Page 12 - Good News November 20007 paper
P. 12
How Much of the Lord's
Time Have You Stolen?
here was a story in a
Rochester, Texas church
Tbulletin about a young man
who was working in a large
department store, being told by
his employer that he would be
required to work on Sundays.
It so happened that the hours
assigned to him would have
prevented his attending any of
the worship services to which he
had been accustomed to atten-
ding since childhood.
The young man informed his
employer that he would not be
able to continue his work under
these conditions, and his em-
ployer told him that he would
have to go.
A few days later, the young man
answered an advertisement in
the paper from a bank which had
advertised a vacancy for a teller.
In checking the young man's
previous employers, the bank's
president contacted the depart-
ment store head and inquired as
to the boy's record and whether
he could recommend him.
The store manager replied, "Why,
yes, I will be glad to recommend
him. He will make you a good
man. I just fired him a few days
"Fired him?" the bank president
"Why would you recommend a
man whom you just recently
dismissed from your service?"
The store manager explained the
circumstances under which the
boy was released, and remarked,
"I know he will make you a good
man for your bank, because if he
will not steal the Lord's time, he
will not steal your money."
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