Page 7 - Good News December2006 paper
P. 7

he scene was a familiar one. The  into the heavens and see a star millions
                 young  couple  were  going  over  of  kilometres  away,  or  inspect  the
          Ttheir monthly bills.                         smallest insect.
          Trying to find something humorous to  THE FEET: Did you know that each foot
          say in the situation, the man quipped,  has 26 bones, none of which is wider
          "Isn't it a good thing that God doesn't  than your thumb?
          send bills?"                                  It is so "manufactured" (arched) with
          That is good, isn't it? But what if He  its  ligaments,  tendons,  muscles  and
          just  decided  to  bill  us  for  this  joints that a 140-kg man can put all his
          wonderful body He has given us?               weight on these tiny bones.
          The Psalmist said, "I will praise thee;  THE HEART: It is about the size of your
          for  I  am  fearfully  and  wonderfully  fist, but pumps (beats) 4 320 times an
          made" (Psalm 139:14).                         hour.  In  a  year  that  would  mean  40
          Shakespeare  said,  "What  a  piece  of  million beats.
          work is man!"                                 A drop of blood can make a round trip
          Think about what God has made:                in your circulatory system in only 22
          THE EARS: A piano has 88 keys, but  seconds!
          each of our ears has a keyboard with        What  if  God  sent  you  a  bill  for  this
          1 500 keys.                                   marvellous body we live in?
          They are so finely tuned that you can  But God doesn't send us bills. He just
          hear the blood running through your  loves us and takes care of us. Can we
          vessels. The outside of your ear can  do any less than to return His love?
          catch  up  to  73  700  vibrations  per  We show Him our love by obedience to
          second.                                       His Word and by faithful stewardship of
          THE  EYES:  They  are  both  micro-           that which He has entrusted to us.
          scopes and telescopes. They can gaze

                uring  World  War  I  the  Prince  of   was told that the grotesqueness of
                Wales visited 36 severely wounded       the  man's  appearance  would  be
          Dmen in a hospital in the outskirts of        unbearable, the Prince insisted on
          London.                                       seeing him.
          The Prince and his escorts went through       The  Prince  stood  silent  for  a
          the main ward and shook hands with most       moment,  and  then  moved  toward
          of  them.  As  preparations  were  made  to   the man and stooping down, kissed
          leave, the Prince indicated that he had only   him!  With  a  breaking  voice  the
          seen 30 men. "Where are the other six?"       Prince of Wales was heard to say,
          Although  he  was  informed  that  the  six   "Wounded for me."
          others were extremely severe cases and in     "But  He  was  wounded  for  our
          a different section of the ward, the special   transgressions. He was bruised for
          visitor demanded to see the others.           our iniquities: the chastisement of
          Five other maimed and bruised men were        our peace was upon Him; and by His
          viewed. "But where's the last one?" again     stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).
          the  Prince  inquired.  Although  the  Prince   - Selected

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