Page 6 - Good News December 2009 paper
P. 6

Continued from p. 1           said as she stood beside her panel
                                                white and pure.                      van. “Remember, He is the Saviour
                                               On a very hot summer’s day, when      of  the  world,  the  Bright  and
                                               the flies were everywhere and the     Morning Star.” Tears were stream-
                                               land  needed  rain,  “Mama”  Grace    ing  down  her  face  as  the  vehicle
                                               had  announced  that  it  was  lurched away.
                                               Christmas  Day.  She  said  it  was  a   Staring  out  of  the  small,  barred
                                               very  important  day,  and  everyone   window, Tembo saw a particularly
                                               must  stop  what  they  were  doing   bright star. He wondered where the
                                               and  listen  to  her  story.  Nobody   missionary lady was and if she was
                                               minded stopping work, and soon all    still telling people about Jesus, the
                                               were gathered under the tree.         Bright and Morning Star. Probably
                                               “Mama” Grace told the Christmas       she had died by now and had gone
                                               story.  She  had  little  carved  figu-  to that place called Heaven that she
                                               rines that she carefully set out on a   had so often spoken of. Tembo had
                                               table. God sent His Son, Jesus, to    left his home as a teenager in order
                                               be the Saviour of the world, to save   to  find  work  in  a  faraway  place.
                                               us from our sin.                      There, life had been so different and
                                               The star guided the Wise Men to the   frightening. As time went by, he got
                                               stable,  and  there  the  Baby  Jesus   caught  up  with  bad  people  and
                                               lay  in  a  humble  straw  bed.  Each   found himself doing bad things.
                                               Wise  Man  had  a  gift  for  the  new   He never thought about his home or
                                               King.  The  shepherds,  people  like   his mother and father. It made him
                                               them who watched over sheep and       deeply  unhappy  to  do  so.  They
                                               goats, were kneeling before Jesus,    would be so sorrowful if they knew
                                               worshipping Him.                      the life he was leading. He hadn’t
                                               Angels with outspread wings, were     been  back  home  for  many,  many
                                               standing  behind  the  Baby’s  years. Now, in a lonely prison cell,
                                               parents. As the missionary lady set   past memories flooded his mind as
                                               out the scene she began to sing, “O   he stared up at the star.
                                               come let us adore Him! O come let     “And  you  shall  call  His  Name
                                               us adore Him! O come let us adore     JESUS, for He shall save His people
                                               Him, Christ the Lord!”                from their sins.” Tembo recited the
                                               Lying on his prison bed, Tembo was    verse  and  was  thinking  of  those
                                               surprised  that  he  could  still     afternoons  underneath  the  big
                                               remember the tune. He hummed it       thorn  tree.  The  missionary  lady
                                               through a couple of times, and then   would be surprised and pleased to
                                               put the words to it.                  know  that  he  had  remembered
                                               Before  he  could  reach  the  end  of   these  words.  He  climbed  down
                                               the  song,  tears  were  streaming    from  his  bed  and  knelt  down,
                                               down  his  face  and  he  started     bowing his head.
                                               sobbing.  So  much  had  happened     “Jesus, Saviour of the World,” he
                                               since  that  Christmas  Day  nearly   prayed, “please save me from my
                                               twenty-five  years  ago.  “Mama”      sins.  Wash  them  away  in  Your
                                               Grace had said that to put your trust   blood, and give me a clean heart. Be
                                               in this Saviour of the world would    my Bright and Morning Star.”
                                               be  to  enjoy  peace  and  great  joy.   When  Christmas  morning  broke
                                               There had been no peace or joy in     over  that  prison  house,  a  “sinner
                                               his life for many a year. He groaned   saved  by  grace”  woke  up  with  a
                                               aloud when he thought of all the evil   smile on his face.
                                               he had done.                          NOW  he  understood  everything
                                               But  back  on  that  day,  he  hadn’t    that  “Mama”  Grace  had  taught
                                               understood  what  the  missionary     them all those years ago. Now he
                                               lady  had  been  saying,  and  it     too could worship Christ the King!
                                               seemed,  neither  had  any  of  the   That  Christmas  day,  other  priso-
                                               other villagers. A couple of months   ners woke to the sound of Tembo’s
                                               later,  “Mama”  Grace,  with  a  sad   rich voice singing:
                                               look  in  her  eyes,  had  packed  her   “O come let us adore Him!
                                               few belongings and said goodbye       O come let us adore Him!
                                               to  them  all.  “Jesus  is  the  One  to   O come let us adore Him,
                                               save you from your sin,” she had      Christ the Lord!”
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