Page 8 - Good News November 2012 paper
P. 8

renda  was  invited  to  go  rock      bottom.  At  the  bottom  there  was  a  new
                 climbing. She went with her group      party of climbers just starting up the face of
          Bto a tremendous high granite cliff.          the cliff. One of them shouted, “Hey, you
          In spite of her fear she put on the gear, took   guys! Did anybody lose a contact lens?”
          hold of the rope, and started up the face of   Well, that would be startling enough, but
          that rock. Well, she got to a ledge where     you know why the climber saw it? An ant
          she  could  take  a  breath.  As  she  was    was moving slowly across the face of the
          hanging on there, the safety rope snapped     rock, carrying it! Brenda told me that her
          against  her  eye  and  knocked  out  her     father  is  a  cartoonist  (see  below).  When
          contact lens. There she was on the ledge      she told him the incredible story of the ant,
          with  hundreds  of  feet  below  her  and     the prayer, and the contact lens, he drew a
          hundreds of feet above her. Of course, she    picture of an ant lugging that contact lens
          looked and looked and looked, hoping it       with  the  words,  “Lord,  I  don’t  know  why
          had landed on the ledge, but it just wasn’t   You want me to carry this thing. I can’t eat it,
          there.  She  felt  very  far  from  home,  her   and it’s awfully heavy. But if this is what
          sight now blurry. She was desperate, so       You  want  me  to  do,  I’ll  carry  it  for You.”
          she prayed to the Lord to help her find it.   Don’t we often say, “God, I don’t know why
          When she finally got to the top, a friend     you want me to carry this load, it’s awfully
          examined her eye and her clothing for the     heavy. But if You want me to carry it, I will”?
          lens, but there was no contact lens to be     [From: Keep a Quiet Heart, Elizabeth Elliot,
          found.  She  sat  down,  despondent,  with    1995; story sent by Brenda Foltz].
          some of the party, waiting for the rest of
          them to make it up to the top of the cliff.
          She looked out across range after range of
          mountains,  thinking  of  that  Bible  verse
          that says, “The eyes of the Lord run to and
          fro  throughout  the  whole  earth.”  She
          thought,  “Lord,  You  can  see  all  these
          mountains.  You  know  every  stone  and
          leaf,  and  You  know  exactly  where  my
          contact lens is. Please help me.”
          Finally, they walked down the trail to the
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