Page 1 - Good News December 2009 paper
P. 1

Valerie Clark      walls. Days and days had passed      and tree roots. Tembo had been fascinated, and for
                                           He  lay  on  his  in a meaningless blur, but some-          days  he  had  watched  her  closely,  amazed  at  the
                                           prison bed, staring    one had mentioned that tomorrow      things she said and did. She seemed to like them all
                                           at  the  four  dirty   would  be  Christmas  Day,  and      and had tried hard to speak their language. When
                                                                  Tembo pondered this fact.            Tembo’s sister had fallen and cut her knee open,
                                                                  Christmas Day! When last had he      “Mama”  Grace  had  bathed  it  and  bound  it  up  so
                                                                  thought  about  Christmas  Day?      lovingly. Every day, underneath the big thorn tree,
                                                                  Certainly not for many years. His    she would set up a big board and on it she would
                                                                  mind  went  back  to  the  carefree   stick a cross and talk about a Man called Jesus.
                                                                  childhood days when he and his       “Mama”  Grace  told  the  same  story  every  day.
                                                                  family  lived  in  a  small  hutted   Tembo got to know it well. The God who made this
                                                                  village,  far  from  signs  of  civili-  world sent His Son, Jesus, to die on a cross. His
                                                                  zation.                              death was to wash away our sins. Our hearts are
                                                                  There  the  goats  ran  free,  and   black with sin, but Jesus’ Blood would make them
                                                                  every  day  was  full  of  laughter.                     Continued on p. 6
                                                                                                                           Continued on p. 6
                                                                  Tembo and his three brothers and
                                                                  four sisters had learnt to do many
                                                                  chores,  from  sweeping  the
                                                                  ground outside their family hut, to
                                                                  herding the goats into the enclo-
                                                                  sure. At night, they would all sleep
                                                                  well,  tired  out  from  the  day’s
                                                                  One day, a white missionary lady
                                                                  had  arrived  in  the  village,
                                                                  manoeuvring  her  old  beaten-up
                                                                  panel  van  between  the  anthills
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