Page 4 - Good News August 2015 paper
P. 4
badiah is the shortest verse 3 of Obadiah says, “Who
book in the Old Testa- can bring me down?” This kind
Oment, but it conveys a of pride says, “I am better than
powerful message that is as valid you; I am smarter than you. My
today as it was when the prophet opinion matters; yours does not.
Obadiah, whose name means Everything I do is better.”
“servant of the Lord,” wrote it
centuries ago. Obadiah prophe- Did you know that “me, myself
sied God's judgment against the and I” are the greatest problems
kingdom of Edom, which was we have? We spend our time and
formed by the descendants of energy admiring ourselves and
Esau. The Edomites were strong simply being full of ourselves,
people who were enemies of when in reality we are supposed
God's people Israel, just as their to be full of God and empty of
founder, Esau, had been ourselves - totally empty!
opposed to his brother, the
Israelite patriarch, Jacob. The God can really only use humble
rivalry between the two brothers men and women. I have heard it
extended to their descendants, said that it is yet to be seen what
and the Edomites seemed to take God can do through a man or a
great pleasure in invading and woman who will give Him all the
plundering Jerusalem. glory.
Simply put, the Edomites had a Pride and love do not mix. Love is
problem with pride, just as many not proud and haughty. It is not
nations and individuals have boastful or conceited. It is not
today. Obadiah declared God's puffed up. Love does not look
warning of destruction to Edom, down on others; it does not see
saying, “Behold, I will make you others as little and insignificant.
small among the nations [Edom]; Because love values every
you shall be despised exceed- individual, everyone who comes
ingly. The pride of your heart has in contact with a person who is
deceived you, you dweller in the full of love will be made to feel
refuges of the rock [Petra, special, valuable, and encou-
Edom's capital], whose habi- raged.
tation is high, who says in his
heart, ‘Who can bring me down to Do you want God to use you?
the ground?’” (Obadiah 1:2,3). Ask Him to deal with your pride
and give you love for people.
In the end, the Edomites' pride Look to your Example, JESUS,
did lead to their destruction. God Who humbled Himself and gave
did execute His judgment Himself for you!
against them, and these people
are never mentioned in Scripture I hope the message of Obadiah
again after the fall of Jerusalem will remind us that pride is
in AD 70. deadly. God wants us to live
before Him and before others
May the message of Obadiah with a humble, tender heart.
remind us that pride is deadly! Pride, whether it is in a nation or
God wants us to live before Him in an individual, will not escape
and before others with a humble, God's judgment, but humility
tender heart. Pride, whether it is brings His blessing and favour.
in a nation or in an individual, will [The Everyday Life Bible, Ampli-
not escape God's judgment, but fied Version, featuring notes and
humility brings His blessing and commentary by Joyce Meyer,
favour. The pride spoken of in Faith Words, 2006].