Page 3 - Good News October 2009 paper
P. 3

Pastor Bill Marks, Christian Fellowship, Potchefstroom, 018 293 1608 or 079 311 6515

            n  70 AD  the  Romans  invaded     Gerson ran out to save one of the     Likewise, the Lord has a destiny     Preparation is now in process for
            Jerusalem  and  destroyed  the     soldiers, he was severely woun-       and  a  purpose  for  your  life  and   the building of the 3  Temple and
          I2   temple  which  the  Jewish      ded and a tank drove over him. As     has called you to be “SET APART      2  corner  stones,  each  weighing
          people  had  built  when  they  he looked up, he saw a group of            FOR HIM.”                            6½  tons,  have  been  prepared  to
          returned  from  Babylon  (Zecha-     Syrian soldiers surrounding him       1  Peter  1:15-16:  “But  just  as  He   start the process of rebuilding the
          riah  4).  The  Western  wall  is  the   and directing their guns to shoot   Who called you is holy, so be holy   Temple.
          only  part  of  this  Temple  that   him. He then heard God speak to       in all you do; for it is written, “Be   The  plans  for  the  layout  of  the
          escaped destruction.                 his  heart  saying,  “I  am  not  holy, because I am holy.”                Temple  Mount  have  been  pre-
          We are blessed to live in a time     finished with you yet, for you will   The  Lord  Jesus  Christ  took  our   pared and donations of gold and
          like  this,  because  we  see  God’s   build  My  house  on  My  Holy      sins  with  Him  on  the  cross  and   silver have been received to make
          prophetic word being fulfilled.      Mountain you used to watch when       removed them from our lives, so      the items that will be placed in the
          Isaiah 2:2 - “Now it shall come to   you  were  a  child.  You  are  not   that when we ask Him forgiveness     Temple.
          pass  in  the  latter  days,  that  the   alone in the battle, I am with you.”   of our sins and invite Him into our   Jesus is coming soon! Live holy
          mountain  of  the  Lord’s  house     The  only  way  Israeli  soldiers     lives, He becomes our Lord and       lives so that Jesus can present us
          shall be established on the top of   could find him, was by the light      Saviour.  The  Holy  Spirit  then    to  the  Father  without  spot  or
          the mountains and shall be exal-     they saw that surrounded him. In      comes and dwells within us and       wrinkle!
          ted  above  the  hills.”  The  Word   the hospital the doctors declared    He is the Agent of our holiness.
                                                                                                                                   SPONSORED BY
          here refers to the 3  Temple that is   his  survival  a  miracle!  After  the   Song of Solomon 2:15 - “It is the        SPONSORED BY
                                                                                                                                     A TAPESTRY
                                                                                                                                     A TAPESTRY
          going  to  be  built  on  the  Temple   war, there were Dutch observers    little foxes which spoil the vine.”       GARDEN GUEST HOUSE
                                                                                                                               GARDEN GUEST HOUSE
          Mount in Jerusalem.                  who  investigated  the  battle  and   Whatever you find is spoiling your
          When Gerson Solomon was still a      reported  back  to  the  United  life  by  taking
          small boy, he heard the call of God   Nations.  They  asked  the  Syrian   away  your  joy,
          again  and  again  in  his  heart  to   officers why they did not kill the   peace and love,
          rebuild  the  Temple  of  God  on    Israeli officer. The Syrian officers   give  it  to  the
         Mount  Moriah.  He  served  as  a     said that just as they were about     Lord.
         young officer in the army of Israel,   to kill him, they saw thousands of   Psalm  118:22  -
         and one day his unit was sent to      angels  surrounding  them  and        “ T h e   s t o n e
         the  Golan  Heights,  which  was      knew that God wanted this Israeli     which the buil-
         controlled by the Syrians. As they    officer  to  live.  They  then  ran  as   ders  rejected
         went  out  to  attack  the  Syrians,   fast  as  they  could  to  the  moun-  has  become
         they  were  ambushed  by  thou-       tains  with  the  angels  following   the  chief  cor-
         sands  of  Syrian  soldiers.  While   them.                                 ner stone.”

            (Vertrou jy op die bloed van Jesus of op die bloed van ’n bok?)

                      DITEMANA                 kgolaganong ya bogologolo batho ba    bophelo jwa gago o tla swa le wena.
