Page 3 - Good News June 2009 paper
P. 3
Pastor Bill Marks, Christian Fellowship, Potchefstroom, 018 293 1608 or 079 311 6515
Faith expresses itself in several God now, when you need Him the broken through my enemies afflictions. In 1 Peter 1:3-9 we read
ways. In Ephesians 2:8-9 Paul most?” and “Where will you be before me,” like a breakthrough of that our afflictions are only for a
says, “It is by grace you have tomorrow?” “Just give up, for water! short season. What a wonderful
been saved, through faith - and your prayers aren’t getting Are you needing a breakthrough promise!
that not of yourselves, it is the Gift through.” in your life at this moment? The ultimate test of faith is to keep
of God.” Thus SAVING FAITH is The other day while I was praying, Remember, FAITH does not have on believing that God has never
when you hear the Gospel and act the thought came to me, “Stop to see before it believes. The failed to keep the promises we
in faith by confessing your sins praying.” For a moment I thought, Bible’s definition of FAITH is the find in His Word. So turn to God’s
and accepting the Gift of “Yes, perhaps I should.” Then substance of things hoped for, the Word, and live by His promises,
Salvation - JESUS - and enjoying suddenly I realized that the Holy evidence of things not seen all the while believing that He will
a special relationship with your Spirit would not say something (Hebrews 11:1). give you a breakthrough!
Heavenly Father. So FAITH is the like that to me, and I realized it was Jesus spoke by FAITH, with assu- 2 Corinthians 1:20 - “For no
basis for your salvation (1 Peter demon forces trying to prohibit rance, in Matthew 12:40: “So the matter how many promises God
1:23). In Luke 7:50 Jesus said to me from continuing to pray. Son of Man will be three days and has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ.
the woman, “your faith has saved The battle you are going through three nights in the heart of the And so through Him the ‘Amen’ is
you.” now is taking place in the super- earth.” spoken.” GLORY TO GOD!
To continue in FAITH you need to natural. And the same Spirit of Him who While I was praying on 30 May
start reading the Word of God, Psalms 11:2 - “Behold, the wicked raised Jesus from the dead is 2009, the Holy Spirit gave me
and meditate on it day and night, bend their bow, they make ready living in you (Romans 8:11). And Word: “If God be for you, who can
for FAITH cometh by hearing and their arrow upon the string to He is able to raise you up from any be against you?” Today the Lord
hearing by the Word of God shoot in darkness at the upright in situation you may find yourself. is saying to you: “Do not fear, for I
(Romans 10:17). The spirit of man heart.” The ultimate test of faith is to have am with you. Do not be dismayed,
is the perfect environment for you At one time I was going through a absolute confidence and convic- for I am your God. I will strengthen
to sow the Word of God into your situation which seemed impos- tion in God. Mark 11:22 - “‘Have you and help you. I will uphold
life. This will indeed produce sible to be delivered from. faith in God,’ Jesus answered.” you with My righteous hand.”
FAITH to move mountains. However, I would say to my wife, Jesus has not changed. He is the
Beloved, God knows the giant “We are on the brink of a same today, yesterday and PRAYER REQUEST
issues that you are facing right breakthrough.” Then things forevermore, for God is FAITH- Please pray for a little girl whose
now and Satan’s fiery arrows, but would get worse, but I would FUL, and God is looking for name is Mekayla. She was born 4
Paul advises you in Ephesians continue to confess, “We are on FAITHFUL people. weeks ago with heart, kidney and
6:16, “Above all take the shield of the brink of a breakthrough.” And So speak to the mountains in your lung failure, and thank God for a
FAITH, wherewith ye shall be able the breakthrough did come and I life! God is bigger than all your miracle. FAITH ACTS AS IF THE
to quench all the fiery darts of the give God all the glory! problems or your enemies, and no THINGS THAT ARE NOT SEEN
wicked.” Read 2 Samuel 5:17-25 and see matter what situation you are in, ARE ALREADY A REALITY!
