Page 5 - Good News October 2016 paper
P. 5
athild Sabbagh (26) war left our city shot to pieces and
returns to her hometown. our entire community beaten
MShe is the first female apart."
minister in Syria. Her town in
northern Syria is surrounded by But this doesn't keep Mathild
ISIS. Last year, her cousin was from going back. She is more
killed by Muslim extremists. Her determined than ever, and feels a
brother, who is also a pastor, was great sense of urgency. "I believe
kidnapped. In the middle of a war in the mysterious growth of the
zone, she will lead the church. "I Kingdom of God, even against all
am not afraid, because I know I odds. I go back to my church
have a mission." because I know I'm needed there. high." "My command is this: Love each
The church is like my own family. other as I have loved you. Greater
Mathild is ready to leave for Syria. I've learned all my life that I can "The biggest challenge will be to love has no one than this: to lay
Her large black suitcase contains bring my talents to the church. So not give hate a chance in my down one’s life for one’s friends.
her whole life. It's her last day in now I'll bring what I have. heart. I am angry for all the You are My friends if you do what I
the Lebanese capital of Beirut. Because if everyone leaves, then wrongs that I have seen." command. ... I chose you and
This summer Mathild completed there is no church anymore in appointed you so that you might
her Master's degree in Theology. Syria!" But she is not worried that go and bear fruit - fruit that will
something will happen to her. "My last..." (John 15:12-15,16a NIV).
"Look, I received this official She plans to preach every cousin was killed last year. Her
appointment from the synod Sunday. There was no pastor who throat was cut by ISIS. Because Source: Mathild Sabbagh, Church
yesterday, one day before my could do that in the past 2.5 years. she was a Christian, they carved a in Action, Joel News International
departure. Exactly on time". Her "In addition, I want to focus on cross in her neck with a knive." 1009, 27 Sept. 2016
predecessor with his family fled trauma counselling, especially for
to Sweden 2.5 years ago, as did women and children. This parti- Mathild wants to live in
many other fellow citizens. cular group has been enormously the place where she
hit. They hardly had time to belongs. "Life is like a
"If there are no men who can lead breathe and recover. I want to pull coin: you can spend it
the church at this time, I'll do it!" them out of their homes and into only once. That's why I go
Her voice sounds firm. Before the counselling and support groups." back. The consequence
war her church still had almost that I will lose my life is
200 members, but today only 30 or Mathild's uncle, who is a head- real. But this is the city
40 people have remained. ISIS master in the same town, warned where I was born. Here is
has decimated the number of her to not be shocked when she where I belong. For any-
believers. comes back. "He says that all one who wants to chase
buildings have been ruined, there me away from here, I will
"Some were killed, others fled. Of is total chaos! There is no running be like a fish bone in the
my primary school friends, no one water and no more electricity. throat. I will ensure that
stayed. Everybody's gone! The Food is scarce, prices are sky ISIS cannot swallow me. "