Page 1 - Good News November 20007 paper
P. 1
rans World Radio missionaries, Doug gunpoint in Johannesburg on Schumachers' car told the couple: "Someone
and Madeleen Schumacher, were October 23, 2007. must be praying for you. We've decided to let
Tviciously hijacked and kidnapped at The Schumachers had just you go." The thieves dumped them 50
arrived from overseas to visit kilometres from
another missionary family home.
when a carload of thugs pulled The couple was
in behind them and forced uninjured and
them into the backseat of their praised the Lord
own car. The two thieves drove for His protec-
off and for the next 20 minutes tion.
told the Schumachers that Source: Trans
they intended to kill them. World Radio, via
Because someone witnessed JNI 615. Schumacher Family
and immediately reported the
kidnapping, a worldwide
e-mail went out to TWR staff
and friends around the globe,
asking for prayer for the
couple. Meanwhile, other TWR
Africa missionaries drove
around and scoured the area
for any signs of their captured
Amazingly, the driver of the