Page 6 - Good News October 2016 paper
P. 6
p p r o x i m a t e l y t h r e e from the heart of God in response
months after our son died, to my silent prayer, was the most
Amy husband had an miraculous gift of love I could
appointment to speak at a church possibly have received at that
in a nearby city. In the light of our time! Having been so riddled with
recent loss we were very fear and doubt about God, I was
reluctant to keep the appoint- made aware of His love for me like
ment, yet we did not want to never before! My heavenly
cancel a longstanding arrange- Father's astounding reaction has
ment. I was invited to sit in the birthed a security in me so
very first row together with the profound that I will never doubt
pastor and worship team. His very personal love for me
Somehow, I was quite at peace again.
that morning and enjoyed the
service. Shortly afterwards my Recently my husband returned to
husband, not mentioning our the same town to speak at a
loss, made a reference to different church where he shared
heaven: "because we have loved this incident. After the service the
ones over there". same tall, attractive lady
approached him. Never having
At that moment the pain struck heard about my cry to God on that
me like a physical blow. I realised day so long ago to which she has allowed this to happen to you, adversity, who will keep God's
that if I started to cry I would not responded in obedience to the then He is not worthy of your love appointment with the broken
be able to stop the tears. Without Holy Spirit, it must have been a and worship." Believing this lie ones? Who will bind the broken-
blinking an eye or even moving tremendous blessing and will cause the final destruction of hearted and set the captives free
my lips, my heart called out to encouragement to her! your faith and peace of mind! on His behalf? None of our
God in a desperate prayer, suffering is senseless in the long
"Father God, please hold me! May your awareness of God's God's plan for man's salvation run. God never wastes a hurt!
Please hold me! Please hold me!" deep love and care for you spans eternity. We have a very
Instantly the inexpressible peace increase as you learn to deal with limited period of time to impact Realising my utter helplessness
of God flowed through me! the brokenness and grief that are this sin-sick and broken world and dependence on the strong
remnants of Adam that we have and a decidedly restricted sphere hand of a great God, more so, a
Afterwards, as the churchgoers inherited. It takes immense of influence. Not very many reach loving, caring Father, brought
started leaving the sanctuary I courage to hold onto your faith thousands. Each one of us about a surrender that may
noticed a tall, attractive lady when bad times hit like a storm touches only the lives of those we earlier not have been possible. I
trying to reach the front. She was out of nowhere. The truth is that if come into contact with every day. still do not have the answers to
having difficulty moving against you let go and allow doubt and If we do not experience the loss of my questions. I no longer care for
the outgoing stream of people. indifference to take hold of your loved ones, tragedy and up- answers and I no longer feel I
Then I realised she was heading heart, you will end up battered heaval, how will we be able to need to know why, but, if God can
for me. and broken, washed up on the minister to those around us when be glorified in any way through
shores of life's turbulent seas. they, in turn, are faced with similar my life, then I am at peace.
When she reached me, she sorrows?
simply opened her arms and We are only safe in the powerful Take courage and reach out to
embraced me, "Father God says: Presence of God. You may What the enemy plans as an act of God this very moment for the
'I am holding you. I am holding perhaps think that you are already hateful destruction against God's comfort and healing that you so
you. I am holding you,'" was all battered to where there is nothing precious children, God recycles deeply desire! The Shepherd of
she said. Needless to say, my left to live for. Not so, my friend. In into His glory and a useful addi- your soul will hear your cry and
tears flowed freely. spite of not being able to tion to your weaponry. In His hasten to your side. Not that He
understand the entire scenario at omnipotence God is well able to was not there all the time...
Utterly overcome, I was unable to play here, you will be infinitely prevent all loss and tragedy in this
speak to her about the profound- worse off away from God. The broken world, but there are times [I am holding YOU, I am holding
ness of what had just taken enemy may try to entice you into when He does not. If we are not YOU, I am holding YOU! Helen du
place. The comfort of receiving doubt with his old cliché, "If a strengthened and equipped and Plessis (Cell: 083 332 0895),
these words, as it were, straight loving God does that to you, or trained to stand in the face of Carpe Diem Media, 2016].