Page 7 - Good News April 2018 paper
P. 7

any  issues  can  keep  a    grain of wheat falls into the earth
                  church from growing and      and  dies,  it  remains  by  itself
          Mhinder  a  pastor's  effec-         alone; but if it dies, it bears much
          tiveness.  They  include  circum-    fruit" (John 12.24).
          stances  beyond  his  control
          (demographics or a location that     Nineteenth-century  Danish  theo-
          hinders  growth),  an  unco-ope-     logian  Søren  Kierkegaard  cap-
          rative Board (they say "no" to his   tures the essence of Jesus' words
          vision), or even family issues (a    when he wrote these words: "God
          chronically ill child who requires   creates everything out of nothing
          an inordinate amount of energy).     and everything God is to use He
                                               first reduces to nothing."
          These  experiences  can  bring
          painful brokenness to a pastor's     Also,  Richard  Foster,  one  of
          heart.  And,  we  seldom  see  any   today's most influential voices on             Dr. Charles Stone
          immediate  benefit  from  our  spiritual formation, describes one
          brokenness. But could God use it     of  the  greatest  benefits  from     it. Yet, I'm experiencing the fruit of
         in our lives? I believe so.           brokenness. He calls it the "cruci-   brokenness: inner peace, joy, and
                                               fixion  of  the  will"   and  says  it   a  purpose  that  supersedes
         Brokenness has touched my life        brings  "freedom  from  the  ever-    "ministry success." How has God
         in the two places where it hurts      lasting burden of always getting      used brokenness in your life and
         the  most:  my  family  (a  child     our own way." Always getting our      ministry?
         chronically ill for 25 years and a    own way is the antithesis of the
         child  who  rebelled  for  many  "other-centered  life"  Jesus
         years)  and  my  ministry  (many      modelled for us.
         dreams not fulfilled).                                                      Dr. Charles Stone is Lead Pastor
                                               As I enter the sixth decade of my     at West Park Church in London,
         Yet,  I've  taken  comfort  when      life  and  reflect  over  the  broken-  Ontario, Canada, and the founder
         Jesus explained that brokenness       ness  I've  faced  as  a  pastor,  I'm   of StoneWell Ministries, a pastor-
         must  precede  fruit-bearing.   beginning to see its great value. It        coaching  and  church-consulting
         "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a   still hurts and I'd prefer not to face   Ministry.

               en  years  ago,  very  few,  if   was (and continues to be) one of    that they needed to meet weekly
               any, "So People" called on      its leaders.                          for worship, prayer, and studying
          TJesus  as  Lord.  That  was                                               the Word and they were faithful to
          largely because very few of them     At  first,  the  community  of  So    do so.
          had ever heard the Name of Jesus     believers did not know a lot about
          or  the  Gospel  message.  The  So   the Bible, but they knew enough       In these early stages, the Chris-
          People, located in Laos, are hard    to obey. They also knew the power     tians  working  with  the  So  prac-
          to reach, not just spiritually, but   of prayer and they saw God work      tised  the  "Model, Assist,  Watch,
          geographically as well.              in miraculous ways. Many people       Leave"  method  (MAWL).  Even-
                                               came to them for prayer for their     tually,  the  leaders  of  the  church
          Times have changed. A key cata-      various ailments. God answered        were established by the laying on
          lyst  in  the  formation  of  a  So   and  the  So  saw  many  healings.   of  hands  and  a  formal  commis-
          Church was the story of Tongsin,                                           sioning by the national church.
          a village madman who experien-       The  Christians  who  first  began
          ced  a  dramatic  conversion  and    working among the So continued        Today  among  the  180  000  So  in
          became active in sharing his faith   to  disciple  the  new  church's      South-East Asia, there are seven
          with  others.  Through  a  combi-    leaders wherever they could - in      churches serving more than 260
          nation  of  miracles,  intentional   the jungle, in boats, guesthouses     believers!
          discipleship and testing through     or in town. They were discipled in
          persecution, the first So Church     the  basics  of  following  Christ.   Source: OMF via Joel News Inter-
          was established in 2013. Tongsin     These new believers understood        national, 1074, 21/3/2018.
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