Page 11 - Good News October 2016 paper
P. 11

he  world  as  we  know  it    can choose to press forward with      still a profound lack of peace in    people  assumed  that  there  was
                today  is  filled  with  great   a better model of cooperation and   the world.                           nothing that could stop them.
          Tturbulence,  disorder,  and         integration. Or we can retreat into
          uproar.                              a  world  sharply  divided,  and      The  United  Nations  has  been      It  was  at  this  time  that  these
                                               ultimately in conflict, along age-    observing an International Day of    people decided to build the Tower
          We see a world that, despite its     old lines of nation and tribe and     Peace for thirty-five years and still   of Babel which they said would
          amazing  advancements,  seems        race and religion,” Obama said.       has  not  wrought  peace  in  the    reach  the  heavens  and  thus
          to  be  deteriorating  at  a  rapid                                        world. There is no peace in Syria,   prevent  God  from  destroying
          pace.  This  downward  spiral  In another portion of the speech,           no  peace  in  Iraq,  no  peace  in   them with another flood such as
          continues  even  as  institutions    Obama  told  his  audience  that      Israel,  no  peace  in  Afghanistan,   the one He had caused in Noah's
          such  as  the  United  Nations  “young  people  need  a  global            no peace in numerous regions of      day.
          promise  the  world  peace  and      education in order to thrive.”  It is   Africa, no peace in Venezuela, and
          safety.                              interesting  to  note  that  rumours   there  is  not  even  peace  in  the   It  was  at  this  point  that  God
                                               have circulated in recent months      United States right now!             looked  down  at  the  endeavours
          On  21  September  2016,  the  that  claim  Barack  Obama  would                                                of man, and His reaction is found
          United Nations observed the 35th     like  to  be  the  next  Secretary-   How can we have peace? Uniting       in  Genesis  11:6  which  tells  us,
          annual  International  Day  of  General  of  the  United  Nations.         the  religions  of  the  world  is  not   “And the Lord said, Behold, the
          Peace. In the days leading up to     Perhaps  this  speech  by  Obama      the answer, nor is establishing a    people is one, and they have all
          this event, the Secretary-General    was an audition for the part. His     one world government. Yet, there     one  language;  and  this  they
          of  the  United  Nations,  Ban  Ki-  goals  certainly  align  with  the    is a genuine peace of God that is    begin to do: and now nothing will
          moon, urged the world to adopt       United Nations, and we know that      unlike  the  highly  sought-after    be  restrained  from  them,  which
          its 2030 Agenda on Sustainable       the UN is continually working to      peace of the world. In John 14:27,   they have imagined to do.”
          Development insisting that these     establish a global government.        Jesus tells us, “Peace I leave with
          ambitious  goals,  which  essen-                                           you, My peace I give unto you: not   It was at this point that God made
          tially  amount  to  the  establish-  As  it  turns  out,  Barack  Obama    as  the  world  giveth,  give  I  unto   the decision to scatter the people
          ment of a one world government,      was  not  the  only  notable  figure   you.  Let  not  your  heart  be  trou-  by confounding their languages
          are  the  “building  blocks”  for    who was busy on 20 September          bled, neither let it be afraid.”     and thus they were dispersed all
          peace.                               2016.  On  this  day,  Pope  Francis                                       over the Earth.
                                               joined  other  religious  leaders  in   If  you  have  not  yet  found  this
          “Sustainable  development  is  the  town  of Assisi,  Italy,  to  take     peace, I urge you to turn to God,    We  live  in  a  world  today  where
          essential  for  lasting  peace,  and   part in an event called the World   repent of your sins, and dedicate    technology is reuniting the world
          both  depend  on  respect  for  Day of Prayer for Peace.                   your life to Him!                    and removing language barriers.
          human  rights.  All  of  us  can  be                                                                            Once again, man is "reaching for
          sustainable  development  advo-      The  event  was  also  attended  by         — oOo  oOo  oOo —              the stars", so to speak, with the
          cates,” Mr Ki-moon declared. He      the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartho-                                           expectation  that  even  the  ave-
          went  on  to  say,  “On  this  Inter-  lomew I of the Eastern Orthodox     “THOUGH THOU SET THY NEST            rage man or woman will soon be
          national  Day  of  Peace,  express   religion, and Justin Welby, who is          AMONG THE STARS”               able to visit outer space. In fact,
          your  commitment  to  peace  by      the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury.                                           Jeff  Bezos,  who  is  the  well-
          becoming  a  champion  for  the      Also  present  at  the  assembly      We  live  in  a  world  today  that  is   known  founder  of  the  famous
          SDGs (Sustainable Development        were  leaders  of  Islam,  Judaism,   continually advancing by way of      Internet  retailer  known  as
          Goals.)”                             and Buddhism. At this event, the      extraordinary  technology  and, has ambitions that
                                               Pope  declared  that  “the  world     amazing  capabilities.  However,     go  far  beyond  selling  books,
          Earlier, the soon to be outgoing     thirsts for peace.”                   sometimes a society can advance      electronics,  appliances,  groce-
          American  President  Barack                                                too far.                             ries,  and  household  items.  In
          Obama  gave  his  final  address     From what I have seen and heard                                            addition  to  Amazon,  Mr  Bezos
          before the United Nations on 20      of Pope Francis, I do believe that    In  the  eleventh  chapter  of  the   also  owns  a  space  exploration
          September  2016.  In  his  speech,   he is a man who is determined to      book of Genesis, we learn that a     company known as Blue Origin.
          Obama  urged  the  world  to  unite  the  religions  of  the  world.       one  world  government  once  This company has already been
          embrace  a  globalist  agenda.      Yet,  religious  leaders  have  been   existed.   This  was  an  advanced   launching  rockets  into  space,
          “And  so  I  believe  that  at  this   gathering each year in Assisi for   society  where  everyone  spoke      and  plans  are  underway  to
          moment we all face a choice. We      the last thirty years, and there is   the  same  language,  and  the               Continued on p. 12
                                                                                                                                  Continued on p. 12
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