Page 2 - Good News May 2010 paper
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                is the question. It is easy to be invol-
          Bved  in  many  different  efforts  and
          good causes, but the truth is busyness does
          not guarantee fruitfulness. It also does not
          confirm that we are in God's will. It is the
          quality  of  what  our  lives  produce  that
          determines whether we are truly fruitful.
          Is  your  life  full  of  meaningful  accom-
          plishments or just busy activities?
          Jesus  said  that  He  chose  us  so  that  we
          would  bear  much  fruit  (John  15:16).  One
          good way to help determine if you are being
          fruitful  or  just  busy  is  by  asking  yourself
          some questions, such as:
          ¦  Am I spending my time doing what helps
          fulfil my life's purpose?
          ¦  Am I doing what I really desire to do?
          ¦  Am I using my God-given gifts and talents?
          ¦  Am I being controlled and pressured by
          circumstances and expectations of others?     In order for you and me to avoid this trap, we need to "learn to
          ¦  Do I see tangible results - good fruit - from   sense what is vital, and approve and prize what is excellent and
          my busyness?                                  of  real  value  [recognizing  the  highest  and  the  best,  and
          If you and I want to be fruitful, we need to   distinguishing the moral differences]" (Philippians 1:10). We
         make spending time with Jesus our number       need to look to God and ask Him to give us the grace to make
         one priority.                                  wise choices concerning the things we should or shouldn't be
         Being fruitful begins with putting God first.                 ARE YOU ENJOYING YOUR LIFE?
         As we spend time with Him, He will direct us   One Biblical way for us to know if we are bearing good fruit is to
         and give us peace about what we should be      examine the actual fruit our lives are producing. If we are in
         doing. Jesus said, "I am the Vine, you are the   God's will, following His Spirit, we will produce the fruit of His
         branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him     Spirit - "love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper,
         bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart    forbearance),  kindness,  goodness  (benevolence),  faithful-
         from Me [cut off from vital union with Me]     ness, gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control" (Galatians
         you can do nothing" (John 15:5).               5:22-23).
         In Luke 10:38-42, we read the story of Martha   Another way you and I can know we are being fruitful, is that we
         and  Mary.  Martha  was  very  busy  serving,   will have a sense of accomplishment rather than frustration. I
         even serving Jesus. She got angry because      spent many years being out of balance - busy but not fruitful,
         her sister sat at Jesus' feet listening to Him   under pressure and frustrated. Thankfully, God has taught me
         talk instead of being busy helping her serve.   how to live a balanced life. As you and I learn to direct our time
         Jesus'  response  to  Martha  was  that  Mary   and energy toward the things God has given us to do, we will
         had chosen the best thing to do at that time -   enjoy our lives more and experience a true sense of accom-
         sit and listen to Him.                         plishment that only comes from being fruitful.
         Years  ago,  I  was  constantly  busy  like    If you really want to know if you are operating in the fruit of
         Martha, and eventually it had a bad effect on   God's Spirit, ask a trusted friend or family member what kind of
         my  relationship  with  God  and  others  -    things they see operating in you.
         especially with my husband. I didn't know
         how to relax and have fun, so it made me                         DESTINED TO BEAR FRUIT
         very angry when others did! I had to learn     God's plan for you is to fulfil your destiny, which is to bear much
         not only how to enjoy life, but also to make   fruit. But if you are too busy to spend time with God and the
         enjoying time with God the most important      people around you, you are TOO BUSY! That's when you need
         thing in my life!                              to  seek  God  for  the  grace  and  wisdom  to
                                                        make the needed changes in your life. He
                    GOOD VERSUS BEST                    will help you make wise decisions each day
         I  believe  that  Satan  uses  the  pressure  of   and  set  your  priorities  right  -  BEGINNING
         busyness  to  keep  us  from  fulfilling  God's   WITH  THE  PRIORITY  OF  SPENDING  TIME
         purpose  for  our  lives.  In  many  cases,  we   WITH HIM.
         become distracted by things that are good,     As you learn to keep God first and exercise
         even "Christian activities", but are not God's   Godly wisdom in decision-making, you will
         best for us. We can get so busy we don't       bear much fruit and glorify your Father in
         even  recognize  the  things  we  should  be   Heaven.
         doing that is really important.                [From: Be Your Best, Joyce Meyer, 2008]

          Elria van Potch, 082 521 8093, skryf:

          Voor 'n interkerklike vrouekamp het die Here
          aan  ons  'n  droom  en  'n  gesig  gegee.  Die
          droom was van 'n klomp dames bymekaar
          vir 'n bruilofsgeleentheid. Daar was egter nie
          'n bruid of bruidegom nie. Iemand vra toe
          waar die bruid is en al die dames steek hul
          hande op en sê gelyk: "Ons is die bruid!" Toe   alle bindinge losgekom het.
          word  hulle  bedien  met  'n  bord  met       Sommige vroue het opnuut 'n oorgawe aan
          verskillende  broodjies,  deur  "Iemand"  wat   die Here gemaak. Ander het mense vergewe
          nie sigbaar was nie. So het ons op die kamp   en hul bitterheid begrawe. Nog ander het die
          beleef  dat  Jesus  Sy  bruid  met  die  Woord   doop in die Heilige Gees ontvang.
          bedien het. Die gesig was van 'n vrou wat     Die  Here  se  wonderlike  Teenwoordigheid
          geboorte geskenk het met die naelstring om    het  die  spreekster,  beraders,  en  toehoor-
          die baba se nek. Die Here het die naelstring   ders verkwik en geseën. Al die vrouens wil
          laat  afval.  By  die  kamp  was  daar  'n  jong   God eer en loof vir Sy Teenwoordigheid en
          meisie wat tot bekering gekom het en van      guns!
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