Page 9 - Good News June 2008 paper
P. 9

he Paarl Gymnasium in the Cape has an  They might give him or her some chocolate, buy
                inspiring approach to bad behaviour. The  them a cup of coffee or even befriend them.
          Tschool  has  over  600  students,  of  which  Eventually  the  problem  student  is  swamped
          around 400 participate in one of the 70 student-        with kindness and prayer.
          led Christian small groups or cell groups.              He  or  she  is  then  invited  to  an  evangelism
          When the school was asked how they approach  adventure camp where the message of Jesus is
          challenging  personalities,  their  response  was  presented.
          surprising:  "We  gather  our  intercessory  team  Whether they make a commitment to follow Him
          which is made up of a cross-section of the cell  or  not,  the  relationships  they've  formed  con-
          groups and give them the name of the student.  tinue to grow and many become members of the
          We then mobilize every group leader to connect  cell groups they have connected with."
          with  the  student  by  showing  small  acts  of  Source:  Nadine  Arendse,  24-7prayer,  South
          kindness.                                               Africa,  JNI 642.

                 global  consultation  will  take  place  in  The participants will also meet and pray with over
                Chennai,  India,  2-7  July  2008,  for  networks   2 000 Indian children affiliated with the Royal Kids
          Aand  movements  that  mobilize  and  equip             Ministry of Father Anton Cruz. Many of them were
          children to pray. It will be held under the auspices of   discarded as the 'trashes of society' and have now
          the International Prayer Council, a global network of   become the 'treasures of heaven'. They are being
          prayer ministries. An estimated 200 - 250 adult and     educated  by  Father  Anton  and  his  colleagues  to
          child prayer leaders from many regions of the world     serve  the  Lord  in  various  careers,  and,  in  the
          will  participate  to  hear  from  God  together,  share   meantime,  the  children  run  the  whole  Prayer
          what  He  is  doing  through  the  rapidly  developing   Ministry with 24-7 intercession for the nations as a
          Children Prayer Movements, and learn about new          major focus.
          resources and methodologies.                            Source:  John Robb,  IPC,  JNI 642

            n his ministry as a tent worker bishop      neglected power to change the heart of our
            Peter Sekhonyane from Orange Farms,         nation."
          ISouth Africa, had been coming across         On 1 April this year Sekhonyane launched
          hundreds  if  not  thousands  of  children    the 'Children In Prayer Ministry' in Orange
          wherever  he  went.  But  often  he  rebuked   Farms.  Pamphlets  were  typed  and
          them  and  chased  them  away  instead  of    delivered  from  house  to  house  by  the
          accepting their help in setting up the tent   children themselves, announcing the day
          and the sound system before meetings.         and time of the launch. But one day before
          "During the day we would hire somebody        the launch 83 kids turned up at the venue,
          to look after the tent and chase these kids   some  with  their  mothers,  because  they
          away,"  Sekhonyane  says.  "You  see,  they   were so eager to join.
          had nothing to do. To them the tent was a     From  1  April  to  30  April,  there  were  12
          good  mountain  to  climb  and  slide  down   places  in  Orange  Farms  where  a  total
          from. It was a time for them to break bottles   number  of  1  513  children  were  taught  to
          and experiment as to how sharp the broken     pray. Every day the figures increased. "You
          bottle  was  against  the  tent  ropes.  Many   need  to  see  this!"  Sekhonyane  reports.
          times  we  found  the  tent  down  on  the    "Now they do prayer-walking, home visits,
          ground,  brought  down  by  these  'jobless   pick  up  prayer  requests,  and  in  childlike
          mighty warriors'."                            faith pray over these requests. Parents and
          Then  one  day  Father  Anton  Cruz  from     pastors  testify  of  the  change  in  their
         Chennai, India (Refer to previous article),    children.  Today  I  took  the  Police  Super-
         came to minister.                              intendent to some of these places and she
         "This was an unforgettable experience for      was just speechless. Let us not leave the
         me," shares Sekhonyane. "God used this         children out, because we need them now
         man to really open my eyes to see that God     more than ever!"
         will use these children as raw, unused and     Source:  Peter Sekhonyane,  JNI642

               ames  Duncan,  preaching  with  great    gregation,  except  one  man,  fell  prostrate
               unction and power, was asked what        upon  the  floor,  and  voiced  their  agony
          Jwas  the  secret  of  such  powerful         under  conviction  of  sin,  in  such  loud
          preaching.  "The  secret,"  he  said,  was    outcries  that  the  preacher  was  forced  to
          "thirteen hours of consecutive prayer."       stop preaching.
          When  asked  the  secret  of  his  spiritual   Of "Uncle" John Vassar, the Tract Society
          power,  Charles  Spurgeon  said:  "Knee       colporteur, his pastor said: "He absolutely
          work! Knee work!"                             prayed  day  and  night  -  prayed  about
          Livingston  of  Shotts,  on  two  different   everything, prayed for almost everything,
          occasions, preached with such power that      prayed with almost everybody he met.
          in each service 500 people were converted.    "He prayed when he went out and when he
          Both sermons were preceded by a night of      came in. He prayed before every religious
          prayer.                                       service,  and  then  prayed  all  the  way
          Charles Finney, after spending a day in the   through it. I have occupied the same room
          woods in prayer and fasting, preached that    with him night after night and rarely went to
          night  to  a  phenomenally  irreligious  con-  sleep  without  hearing  him  in  prayer,  or
          gregation. The sermon was accompanied         awoke without finding him in prayer."
          by such Divine Power that the whole con-      - Selected
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