Page 8 - Good News June 2009 paper
P. 8

ast  April  on  a  Sunday  we
                took one of our “nowhere”
          Ldrives.  My  husband  was
          quietly driving a back road. I was
          occupied in the front passenger
          seat watching the scenery. Out of
          the  corner  of  my  eye  I  noticed
          that my husband was straining to
          look  out  of  my  window.  This
          startled  me,  since  his  eyes
          should have been on the road in      when it is Easter.” I had no idea what he meant by
          front of him. I asked him what he    that, so I pressed him for more information.
          was  looking  at  and  he  quietly   He continued, “The pine-trees start their new growth
          replied, “Nothing.” His eyes went    period during the weeks before Easter. If you look at
          back to the road in front of him.    the tops of the pine-trees two weeks before Easter,
          After a few minutes, I looked at     you  will  see  the  yellow  shoots.   As  the  days  get
          my husband again and noticed a       closer to Easter Sunday, the tallest shoot will branch
          tear. I asked him what was wrong.    off  and  form  a  cross.  By  the  time  Easter  Sunday
          This time he told me, “I was just    comes around, you will see that most of the pine-
          thinking about Pop and a story he    trees  will  have  small  yellow  crosses  on  all  of  the
          had  once  told  me.”  Because  it   tallest shoots.”
          had to do with his Dad I wanted to   I turned to look out the window and I couldn't believe
          know  the  story,  and  so  I  asked   my eyes. It was a week before Easter, and you could
          him to share it with me.             see  all  of  the  trees  with  the  tall  yellow  shoots
          He  said,  “When  I  was  about  8   stretching to Heaven.
          years  old,  Pop  and  I  were  out   The tallest ones shone in the sunlight like rows of
          fishing and that is when he told     tiny golden crosses!
                                                                 JESUS IS LORD!
          me  that  the  pine-trees  know                        JESUS IS LORD!

          ’n  Suid-Koreaanse  Christen  het  aan  die  ergste
          graad van melaatsheid gely. Dit was in oorlogstyd
          en  hy  is  in  ’n  Amerikaanse  sendinghospitaal
          opgeneem. Die man was verskriklik geskend deur
          sy siekte. Sy voete was so misvorm dat hy nie kon
          loop  nie.  Hy  het  geen  vingers  aan  sy  hande
          oorgehad  nie.  Die  siekte  het  sy  oë,  sy  tong  en
          tande,  selfs  sy  lippe  verwoes.  Só  het  hy  in  sy
          hospitaalbed gelê: verlam, doof, stom, blind.
          Maar drie dinge kon hy nog doen: Hy kon aanvoel
          wanneer iemand in sy kamer kom as gevolg van
          die vibrasie van die voetstappe op die vloer. Hy
          kon sy vingerlose hand so effens oplig. En hy kon
          nog onverstaanbare geluide maak.
          Dit was vir hom genoeg om teenoor die mediese
          personeel van sy Here te getuig. In die dodekamer
          het  die  volgende  toneel  dikwels  afgespeel:
          Wanneer  iemand  daar  ingekom  het,  het  die
          melaatse  dit  aangevoel  en  sy  vingerlose  hand
          opgelig om te wys na die houtkruis wat hy geweet
          het bokant sy bed hang. Só het hy weggewys van
          sy eie pyn… na sy Verlosser, Christus die Here.
          Dan  het  die  blinde,  sterwende  man  liploos
          geglimlag en opgewonde hyggeluide gemaak.
          Niemand wat hom gesien het, kon twyfel aan wat
          hy wou sê en aan die krag van sy getuienis nie.

              “Christene is op pad deur die nag in die rigting
              van die dagbreek. Al wat ons hoef te doen, is
              om vir die ander reisigers deur die nag in die
              rigting van die Lig te wys. Hulle sal verstaan dat
              ons daarmee sê: ‘Kyk, daar kom die Son op!’”
              (Daniel Fackre).

          [Uit:  Stories  vir  die  lewe  Omnibus,  ’n  Boek  oor
          lewenswaardes, Piet Naudé, Lux Verbi.BM, 2002].

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