Page 3 - Good News November 20007 paper
P. 3
Pastor Bill Marks, Christian Fellowship, Potchefstroom, (018) 293 1608 or 079 311 6515
BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO HUNGER AND soar on wings like eagles; they will run and
THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS FOR THEY not grow weary, they will walk and not be
The Beatitudes show the progression in The eagle flies higher than any other bird
our relationship with the Lord, and reach a and is called the king of the birds. The Lord
climax in Matthew 5:6 - "Blessed are those created the eagle to rise heavenward. GOD
who hunger and thirst for righteousness WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO BECOME
for they shall be filled". WEARY IF YOU WAIT UPON HIM.
The Scribes and the Pharisees were When we hunger and thirst after righteous-
dependent on their own righteousness, for ness as the Word says, we shall be filled.
they lived by their own set of DO's and The word RIGHTEOUSNESS, translated
DON'TS. from the Greek, is an attribute of God.
Matthew 5:20 "For I tell you that unless When we receive salvation, God's
your righteousness surpasses that of the righteousness is implanted into our hearts.
Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you We desire to continuously live a holy life.
will certainly not enter the kingdom of There are over 1 million people in the UK
heaven." who are suffering from eating disorders
Jesus was saying to the people that their such as anorexia and bulimia. People
self-righteousness was an external code of suffering from bulimia eat excessively, but
righteousness lived by the letter of the law, purge the food they have eaten. By doing
instead of a righteousness based on faith so, it lowers the serotonin level which
in Him. Just as our physical bodies need takes away your sense of well-being. The
food so that we can be energized with life, spiritual root is self-hatred, self-rejection
so we need to hunger and thirst after and guilt, causing a lack of self-esteem and
righteousness. a feeling of lovelessness.
Job 39:27-30 "Does the eagle soar at your Malachi 4:2 "But for you who revere My
command and build his nest on high? He Name, the sun of righteousness will rise
dwells on a cliff and stays there at night; a with healing in its wings."
rocky crag is his stronghold. From there he Christ is the Rising Sun and desires to heal
seeks out his food; his eyes detect it from you.
afar. His young ones feast on blood, and Deuteronomy 32:11 "…like an eagle that
where the slain are, there is he." stirs up its nest and hovers over its young,
At one stage the mother and father eagle that spreads its wings to catch them and
refrain from feeding the young ones carries them on its pinions."
regularly, so that they become more This is the picture of God's heart. So rest in
hungry. The eagles hover over them and Him for He is a nurturing Father who cares
allow the BLOOD to drip down onto their for you. Jesus came to bring abundant life,
beaks. In this way they encourage them to and He is the deepest desire of the human
leave the nest and hunt for their own food. heart. ONLY IN HIM DO WE REALLY BEGIN
Isaiah 40:31 "But those who hope in the TO LIVE!
Lord will renew their strength. They will Sponsored by TG TRADERS
Sponsored by TG TRADERS
Bona, Ke eme fa mojako, Ke a konyakonya
(Kyk, Ek staan by die deur en Ek klop)
Ditemana: Bona, ke eme fa mojako, ke a konyakonya. Fa
motho a utlwa lentswe la ka, a ba a bula lobati, ke tla tsena
kwa go ene, ke ja selalelo nae le ene le nna. Yo o fenyang
ke tla mo naya gore a nne le nna mo sedulong sa ka sa
bogosi, jaaka le nna ke fentse, ke ntse le Rre mo sedulong
sa gagwe sa bogosi. 'Yo o nang le tsebe a a utlwe se
Mowa o se rayang diphuthego!' (Tshenolo 3:20).
