Page 3 - Good News December2006 paper
P. 3

Pastor Bill Marks, Christian Fellowship, Potchefstroom, Tel: (018) 293 1608 or 082 260 5965
                enry Ford grew up on a prosperous              IT’S NOT WHAT WE DO THAT
                family farm in Michigan and took an            DETERMINES WHO WE ARE.
          Hinterest in mechanical things. He left                 IT IS WHO WE ARE THAT
          home  at  the  age  of  16  to  live  in  Detroit    DETERMINES WHAT WE DO.
          where  he  worked  in  engineering  work-     Jeremiah 9:24 ~ “‘...but let him who boasts,
          shops.  He  established  a  company  which    boast about this:  that he understands and
          manufactured  motor  vehicles,  but  it  knows Me, that I am the Lord, who exer-
          unfortunately failed. Henry Ford was a real   cises kindness, justice and righteousness
          innovator and was not prepared to give up.   on earth, for in these I delight,’ declares the
          He started the Ford Motor Company in 1903     Lord. ‘But let him who glories glory in this
          and manufactured the famous Model TS.         that He understands and knows Me.’”
                    PEOPLE DON’T FAIL  -                The Lord Jesus Christ has chosen us all for
                THEY JUST GIVE UP TRYING!               a  purpose:  to  become  that  person  He
          2 Corinthians 10:12 ~ “We do not dare to      created us to be!
          classify or compare ourselves with some       Deuteronomy 32:10 ~ “In a desert land He
          who  commend  themselves.  When  they         found him, in a barren and howling waste.
          measure  themselves  by  themselves  and      He  shielded  him  and  cared  for  him;  He
          compare  themselves  with  themselves,        guarded him as the apple of His eye, like an
         they are not wise.”                            eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over
         Paul is saying to the Corinthians that they    its young, that spreads its wings to catch
         lack understanding if they determine their     them and carries them on its pinions.”
         success or failure by COMPARING them-                 I AM THE APPLE OF HIS EYE!
         selves  with  others.  DO  NOT  COMPARE        Jeremiah 31:3 ~ “Yes, I have loved you with
         YOURSELF WITH OTHERS, BECAUSE THE              an everlasting love; therefore with loving
         LORD HAS MADE YOU UNIQUE!                      kindness I have drawn you.”
         Ephesians  4:18  ~  “They  are  darkened  in          FAILURE IS WHEN YOU FAIL
         their  understanding  and  separated  from               TO GET UP AND GO ON
         the life of God because of the ignorance       Philippians 3:14 ~ “I press on towards the
         that is in them due to the hardening of their   goal  to  win  the  prize  for  which  God  has
         hearts.”                                       called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus.”
         When we are alienated from the life of God,    PRESS  ON  TO  THE  UPWARD  CALL  OF
         we will feel that we are failures. This is the   GOD  IN  CHRIST  JESUS  AND  BECOME
         plan of Satan. All he wants to do is separate   SUCCESSFUL!
         you from the Lord!                                     Sponsored by TG TRADERS

                 ocrates taught for 40 years, Plato for 50, Aristotle for 40 and Jesus for only 3½
                 years. Yet the influence of Christ’s ministry infinitely transcends the impact left by
          Sthe combined years of teaching from these greatest of philosophers.
          Jesus painted no pictures, yet some of the finest artists such as Raphael, Michelangelo,
          and Leonardo da Vinci received their inspiration from Him.
          Jesus wrote no poetry, but Dante, Milton and scores of the world’s greatest poets were
          inspired by Him.
          Jesus composed no music. Still Haydn, Händel, Beethoven, Bach and Mendelssohn
          reached their highest perfection of melody in the music they composed in His praise.
          Every  sphere  of  human  greatness  has  been  enriched  by  this  humble  Carpenter  of
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