Page 4 - Good News October 2012 paper
P. 4

t the foreman's signal, the   “For Christ Himself is our way of     the  feud  ended  at  last  at  the   believers  -  race,  status,  wealth,
                 giant ball is released, and   peace.  He  has  made  peace  cross” (Ephesians. 2:14-16 LAB).             education,  personality?  God
          Awith dynamite force and a           between  us  Jews  and  you  “In this new life one's nationality           calls  you  to  unity:  break  down
          reverberating crash, it meets the    Gentiles  by  making  us  all  one    or  race  or  education  or  social   those  walls  and  embrace  all
          wall, snapping bricks like twigs     family, breaking down the wall of     position  is  unimportant;  such     brothers and sisters in Christ!
          and scattering pieces of mortar.     contempt  that  used  to  separate    things mean nothing. Whether a       Christian  relationships  must  be
          Repeatedly, the powerful pendu-      us.                                   person has Christ is what matters,   full  of  forgiveness  and  accep-
          lum works, and soon the barrier      By His death He ended the angry       and He is equally available to all”   tance. Can you forgive those who
          has  been  reduced  to  rubble.      resentment  between  us,  caused      (Colossians 3:11 LAB).               have wronged you?
          Then  it  is  carted  away  so  that   by  the  Jewish  laws  which  What  separates  you  from  fellow         -Life Application Bible, 1988.
          construction can begin.              favoured the Jews and excluded
          Life has many walls and fences       the Gentiles, for He died to annul            ll  day  long Amos  took  care  of  sheep  -  not  a  particularly
                                                                                             “spiritual” job - yet he became a channel of God's message
          which  divide,  separate,  and  the whole system of Jewish laws.
          compartmentalize.  Not  made  of     Then He took the two groups that       Ato others [as prophet of God].Your job may not cause you to
          wood or stone, they are personal     had been opposed to each other         feel spiritual or successful, but it is a vital work if you are in the
          obstructions,  blocking  people      and made them parts of Himself;        place  God  wants  you  to  be.  God  can  work  through  you  to  do
          from each other and from God.        thus  He  fused  us  together  to      extraordinary  things,  no  matter  how  ordinary  your  occupation.
          But Christ came as the great Wall    become one new person, and at          Television and movies are filled with images of people who seem to
          Remover,  tearing  down  the  sin    last there was peace.                  have no fear. Many today have sought to model their lives after
          partition  which  separates  us  As  parts  of  the  same  body,  our       these images - they want to be tough at any cost. But God is not
          from God and blasting away the       anger  against  each  other  has       impressed with tough actions. He says that even the toughest of
          barriers which keep us from each     disappeared, for both of us have       men will run in fear when His judgment comes.
          other.                               been  reconciled  to  God. And  so     Can you think of people who consider themselves tough enough to
                                                                                      make  it  without  God?  Don't  be  swayed  by  their  self-assured
                                                                                      rhetoric. Recognize that God fears no one, and one day all people
                                                                                      will fear Him.
                                                                                      Israel  had  forgotten  how  to  do  what  was  right.  The  more  they
                                                                                      sinned, the harder it was to remember what God wanted. The same
                                                                                      is true for us. The longer we fail to deal with sin, the greater its hold
                                                                                      on us. Finally, we forget what it means to do the right thing. Are you
                                                                                      on the verge of forgetting? There is one sure remedy for a world that
                                                                                      is sick and dying in sin - seek God and live.  Sin seeks to destroy, but
                                                                                      hope is found in seeking God.    In times of difficulty - seek God!  In
                                                                                      personal  discomfort  and  struggle  -  seek  God!   When  others  are
                                                                                      struggling, encourage them to seek God    too!
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