought his wife to see him speak harsh and unloving words
every day. A neighbour mowed and run roughshod over people's
the grass and weeded the feelings. We get so busy with our
garden. A group from the church own selfish pursuits that we
had cleaned the house and forget the needs of others. How
prepared it for winter. unchristian! Let's ask God to help
Another touching story about a us change our pattern of life.
small act of kindness was related Remember, small and seemingly
by a Christian lady who has lived unimportant acts of thought-
in an old age home for several fulness can lift the spirits of
years. She said that one day a people who are lonely, broken-
friend who was going to the hearted, and discouraged. And
country to buy some straw- these little kindnesses please
berries stopped by and invited God.
her to go along. They drove past Kindness is a living guide
several places that brought back that shows us how to live;
fond memories to her, and they A treasue which
browsed at a fruit and vegetable the more we spend
stand. Later she wrote: “It would the more we have to give.
be difficult for anyone to under- Kindness is a language the deaf
stand the thrill of just buying a can hear and the blind can see.
tomato! It took so little, but it did [Our Daily Bread, August 1981]
"Ek sal hom ook liefhê en My is die begin van geluk- sal vir seker daarop volg. doen.
aan hom openbaar." saligheid! Sulke manifestasies Iemand sonder heiligheid het Ons sien dus dat Jesus se
(Johannes 14:21). van Christus het 'n heilige nog nooit 'n spesiale open- Teenwoordigheid in ons lewe
invloed op die gelowige se baring van Christus ontvang drie dinge tot gevolg het:
Die Here Jesus openbaar hart... nie. nederigheid, geluk en heilig-
Homself op spesiale maniere Een uitwerking is nederigheid. Party mense beweer baie heid. Mag God dit aan jou gee!
aan Sy mense. Wanneer Jesus Nog 'n uitwerking is geluk. In dinge, maar ons moet hulle nie [ELKE NUWE DAG, Charles
Homself aan Sy mense open- God se Teenwoordigheid is glo nie totdat ons sien dat hulle Spurgeon, Christian Art Gifts,
baar, is dit hemel op aarde. Dit daar ewige vreugde. Heiligheid dade hulle woorde gestand 2005].