Dikakanyo: A o itse Modimo? Modimo ke ene a go
bopileng. Ga o selo fela. E rile Jesu a bopa motho ka mmu
o ne a mo butswela mowa mme a phela. Modimo o bopile
motho ka setswantsho sa gagwe. Wena o sebopiwa sa
Modimo. O a go bitsa!! Sefela sa re: 'Le a bitswa lebitso la
Batho ba tle ba tsamaye ba kokota mo dikgorong ba kopa
se le se. Go tle go kokote yo a kopang dijo mme gape go
kokote yo a kopang madi. Batsadi ba ga Jesu le bone ba
ne ba tsamaya kwa Betlehema ba kokota mo dikgorong ba Johan Zerwick
batla kwa ba ka dulang teng. Go ne go na le batho ba Sêlê ke 083 458 3837
bantsi kwa Betlehema. Mokeisara a ne a batla go bala
batho go bona gore batho ba bakae ba ba leng ba puso ya kokota mo kgorong ya bophelo jwa O tshwanetse go gopola gore Jesu o ile a tsalwa a tswa
gago. Josefa le Maria ba ne ba sa bone kwa ba ka dulang gagwe. Ke wena fela o ka mmulelang. legodimong a tla mo lefatsheng go tla go re pholosa
teng mme Maria a ne a le gaufi le go belega ngwana wa Motho yo mongwe le mongwe o na le rotlhe. O kokota mo pelong ya gagwe ya bophelo. Fa o sa
gagwe. E rile ba kokota kwa monneng mongwe a ba fa tshono ya go ka amogela Jesu. Ka go tlhaloganye gore le wena o ka amogela mpho e kgolo ya
tshono ya go ka robala mo setaleng; gammogo le dinku, dira jalo o ka amogela bophelo bo bo bophelo bo bo sa khutleng ikopantshe le moruti mongwe
dikgomo le ditonki. Ka mo setaleng se ke kwa Jesu a ne a sa khutleng. a go thuse gore o bulele Jesu pelo ya gagwe. O ile a tla
belegwa gone. Jesu ke morwa Modimo. Modimo Rara o Fa wena o kokota mo kgorong o lefatsheng a tla go swela dibe tsa me le tsa gagwe. Le nna
bona batho ba mo lefatsheng mme o bona gore re tshwerwe ke tlala go ka diragala dilo jaanong ke go kopa gore o bule lebati la pelo ya gago mme
badiradibe mme re dira dilo tse di maswe. Modimo o batla tse pedi: o amogele Jesu e le mmoloki wa gago. Ga go go kope
gore re dire sentle mme re phele sentle. Ka mo Beibeleng 1. Mongwe a ka go bulela mme a go fa madi, ga go go kope dithuto, ga go go botse gore o mang
o re bolelela gore re phele jang mme re dire jang. Fa re dira sengwe sa go ja kapa go nwa; kapa kapa o dula kae, go go kopa fela gore o bue mme o
dilo tse di maswe re dira gore Modimo a hutsafale. Re 2. Kgoro ga e bulwe mme ga o amogele, ke mpho. Ke rapela gore o ka bulela Jesu pelo ya
tlabo re sa tlhole re le bana ba Modimo mme re direla amogele sepe. gago mme o rapele thapelo e e latelang le nna.
Diabolo. Ke ene a renang bosula le dilo tse di maswe mo Fa Jesu a kokota mo pelong ya gago Thapelo: Modimo ke utlwile gompieno o bua le nna mme
go rona. Jesu o tsetswe gore a kgone go re busetsa kwa go ka diragala dilo tse pedi: ke kopa o tle go dula mo pelong ya mme ke batla gore o
Modimong. Modimo o re rometse Mopholosi go re golola 1. Fa o bula pelo ya gago o ka tsene le mo go nna re je selalelo mmogo. Ke batla go fenya
mo go Satane le mo dibeng tsa rona. Re ka itlhopela go amogela Jesu e le Mmoloki mme o Diaobolo le dibe tse di mo bophelong jwa me mme ke
bulela Modimo dipelo tsa rona mme ra mo amogela e le amogela bophelo! kgone go dula le wena mo sedulong sa gago sa bogosi.
Mmoloki wa rona. Mo temaneng e e fa godimo Jesu a re o a 2. Fa o sa mmulele o sala o se na Ke kopa gape gore o mpule ditsebe mme o nkutlwise se
kokota. O kokota mo dipelong tsa rona gore re mmulele Mmoloki le Mopholosi mme o sala o Mowa o se buang le nna gore ke nne ngwaga wa gago yo
dipelo le maphelo a rona. Fa mongwe a bua le wena ka ga phela mo tlase ga kgolego ya ga montle. Tsotlhe ke di kopa ka lebitso la ga Jesu Keresete.
Geborg deur 'n meelewende weldoener..
Jesu o ka itlhopela go bulela Modimo pelo ya gago. O Satane! Amen. Geborg deur 'n meelewende weldoener