Page 2 - Good News November 20007 paper
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            t  is  exciting  to  know  that  feel hopeless and frustrated. I  or  restore  finances.  He  can
            with  God  all  things  are  always like to believe there is  feed five thousand people with
          Ipossible: "But Jesus looked  hope,  no  matter  how  bad  a  little  boy's  lunch,  walk  on
          at them and said, With men this  things may look.                          water, read men's hearts, and
          is impossible, but all things are  If God can take a hard, sinful,  anything else He wants to do.
          possible  with  God"  (Matthew  hateful, bitter heart, and make  NOTHING  is  impossible  with
          19:26).                              it  soft,  holy,  loving,  and  for-  God!  Do  not  ever  look  at  a
          In  our  human  thinking  we  hit  giving,  then,  as  far  as  I  am  situation  and  think  or  say,
          brick walls, so to speak, when  concerned,  He  can  do  any-              "This is impossible." It may be
          we come up against something  thing.  I  think  that  sometimes  impossible with men, but with
          that  is  impossible  for  us.  We  we  do  not  realize  what  a  God all things are possible.
          feel frustrated and hopeless.        miracle  our  salvation  is.  We  If  we  keep  praying  and  belie-
          But with God, that never has to  become  completely  new  ving,  God  can  keep  working,
          happen. When we put our trust  creatures  and  are  given  a  but if we give up, we close the
          in Him another world opens up  brand-new  start  in  life  by  door on the miracle God has in
          to us, a world of possibilities  accepting Jesus Christ as our  mind for us. You may say, "You
          that  we  would  never  have  Saviour:  "Therefore  if  any  just don't realize what a mess I
          thought possible in the natural.     person is [ingrafted] in Christ  have  made  of  my  life."  My
          You may have practically worn  (the  Messiah)  he  is  a  new  advice to you is to ask God to
          yourself  out  trying  to  accom-    creation  (a  new  creature  al-      take your mess and turn it into
          plish something and when you  together);  the  old  [previous  your greatest miracle. He can
          finally  gave  up  and  turned  it  moral and spiritual condition]  work it out for your good and
          over to God, you saw Him do  has passed away. Behold, the  you will have a testimony that
         with  ease  what  you  had  fresh  and  new  has  come!"             will  encourage  others.  WITH
         struggled with for a long time. I  (2 Cor. 5:17). How much more  GOD,  ALL  THINGS  ARE
         know that has happened to me  awesome  could  anything  be?  POSSIBLE!
         over and over again.                  No wonder the Gospel is called  [The  Everyday  Life  Bible,
         I  am  so  glad  that  we  serve  a  the "Good News"!                       Amplified  Version,  Faith
         God  of  possiblities.  Even  the  God can change hearts, heal a  Words, 2006, Notes and Com-
         word  impossible  makes  me  sick body, rekindle a marriage,  mentary by Joyce Meyer].

                  other's father worked as a carpenter. On  including  my
                  this  particular  day,  he  was  building  glasses.  I  was
          Msome crates for the clothes his church  des perate! Even
          was sending to some orphanage in China. On  if  I  had  had  the
          his way home, he reached into his shirt-pocket  money,  there
          to find his glasses, but they were gone!                was  simply  no
          When he mentally replayed his earlier actions,  way of replacing those glasses. Along with not
          he realized what had happened; the glasses had  being able to see well, I experienced headaches
          slipped out of his pocket unnoticed and fallen  every day, so my co-workers and I were much in
          into one of the crates, which he had nailed shut!       prayer about this predicament.
          His brand new glasses were heading for China!  Then  your  crates  arrived.  When  my  staff
          The  Great  Depression  was  at  its  height  and  removed  the  covers,  they  found  a  pair  of
          Grandpa had six children. He had spent $20 for  glasses lying on top!”
          those glasses that very morning. He was upset  The missionary paused long enough to let his
          by the thought of having to buy another pair.           words  sink  in.  Then,  still  gripped  with  the
          “It's not fair,” he told God as he drove home in  wonder of it all, he continued: “Folks, when I
          frustration. “I've been very faithful in giving my  tried on the glasses, it was as though they had
          time and money to Your work, and now this.”             been custom-made just for me! I want to thank
          Several  months  later,  the  Director  of  the  you for being a part of that.”
          orphanage was on furlough in the United States.  The people listened, utterly amazed and grateful
          He  wanted  to  visit  all  the  churches  that  had  for  the  miracle  that  was  just  related  by  the
          supported him in China, so he came to speak  missionary.
         one Sunday at my grandfather's small church in  But the missionary surely must have confused
         Chicago.                                                 their church with another, they thought. There
         The missionary began by thanking the people  were no glasses on their list of items to be sent
         for  their  faithfulness  in  supporting  the  overseas.  Sitting quietly in the back, however,
         orphanage. “But most of all,” he said, “I must  with tears streaming down his face, an ordinary
         thank you for the glasses you sent last year.            carpenter  realized  that  the  Master  Carpenter
         “You  see,  the  Communists  had  just  swept  had  used  him  in  a  most  extraordinary  way!
         through the orphanage destroying everything,  [Dunamis July/Aug. 2000].
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