Page 6 - Good News May 2007 paper
P. 6

“The  reverent  and  worshipful      good  understanding,  wisdom,  fearing the Lord.                           God’s Word tells us to cry out for
          fear of the Lord is the beginning    and meaning have all those who        Many  people  today  are  seeking    wisdom, to seek it as we would
          and the principal and choice part    do  [the  will  of  the  Lord].  Their   knowledge,  and  knowledge  is    silver and gold, to make it a vital
          of knowledge [its starting point     praise  of  Him  endures  forever”    good,  but  wisdom  is  better.  necessity in life. There is nothing
          and  its  essence];  but  fools  (Psalm 111:10).                           Wisdom  is  the  right  use  of  more  important  than  wisdom,
          despise  skilful  and  Godly  “But to man He said, ‘Behold, the            knowledge.                           and  wisdom  starts  with  reve-
          Wisdom,  instruction,  and  reverential and worshipful fear of             Knowledge  without  wisdom  can      rence and worship.
          discipline” (Proverbs 1:7).          the Lord - that is Wisdom; and to     cause a person to be puffed up or    Ask the Lord to teach you what it
          “The  reverent  fear  and  worship   depart  from  evil  is  under-        filled  with  pride,  which  will  means  to  fear  Him  and  to  help
          of  the  Lord  is  the  beginning  of   standing’” (Job 28:28).            ultimately ruin his or her life.   A   you grow in wisdom.
          Wisdom and skill [the preceding      Job  knew  that  the  value  of  wise  person  will  always  be  [The  Everyday  Life  Bible,
          and  the  first  essential,  the  wisdom is far beyond any wealth,         knowledgeable,  but  not  all  Amplified Version, Faith Words,
          prerequisite and the alphabet]; a    and that wisdom is only found in      knowledgeable people are wise.       New York, 2006].
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