The fearful disturbing thoughts how David defeated the Philis- God is able to do the impossible SPONSORED BY A TAPESTRY A TAPESTRY
that you will hear is, “Where is tines. Verse 20: “The Lord has and bring you out of all your GARDEN GUEST HOUSE
Vervolg van p. 1Vervolg van p. 1 reeds besig om my sitplekgordel dokter die hele tyd vir my gesê: beheer en Hy weet beter. Ek bring
en ma!” Dit was vir my op daardie los te maak, want die motor het “Daar is niks gebreek nie skat, jy hulde aan Rika en Abi, en vra dat
oomblik vreemd - min wetende begin brand. Daar was genadiglik is só gelukkig!” julle asb vir haar man, ma en .
dat dit ’n invloed sou hê op die dadelik twee mans op die Toe besef ek net: “God... You are sussies sal bid!
ongeluk. ongelukstoneel wat my na die my Healer!” Al beserings wat ek
Die Kerk het nog nie eens aan die
Die Kerk het nog nie eens aan die
Vandag besef ek dat woorde baie veiligheid van ’n bakkie gehelp opgedoen het, was ’n sny teen my randjie van die moontlikhede
randjie van die moontlikhede
kragtig is - veral God se Woord! het. kop en sagteweefsel-beserings
van intersessie-gebed geraak
van intersessie-gebed geraak
Ons moet daagliks die Woord as Dáár het ek eers besef dat ons in aan my regterhand en -voet. Dit
nie. Die Kerk sal sy grootste
swaard optel en daarmee veg! 'n ongeluk betrokke was toe ek was slegs genade en ’n GROOT nie. Die Kerk sal sy grootste
oorwinnings beleef wanneer
Die volgende oggend baie vroeg bloed uithoes en my seer hande wonderwerk as ’n mens na die oorwinnings beleef wanneer
het my broer, Herman, my gaan voel. Ek het dadelik begin bid en voertuigwrakke kyk! individuele Christene oral hul
individuele Christene oral hul
aflaai vir my saamry-geleentheid gevra dat as daar iets binne-in my Nog ’n wonder van die ongeluk is priesterskap teenoor God leer
priesterskap teenoor God leer
na Potchefstroom toe saam met fout was, die Here my net sal dat behalwe dat ek betyds uit-
ken en dag na dag hulself gee in
ken en dag na dag hulself gee in
Rika en haar 3-jarige dogterjie, heelmaak. gekom het, die rugsak waarin my
gebed - John R Mott.
Abi. (Rika Thomson het by die Ek het in die ambulans vir die Bybel was, ook heel uitgekom het. gebed - John R Mott.
Noordwes-Universiteit gewerk en derde keer gevra: “Is Rika en Abi Ek weet nie waar die rugsak in die
ek, ’n student daar, het haar OK?” Hulle het egter al die eerste motor gepak was nie en ook nie
daardie oggend vir die eerste keer keer, toe ek gevra het, vir my hoe dit uit die motor gekom het
ontmoet). “nee” gesê. nie, maar die volgende woorde
Ek en Rika het die hele pad so Toe ek besef dat hulle dood is, het het later by my opgekom: “Die
lekker gesels oor verskeie dinge, ek verskriklik begin huil. Maar wat hemel en die aarde sal verbygaan,
onder andere ook oor haar toe- my getroos het, was toe die maar My woorde sal nooit verby-
koms. Maar die tragiese ongeluk nooddiens-vrou gesê het: “Nee, gaan nie!” (Matt. 24:35).
wat haar en haar kind se lewe nee, nee, jy gaan nie nou huil nie. Ek wil net elke persoon wat
geneem het, het slegs 30 minute Elke mens het sy bepaalde tyd op hierdie getuienis lees, aanmoedig
later gebeur, ongeveer 20 km aarde, en as die Here jou naam en sê: “God LEEF!!! Gehoorsaam
vanaf Potchefstroom... roep, kom haal Hy jou, maak nie Sy Woord, getuig van Hom, en
Die ongeluk was ’n skrik- saak waar jy is nie. Hy het hulle verkondig SY Liefde... Straal dit
wekkende gebeurtenis, maar dit name geroep, want dit was hulle uit! LEEF Sy Woord en dit sal
was asof Jesus my vasgehou het tyd, maar Hy het nie jou naam goed gaan met jou! Lees Psalm
tydens die botsing met die groot geroep nie, want jy het nog werk 119. Die lewe is kort!”
vragmotor, sodat ek niks kon om op die aarde vir Hom te doen!” Ek wil ook net sê dat ek in twee
sien, hoor of voel nie. Ek was Dit het my geweldig getref en baie geskeur is deur die verskriklike
tydens daardie oomblikke van rustig laat voel. hartseer in my oor die afsterwe
niks bewus nie. Toe ek bewus Terwyl hulle in die hospitaal van Rika en Abi, en my dankbaar-
word dat iets gebeur het, was ek X-straalfoto’s neem, het die heid dat k leef. God is egter in é