Page 5 - Good News March 2015 paper
P. 5

was born in 1725, and I died     any longer, and I left in rebellion at   time, I slowly gave myself over to   that knew me. And again I made a
             1807. The only Godly influence    the age of ten.                       the devil. And I determined that I   pact with the devil to live for him.
          Iin my life, as far back as I can                                          would  sin  to  my  fill,  without
          remember, was my mother, whom        One  year  later,  deciding  that  I   restraint, now that the righteous   Somehow, through a process of
          I had for only seven years. When     would  never  enter  formal  edu-     lamp of my life had gone out. I did   events,  I  got  in  touch  with  a
          she left my life through death, I    cation again, I became a seaman       that until my days in the military   Portuguese  slave  trader,  and  I
          was virtually an orphan.             apprentice,  hoping  somehow  to      service,  where  again  discipline   lived in his home. His wife, who
                                               step  into  my  father's  trade  and   worked  hard  against  me  and  I   was brimming with hostility, took
          My father remarried, sent me to a    learn at least the ability to skilfully   further rebelled.                a lot out on me. She beat me, and I
          strict  military  school,  where  the   navigate a ship.                                                        ate like a dog on the floor of the
          severity  of  discipline  almost                                           My spirit would not break, and I     home. If I refused to do that, she
          broke my back. I couldn't stand it   By and by, through a process of       became  increasingly  more  and      would whip me with a lash.
                                                                                     more  a  rebel.  Because  of  a
                                                                                     number of things that I disagreed    I fled penniless, owning only the
                                                                                     with  in  the  military,  I  finally  clothes on my back, to the shore-
                                                                                     deserted, only to be captured like   line of Africa where I built a fire,
                                                                                     a  common  criminal  and  beaten     hoping to attract a ship that was
                                                                                     publicly several times.              passing by. The skipper thought
                                                                                                                          that I had gold or slaves or ivory
                                                                                     After enduring the punishment, I     to  sell  and  was  surprised
                                                                                     again fled. I entertained thoughts   because I was a skilled navigator.
                                                                                     of  suicide  on  my  way  to  Africa,   And  it  was  there  that  I  virtually
                                                                                     deciding that would be the place I   lived for a long period of time. It
                                                                                     could  get  farthest  from  anyone           Continued on p. 8
                                                                                                                                  Continued on p. 8
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