Page 4 - Good News October 2016 paper
P. 4

esus said that when we love     receiving  the  gift  God  wants  to
                                                                                          Him, we will obey Him (John     give you.
                                                                                     J14:15), and the apostle John
                                                                                     writes that love for God consists    We cannot deserve God's love. It
                                                                                     of our obedience to Him (2 John      comes to us unconditionally. God
                                                                                     1:6). I like to say that the level of   loves us first, and He pours His
                                                                                     our  obedience  to  Jesus  deter-    love into us so we can love Him,
                                                                                     mines  the  level  of  our  love  for   ourselves,  and  others.  He  does
                                                                                     Him. I believe our love for Him and   not expect us to give away any-
                                                                                     obedience to Him can grow - and      thing we do not have.
                                                                                     they do.
                                                                                                                          Sometimes  we  make  being  a
                                                                                     Everything  in  our  relationship    Christian  very  difficult  and
                                                                                     with God after initial salvation is a   complicated.  We  think  we  must
                                                                                     process. Do not be disappointed      follow hundreds of rules and do
                                                                                     with yourself if you are still in the   multitudes  of  things,  but  Jesus
                                                                                     process. Jesus will not be angry     said that if we simply walk in love,
                                                                                     when He comes to get you if you      that is enough (John 15:12). The
                                                                                     have  not  arrived  at  the  mark  of   reason  for  this  is  that  if  we
                                                                                     perfection, but He does expect to    concentrate on love, all the other
                                                                                     find all of us pressing on.          things He asks us to do will also
                                                                                                                          get  done.  Love  motivates  us  to
                                                                                     The  commandment  we  should         obey  God,  pray,  be  kind  and
                                                                                     strive  to  obey  throughout  our    merciful,  give,  forgive,  repent,
                                                                                     lives  is  to  WALK  IN  LOVE.  Our   and practice other aspects of our
                                                                                     lives  and  behaviour  will  change   Christian faith.
                                                                                     dramatically if all of our thoughts,
                                                                                     words, and actions are guided by     Let  me  encourage  you  to  study
                                                                                     love!  They are to be guided by our   love.  Read  everything  you  can
                                                                                     love  for  God,  ourselves,  and     about  love.  Think  about  it,  talk
                                                                                     others.                              about  it,  and  practice  it!  God  is
                                                                                                                          love and when love is the theme of
                                                                                     God's  Word  teaches  us  to  love   our lives, HE is the theme also.
                                                                                     everyone,  including  ourselves.  I
                                                                                     like to say, "Do not be in love with   [THE EVERYDAY LIFE BIBLE, The
                                                                                     yourself,  but  love  yourself  in  a   Amplified Bible, Notes and Com-
                                                                                     balanced  way."  If  you  refuse  to   mentary  by  Joyce  Meyer,  Faith
                                                                                     love  yourself,  then  you  are  not   Words, New York, 2006].

                                                                                          do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my
                                                                                         own yet]; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting
                                                                                      Iwhat lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press
                                                                                      on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which
                                                                                      God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward (Philippians 3:13-14).

                                                                                      The devil wants each of us to concentrate on how far we have fallen,
                                                                                      rather than how far we have risen. Satan wants us to focus on our
                                                                                      pasts instead of our futures and on how far we still have to go, rather
                                                                                      than how far we have come. He wants us to think about how many
                                                                                      times we fail, rather than how many times we succeed.

                                                                                      But  God   wants  us  to  focus  on  our  strengths  and  not  our
                                                                                      weaknesses, our victories and not our losses, our joys and not our

                                                                                      Philippians 3:13,14 tells us that God wants us to press forward and
                                                                                      respond  to  His  upward  call  and  forget  what  lies  behind  us.   Pay
                                                                                      attention to what you focus on and magnify the works of the Lord.
                                                                                      Do not believe the lies of the devil!

                                                                                      [THE  EVERYDAY  LIFE  BIBLE,  The  Amplified  Bible,  Notes  and
                                                                                      Commentary by Joyce Meyer, Faith Words, New York, 2006].
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