           Mme madi ao e tla nna sesupo sa     ne  ba  laotswe  go  tlhaba  dikgomo,   Se  se  makatsang  jaanong  ke  gore
          lona mo matlong a lo leng mo go ona.   dinku, dipodi mme ba ba neng ba sa   batho ba ipitsa Bakeresete.  Ba re ba
          Fa ke bona madi ao, ke tla lo feta gore   kgone  tseo  ba  ne  ba  tlhaba  lephoi.    dumela mo go Jesu Keresete, setlha-
          kwatlhao e e bolayang e se ka ya lo   Madi a a diphologolo le diruiwa tse a   belo sa bofelo. Fa ba tlhagelelwa ke
          wela, fa ke itaya lefatshe la Egepeto.   ne a tshwana le diaparo tsa matlhare.   mathata mo bophelong ba batla go ya
           Letsatsi leo a e nne la segopotso mo   Di  ne  di  thusa  mme  di  ne  di  thusa   go  tlhaba  podi  gape.  Ba  ya  go  ala
          go lona, lo le tshegetse, e nne moletlo   nakwana fela. Efangedi ya molaetsa   tafoletukunyana  mo  ditafoleng  tsa
          wa Morena; lo le tshegetse jalo mo   wa boitumelo e tlile ka setlhabelo sa   bone tsa bophelo. Ga ba kope Jesu
          ditsong tsotlhe tsa lona, e nne molao   bofelo.  Setlhabelo sa bofelo e ne e le   go ba thusa le go ba apesa ka madi a
          o o sa khutleng (Ekesodu 12:13-14).      Jesu Keresete. Ditlhabelo tsa kgola-  Gagwe.  Madi  a  podi  a  ka  thusa
           Morena Modimo wa direla motho le    gano e kgologolo di ne di tshwanetse   nakwana  fela  mme  fa  o  dumela  mo
          mosadi  wa  gagwe  diaparo  tsa      go  boelelwa,  ka  di  se  botlalo.   sefapaanong le mo mading a ga Jesu,
          matlalo, wa di ba apesa (Genesi 3:21).  Setlhabelo sa ga Keresete se dirilwe   a go tlhatswa gore o nne tshweu, o
                     DIKAKANYO                 gangwe  fela;  gonne  ke  se  ruri  se   nne phepha.  Fa o ja selalelo gape o
          Madi mo Beibeleng le mo dinakong     tletseng  (Bahebere  9).Jesu  ke      gopole mafoko a ga Jesu sentle. Mo
          tsa Beibele e ne e le sengwe se se   kwanyana  e  e  tlhabetseng  dibe  tsa   bukeng ya 1 Bakorinthe 11:25 Jesu o
          nang le bokao jo bontsi. Madi a ntlha   batho  botlhe  ba  mo  lefatsheng.  A   ne a re kopa gore re gopole madi a
          ke  fa  Atame  le  Efa  ba  ne  ba  dirile   wena o dumela mo mading a ga Jesu   Gagwe fa re nwa bekere. Jesu o ne a
                                                                                                                                    Johan Zerwick
         maleo  mme  Modimo  a  ba  thusa  ka   kampo o santse o dumela mo mading    re:  “Senwelo  se  ke  kgolagano  e            Johan Zerwick
                                                                                                                                 Sêlê ke 083 458 3837
         diaparo  ka  ba  ne  ba  lekile  gore  ba   a dipodi? Madi a dipodi ke jaaka fa o   ntšhwa ka madi a me. E ne e re fa lo   Sêlê ke 083 458 3837
         ikapese ka matlhare a ditlhare. E rile   na  le  tafole  ya  bogologolo.  Fa  o  e   nwa  ka  sona,  lo  dira  jalo  go
         Modimo a bona matlhare a sa ye go     apesa ka tafoletuku ga o tlhole o bone   nkgopola!”  Selalelo  ga  se  fela   santse  a  ka  ntlisetsa  tshiamo  mo
         thusa sepe a akanya gore a ba direle   gore e senyegile kampo e ngapegile.   kopano ya phuthego le tirelo e nngwe   bophelong. Ke kopa tshwarelo ka ke
         diaparo tsa letlalo. Dibe di dirile gore   Fa o ka tlosa tafoletuku tafole e sa le   gape. Se go gopotsa madi a ga Jesu.   tlhabetse badimo le fa ke ne ke itse
