Page 1 - Good News January 2012 paper
P. 1

he weeks in the harvest fields, living   afternoon sun on his back, the smell of the
                in tents and under the vast Ukrainian    earth, the sound of voices calling back and
          Tsky passed far too quickly for Ivan.          forth in the open air sometimes made him
          Many  of  the  others,  especially  soldiers   forget  where  he  was,  and  he  would
          from  the  cities,  had  grown  tired  of  the   straighten his back, expecting some of his
          drudgery of harvest and the bleakness of       brothers  or  his  mother  to  be  working
          the  bare  countryside.  The  agricultural     nearby.
          workers  on  the  state  farm,  with  their    It had been a good time of rest and spiritual
          simple  speech  and  muddy  hands,  were       refreshment, over too soon, Ivan thought.
          uninteresting to them, and in the evenings     He sat watching the tow truck ahead of him
          they  yawned  restlessly  in  the  tents,      as it pulled his own Zil-164 with its disabled
          reading or playing chess and hoping that       driveshaft.  The  convoy  of  army  trucks
          the harvest would soon be in.                  filled  with  earth  and  returning  soldiers
          But  for  Ivan,  it  was  home.  Not  that  the   snaked over the rolling hills of the evening
          collective  farm  on  which  his  parents      countryside toward Kerch.
          worked was as large as this one, nor was       Suddenly  the  peacefulness  of  Ivan's
          the harvest similar. But the feel of the hazy   thoughts was dispelled by a loud banging
                                                         under  the  truck.  He  honked  for  the
                                                         attention  of  Fyodor  Tarusov  in  the  tow
                                                         truck. They were approaching the foot of a
                                                         hill. Fyodor eased the tandem to the side of
                                                         the road and jumped out, along with Alexi
                                                         “The universal joint?” Alexi guessed.
                                                         Ivan  nodded,  hopping  out  into  the  cold
                                                                      Continued on p. 6
                                                                      Continued on p. 6
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