         go  tlhabiwe  phologolo.  Modimo  go   maswe. Fela jalo le madi a ditlhabelo,   Madi a a tshologileng gore wena le   gore ke dumela mo mading a ga Jesu
         tloga morago ga dibe tsa ntlha o ne a   a  apesa  motho  nakwana  fela  mme   nna, re bone bophelo fa re amogela   Keresete. Ke kopa gore o nthuse gore
         setse  a  itshwarela  batho.  Ga  a  ba   morago  o  tlhoka  setlhabelo  gape.    madi  a  Kwanyana.  Ga  go  na  maleo   ke gole mo tumelong mo mading a ga
         koba fela mo tshimong ya Etene ba sa   Setlhabelo sa bofelo e ne e le Jesu   ape  a  Modimo  a  ka  se  a  go    Jesu fela go tloga gompieno. Ke rata
         apara.  Ke  Modimo  a  ba  diretseng   Keresete. Ene o a go ntšhwafatsa. O   itshwareleng one fa o ka mo kopa. Le   go bolela ka molomo gape gore Jesu
         diaparo tsa ntlha mo lefatsheng mme   jaaka tafole fa e le maswe jaaka ke   Dafita  o  ne  a  kopa  jalo  mo  Pesalo-  ke mopholosi wa me. Ke leboga ka o
         e bile e ne e le tsa letlalo tse di thata.   tlhaloseditse mme e tsewe e gotlhi-  meng  ya  51:9  “ Ntlose  boleo  ka   rometse Jesu go tla go swela dibe tsa
         Fa  batho  ba  leka  go  dira  ditiro  tsa   we, e agiwe sešwa mme e tshasiwe   mosiama gore ke itsheke; ntlhapise   me. Ke kopa o nkapese ka madi a ga
         bone jaaka le diaparo tsa ga Atame le   oli kgotsa pente gape. Fa o amogela   gore  ke  nne  mosweu  go  gaisa   Jesu  mme  o  ntire  tshweu  mme  o
         Efa,  ga  di  na  boleng.  Matlhare  a   madi a ga Jesu Keresete madi a ga a   semathana”. Fa o dira jalo Tshenolo   kwale  leina  la  me  mo  bukeng  ya
         difeiye a ne a ka ba apesa malatsi a   go apese fela, a go tsena ka mo teng,   2:5 e tla nnetefala le mo bophelong   bophelo. Tsotlhe ke di kopa ka leina
         makae? Bona Modimo gore fa Ene a      a  go  ntšhwafatsa  gotlhelele.  O  nna   jwa gagwe e e reng: “ Yo o fenyang o   la ga Jesu Keresete.  AMEN.
         ka go apesa, fa o mo letlelela, ga a go   sebopiwa se sešwa.                tla apesiwa jalo diaparo tse ditshweu;   (Fa o tlhoka Beibele e kgolo ya leleme
         apesa  ka  matlhare,  o  go  apesa  ka   Madi a a mo ditshikeng tsa motho ke   ga nkitla ke phimola leina la gagwe   la  ga  mmaagwe  mme  o  nkwalela
         letlalo!                              one  a  a  tshwereng  bophelo  ka  mo   mo bukeng ya bophelo; mme ke tla   lekwalo  ka  tlhaloso  ya  goreng  o  e
         Madi  a  mangwe  mo  Beibeleng  ke    mebeleng  ya  rona.  Fa  go  ka  na  le   ipolela leina la gagwe fa pele ga Rre le   tlhoka, ke ka go e romela mahala. Se
         madi a a diphologolo tsa ditlhabelo.    tokololo ya mmele e e sa fitlhelweng   fa pele ga baengele ba gagwe.”    lebale go kwala aterese le nomoro ya
         Kwa  Egepeto  Baiseraele  ba  ne  ba   ke madi e a swa. Fa madi a ga Jesu a             THAPELO                  mogala ya gago. Romela lekwalo kwa
         tshwanetse go tlhaba kwanyana gore    se  teng  ka  mo  mmeleng  wa  gago   Ntate  Modimo  sa  ntlha  ke  kopa   go: Johan Zerwick, NWU, Private Bag
         ba tshase madi a yone mo mabating     kampo o se o tshase madi a Kwan-      tshwarelo ka le nna ke tlile ka gopola   X6001, Potchefstroom 2531).
                                                                                                                                Geborg deur
         gore  madi  a  a  ba  sireletse.  Mo   yana e kgolo ya rona mo mabating a   gore madi a dipodi le diphologolo a        Geborg deur AnoniemAnoniem
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